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Re: generation caf | 011922
DH[96]: Henry Malcolm Yates
DW[89]: Millicent "Millie" Virginia (Holden) YatesDD[63]: Jacqueline "Jackie" Ann Yates
DS[60]: Kirby Gerard Yates
DS[57]: Clifford "Cliff" Theodore Yates
DS[54]: Allan Edward YatesHenry & Millie Yates: Jackie, Kirby, Cliff and Allan******
DD[63]: Jacqueline "Jackie" Ann (Yates) Burke
-DH[63]: Richard "Rick" Vance Burke-DS[39]: Reid Albert Burke
–-DW[36]: Shauna Jolene (Kidd) Burke
--DS[9]: Rex Emerson Burke
--DS[6]: Damian Nicholas Burke
--DD[3]: Matilda Joyce Burke-DS[37]: Zachary "Zach" Owen Burke
--DBF[31]: Everett Terence MunroJackie & Rick Burke: Reid and Zach
--Reid & Shauna Burke: Rex, Damian and Matilda
--Zach Burke & Everett Munro: (no children)******
DS[60]: Kirby Gerard Yates
-DW[56]: Cathleen "Cathy" Lynn (Ellison) Yates-DS[28]: Cameron Randolph Yates-DD[25]: Kaitlin Sage Yates
--DBF[29]: Jacob "Jake" Emmett Pace-DD[23]: Julia Dorothy Yates
--DFiance[26]: Nicolas "Nic" Jeremiah Hess-DD[23]: Rachel Lorraine Yates
-DS[20]: Evan James Yates
-DS[20]: Wyatt Francis YatesKirby & Cathy Yates: Cameron, Kaitlin, Julia, Rachel, Evan and Wyatt
--Kaitlin Yates & Jake Pace: (no children)
--Julia Yates & Nic Hess: (no children)******
DS[57]: Clifford "Cliff" Theodore Yates
-xW[53]: Cheryl Louise Nolan-DD[27]: Chelsea Robin (Yates) Farley
--DH[30]: Chester "Chet" Blake Farley-DS[25]: Bryce Marshall Yates
--DGF[23]: Brenna Jane Booth
{--xBF[27]: Travis Otto Hoffman}
--DGF’sS[7]: Miles Joseph Hoffman-DD[21]: Avery Carolyn Yates-DW[43]: Courtney Priscilla (Drake) Yates
{-xH[43]: Christopher "Chris" Waylon Moyer}-DstepS[23]: Forrest Timothy Moyer
-DS[8]: Tobias "Toby" Hunter YatesCliff Yates and Cheryl Nolan: Chelsea, Bryce and Avery
--Chelsea & Chet Farley: (no children)
--Bryce Yates & Brenna Booth: MilesCliff & Courtney Yates: Forrest and Toby******
DS[54]: Allan Edward Yates
-DW[54]: Shannon Carlene (Greene) Yates-DS[26]: William "Will" John Yates
--DGF[27]: Sara Marie Reese-DS[20]: Jonathan "Jon" Harris Yates
-DS[18]: Michael "Mike" Jameson YatesAllan & Shannon Yates: Will, Jon and Mike
--Will Yates & Sara Reese: (no children)
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