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Re: CAF: 6ifty-5ive
DH [75]: John Douglas Parker
DW [74]: Helen Veronica FitzroyJohn & Helen || Graham, Teresa, and MaryDS1 [48]: Graham Samuel Parker
DD1 [45]: Teresa Meredith Parker
DD2 [43]: Mary Odette Parker------DS1 [48]: Graham Samuel Parker
DW [48]: Evelyn Priscilla CorcoranGraham & Evelyn || James, Andrew, and AvaDS [23]: James Louis Parker
-Dgf [24]: Lucia Hilda PerezJames & LuciaDS [21]: Andrew Billy Parker
DD [17]: Ava Madison Parker------DD1 [45]: Teresa Meredith Parker
DH [43]: William Elliot BellamyTeresa & William || Emma and FrancisDD [19]: Emma Blanche Bellamy
DS [17]: Francis Ethan Bellamy------DD2 [43]: Mary Odette Parker
DH [46]: Atticus Jeremy HaughtonMary & Atticus || Peter, Sarah, and OliverDS [16]: Peter Kyle Haughton
DD [15]: Sarah Mackenzie Haughton
DS [13]: Oliver Isidore Haughtonmasculine list:
feminine list:
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