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Re: generation caf | 012022 [#2]
DH [79] Alexander Logan Best
DW [71] Elizabeth Madeleine [Matthews] BestDS1 [48] Ryan Evan Best
DS2 [41] Dominic Ashley BestAlex and Betty with Ryan | Dominic*
DS1 [48] Ryan Evan Best
DW [48] Victoria Kelsey [Santos] BestDD [25] Rose Alice Best
- Dfiance [25] Skylar James Newman
Rosie with fiance Sky DD [21] Alexis Jamie Best
DS [17] Jacob Ralph BestRyan and Victoria with Rosie | Alex | Jacob*
DS2 [41] Dominic Ashley Best
DW [39] Evangeline Camille [Burton] BestDD [13] Ava Vivian Best
DS [11] Oliver Dalton Best
DD [10] Kristina Madeline Best
DD [8] Eleanor Shelby BestDominic and Evie with Ava | Oliver | Kristina | Nelly
- - -
Alma. Theodora. Saoirse. Maeve. Nava. Carina
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Roman. Avery. Bailey. Freddie
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