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Re: generation caf | 021322
DH[70]: John Wesley Todd
DW[64]: Angela Kathleen [Gallagher] Todd DD[42]: Shannon Elizabeth [Todd] Valentine
DS[37]: Jeremy Alton Todd
DS[30]: Scott Brennan Todd John & Angela || Shannon, Jeremy and Scott ******DD[42]: Shannon Elizabeth [Todd] Valentine
-DH[45]: Alan Kirby Valentine-DD[17]: Georgia Grace Valentine
-DS[16]: Chase Darian Valentine
-DD[15]: Natalie Olivia Valentine Alan & Shannon || Georgia, Chase and Natalie ******DS[37]: Jeremy Alton Todd
-DW[34]: Antonia Joy [Levy] Todd -DS[6]: Elliott Knox Todd
-DD/DS[4]: Bailey Frances Todd & Carson Roderick Todd
-DS[2]: Felix Theodore Todd Jeremy & Antonia || Elliott, Bailey, Carson and Felix ******DS[30]: Scott Brennan Todd
-DW[29]: Jennifer Alexis [Conrad] Todd -DstepD[9]: Audrey McKenna Todd
-DD[exp]: Meredith Louise Todd Scott & Jennifer || Audrey and Meredith
"Mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling." - Inception
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