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Re: Generation CAF #438
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [73] Jacob Roscoe Paulson 'Jake'
DW [74] Ava Emily Carolyn (MacKay) PaulsonDD [48] Charlotte Angela Paulson 'Charli'
DS [44] Alexander Roscoe Paulson 'Alex'~~~~~
DD [48] Charlotte Angela (Paulson) Paterson 'Charli'
DH [48] Samuel Roland Lucius Paterson 'Sam'DD [23] Arabella Ottoline Paterson 'Ara'
ADS [17] Lionel Carlyle Paterson ~~~~~
DS [44] Alexander Roscoe Paulson 'Alex'
SO [44] Isabel Meredith Lerner 'Izzy'DS1 [24] Alexander Jonathan Edward Paulson 'Xander'
DS2 [21] Justin Jacob Paulson 'J.J.'
DS3 [19] Brendan Gerard Paulson (twin)DD1 [19] Whitney Sophia Paulson (twin)
- SO [22] Finn David Galvin
-- DS1 [1] Nash Maveryck Galvin
-- DS2 [nb] Cade Dustin Galvin DD2 [15] Morgan Renee Paulson
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