Decorate your house - Christmas CAF! [Round 1]
First off, choose your house that you will be decorating to determine the names for your starting couple! Genders are up to you.






1: Crystal Janelle Diamond Victoria Roxanne Frieda Bethany London Marilyn Beverly Chanel / Maria Lynn Pearl Celine Jolene Kate
Shane Mason Jared Blaine Tanner Bryce Chase Wyatt Trent Kyle Aidan / James Cameron Jack Anthony Zachary Andrew
LN: Shelton Larson Bell White Knight
2. Rose Pansy Magnolia Poppy Daisy Lily Marigold / Ashley Alyssa Jasmine Heather Elowen Terra
Forrest Oliver Arvid Perry Ajax Viorel Garrick Sylvan Lance Roland Nash / Elon Ripley Silvester Harlan Leland Linden
LN: Brooks Barnes Ford Wells Greene
3. Paisley Everleigh Emersyn Saylor Gracelynn Harlow Alayna Audrey Brinley / Haven Nevaeh Brielle Oakley Peyton Aurora
Jaxson Zion Gage Kasen Knox Crew Kane Colt Axel Koda / Royce Matias Reign Micah Ryder Jett Lane Nixon
LN: Hendrix Novak Brandt McKay Peck
4. Lilith Sylvia Raven Verica Merle Judith Valeria Agnes Melaina / Ivonne Griselda Viktoria Teresa Talin Natalie Sable Greta Iris
Caspian Oscar Felix Tobiah Viktor Koen Neven Dunstan Blake Stellan / Phoenix Storm Jesper Reyes Altair Lennox Caspar Arvo
LN: Crosby Frost McKee Moon Hurst
5. Nora Erica Colleen Jenna Arianna Isbel Meredith Tessa Lillian Shelby Evelyn Nadia / Nicole Hope Faith Rae Belle Jonelle Maxine Mabella Ophelia
Wesley Drew Rhett Jimmy Bryan Collin Austin Keith Denver Carlton Owen Edison / Finnley William Christian Tanner Clarence Norman Morris Duncan Quincy
LN: Beasley Newman Banks Montgomery Carpenter
6. Tabitha Robyn Juliana Maurine Kourtney Rochelle Gwendolyn Josephine Stephanie Cindy Jenny / Grace Irene Candace Laurel Lorainne Janette Bridget
Lloyd Philip Curtis Harry Norman Terrence Lincoln Reid Howie Dwayne Geoffrey Ernest / Franklin Martin Paul Marshal Kenneth Claude Morris Eugene Oliver
LN: Rose Kennedy Foster Blackburn Crane






1: Crystal Janelle Diamond Victoria Roxanne Frieda Bethany London Marilyn Beverly Chanel / Maria Lynn Pearl Celine Jolene Kate
Shane Mason Jared Blaine Tanner Bryce Chase Wyatt Trent Kyle Aidan / James Cameron Jack Anthony Zachary Andrew
LN: Shelton Larson Bell White Knight
2. Rose Pansy Magnolia Poppy Daisy Lily Marigold / Ashley Alyssa Jasmine Heather Elowen Terra
Forrest Oliver Arvid Perry Ajax Viorel Garrick Sylvan Lance Roland Nash / Elon Ripley Silvester Harlan Leland Linden
LN: Brooks Barnes Ford Wells Greene
3. Paisley Everleigh Emersyn Saylor Gracelynn Harlow Alayna Audrey Brinley / Haven Nevaeh Brielle Oakley Peyton Aurora
Jaxson Zion Gage Kasen Knox Crew Kane Colt Axel Koda / Royce Matias Reign Micah Ryder Jett Lane Nixon
LN: Hendrix Novak Brandt McKay Peck
4. Lilith Sylvia Raven Verica Merle Judith Valeria Agnes Melaina / Ivonne Griselda Viktoria Teresa Talin Natalie Sable Greta Iris
