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Re: Generation CAF #437
in reply to a message by Uilos
exDH [77] Forrest Kidman
DH [76] Trevor James Lovejoy
DW [77] Vivian Catherine {Fenway / Kidman} LovejoyDD [53] Abigail Samantha {Kidman} Ledger
DD [52] Eve Angela Grace {Lovejoy} Foley
DS [48] Jonathan Trevor Lovejoy*DD [53] Abigail Samantha {Kidman} Ledger
DH [61] Ellis George Ledger
{DH’exSO [63] Blanche Patricia Helen {Reed} LedgerDHsDD [42] Susannah Jayne {Ledger} Slater
— DH [44] Barrett Anthony Slater
{DH’sexSO [42] Sonya Francesca King}
— DHsDD [19] Kristel Eugenia Slater
— DD [4] Braelyn Helen Slater
— DD [nb] Alaia Rebecca SlaterDHsDD [39] Liza Blanche Rebecca Ledger
— SO [39] Yevhen Oleksandrovych Zyma
— DD [18] Mykhaila Yevhenivna ZymaDS [22] Lucas James LedgerDD [22] Sophia Abigail Ledger
— SO [21] Dominic Evan HerriotDD [22] Sierra Vivian Ledger
— SO [25] Mischa Ellery LincolnDS [14] Levi George Ledger*DD [52] Eve Angela Grace {Lovejoy} Foley
DH [52] Jacob Andrew FoleyDS [24] Jordan Russell Bo Foley
DS [22] Bennett Henry Larken Foley
DS [14] Gage Tomlin Peter Foley*DS [48] Jonathan Trevor Lovejoy
DW [48] Demetria Beth {Flynn} LovejoyDS [21] Logan Isaac Flynn Lovejoy
— Df [21] Madison Jade VaughnDD [16] Felicity Alexandra Lovejoy
Odds are, you nudged shoulders on a busy street
with a broken human today, and you didn't even know it.
Practice empathy. Practice kindness. Always.
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