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Re: generation caf | 011422
DH[76]: Lawrence "Larry" Hugo Gilbert
DW[72]: Sandra "Sandy" Marybeth (Page) GilbertDD[50]: Cathleen Estella Gilbert
DD[41]: Michelle Margaret Gilbert
DD[41]: Laura Alexandra GilbertLarry & Sandy Gilbert: Cathleen, Michelle and Laura******
DD[50]: Cathleen Estella (Gilbert) Roberts
-DH[53]: Shane Dennis Roberts-DD[26]: Sarah Faith Roberts
--DFiance[26]: Conrad Thomas Randolph-DD[23]: Macey Josephine (Roberts) Levy
--DH[26]: Marshall Peter Levy
--DS[exp]: Hugh Charles Levy-DS[17]: Garrett Payton Roberts
-DS[11]: Brice Emmett RobertsCathleen & Shane Roberts: Sarah, Macey, Garrett and Brice
--Sarah Roberts & Conrad Randolph: (no children)
--Macey & Marshall Levy: Hugh******
DD[41]: Michelle Margaret (Gilbert) Fitzpatrick
-DH[44]: Frederick "Derick" Emerson Fitzpatrick-DS[17]: Fletcher Theodore Fitzpatrick
-DD[15]: Evelyn Adrianna FitzpatrickMichelle & Derick Fitzpatrick: Fletcher and Evelyn******
DD[41]: Laura Alexandra (Gilbert) Dixon
-DH[41]: Phillip "Phil" Loren Dixon-DD[13]: Catherine "Cate" Frances Dixon
-DD/DD[10]: Theresa "Tess" Madilyn Dixon/Elizabeth "Libby" Charlotte DixonLaura & Phil Dixon: Cate, Tess and Libby
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