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Re: Generation CAF #438
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [73] Jacob Adam Jessel
DW [74] Sophie Marianne Elise {MacKay} JesselDD [48] Mercy Elizabeth {Jessel} Gates
DS [44] Alexander Adam Jessel*DD [48] Mercy Elizabeth {Jessel} Gates
DH [48] Samuel Tobin Denis GatesDD [23] Seraphina Ottoline Gates
ADS [17] Lionel Abhay Gates*DS [44] Alexander Adam Jessel
SO [44] Isabel Katherine {Lerner} JesselDS [24] Alexander Lindsay Albert Jessel
DS [21] William Jacob Jessel
DS [19] Abraham Bradley JesselDD [19] Valerie Breanne Jessel
— SO [22] James David Galvin
— DS [1] Halen Nash Galvin
— DS [nb] Dustin Cade GalvinDD [15] Demetria Renee Jessel
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
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Alicia Cook
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