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Re: generation caf | 011422
DH[76]: Hugo Lawrence Lee
DW[72]: Genevieve Rhonda [Ellison] LeeDD[50]: Ava Estella Lee
DD[41]: Margaret Demetria Lee
DD[41]: Hannah Marie LeeHugo & Genevieve; Ava, Margaret, and Hannah ******
DD[50]: Ava Estella Lee
-DH[53]: Joel Dennis PittmanAva & Joel; Leah, Josie, Alexander, and Louis -DD[26]: Leah Emerald Pittman
--DFiance[26]: Benjamin Daniel RandolphBenLeah & Ben-DD[23]: Josephine Macy Pittman “Josie
--DH[26]: Peter Nolan Levy
--DS[exp]: Simon Bennett LevyJosie & Peter; Simon-DS[17]: Alexander Garrett Pittman
-DS[11]: Louis Emmett Pittman ******
DD[41]: Margaret Demetria Lee
-DH[44]: Frederick Timothy Haley-DS[17]: Jonathan Ellis Haley
-DD[15]: Adrianna Helen HaleyMargaret & Frederick; Jonathan and Adrianna ******
DD[41]: Hannah Marie Lee
-DH[41]: Philip Loren Dixon -DD[13]: Alice Catherine Dixon
-DD/DD[10]: Jane Laura Dixon / Charlotte Elizabeth Dixon Hannah & Philip; Alice, Jane, and Charlotte
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