Caspian Oscar Felix Tobiah Viktor Koen Neven Dunstan Blake Stellan / Phoenix Storm Jesper Reyes Altair Lennox Caspar Arvo
LN: Crosby Frost McKee Moon Hurst
5. Nora Erica Colleen Jenna Arianna Isbel Meredith Tessa Lillian Shelby Evelyn Nadia / Nicole Hope Faith Rae Belle Jonelle Maxine Mabella Ophelia
Wesley Drew Rhett Jimmy Bryan Collin Austin Keith Denver Carlton Owen Edison / Finnley William Christian Tanner Clarence Norman Morris Duncan Quincy
LN: Beasley Newman Banks Montgomery Carpenter
6. Tabitha Robyn Juliana Maurine Kourtney Rochelle Gwendolyn Josephine Stephanie Cindy Jenny / Grace Irene Candace Laurel Lorainne Janette Bridget
Lloyd Philip Curtis Harry Norman Terrence Lincoln Reid Howie Dwayne Geoffrey Ernest / Franklin Martin Paul Marshal Kenneth Claude Morris Eugene Oliver
LN: Rose Kennedy Foster Blackburn Crane
LN: Knight
DW: Magnolia Elowen
DH: Forrest Harlan
DW: Magnolia Elowen
DH: Forrest Harlan
I got 4, so:
Sylvia Sable Frost & Oscar Lennox Frost
Sylvia Sable Frost & Oscar Lennox Frost
DH: Aidan James White “Aidan”
DW: Bethany Maria [Bell] White “Beth”
Aidan & Beth White
DW: Bethany Maria [Bell] White “Beth”
Aidan & Beth White
DH: Reid Oliver Kennedy
DW: Josephine Grace Rose Kennedy "Josie"
DW: Josephine Grace Rose Kennedy "Josie"
DH: Caspian "Cas" Altair Moon
DW: Lilith "Lily" Greselda [Hurst] Moon
DW: Lilith "Lily" Greselda [Hurst] Moon
DW: Jasmine Teresa Hurst
DH: Caspar Linden Greene
DH: Caspar Linden Greene
DW- Beverly Daisy Larson(goes by maiden name)
DH- Marshal Jett Banks(goes by wife's last name
DH- Marshal Jett Banks(goes by wife's last name
DW: Sylvia Sable McKee (Crosby)
DH: Tobiah Arvo McKee
DH: Tobiah Arvo McKee
DH: Felix Caspian Moon
DW: Sylvia Valeria (Frost) Moon
DW: Sylvia Valeria (Frost) Moon
W: Valeria Iris Hurst-Crosby
H: Stellan Jasper Hurst-Crosby
H: Stellan Jasper Hurst-Crosby
The Frost Family!
The Frost Family
H: Stellan Altair Frost
W: Lilith Sable (McKee) Frost
The Frost Family
H: Stellan Altair Frost
W: Lilith Sable (McKee) Frost
Rose Elowen (Ford) Wells
Oliver Leland Wells
Oliver Leland Wells
Valeria Sable [Hurst] Moon
Oscar Phoenix Moon
Oscar Phoenix Moon
H: Oliver Linden Barnes
W: Daisy Elowen Ford
W: Daisy Elowen Ford
W: Lilith Teresa Crosby
H: Viktor Arvo Frost
H: Viktor Arvo Frost
DH: Austin William Montgomery
DW: Lillian Belle (Carpenter) Montgomery
DW: Lillian Belle (Carpenter) Montgomery
DH: Wesley Christian (LN: Montgomery)
DW: Lillian Belle (MN: Carpenter)
DW: Lillian Belle (MN: Carpenter)
DH: Dunstan Lennox McKee
DW: Sylvia Iris McKee, née Hurst
DW: Sylvia Iris McKee, née Hurst
DH: Caspian Lennox Rose Crane
DH: Blake Reyes Crane
DH: Caspian Lennox Rose Crane
DH: Blake Reyes Crane
DW: Juliana Grace (Foster) Kennedy 'Jules'
DH: Reid Martin Kennedy
DH: Reid Martin Kennedy
DW: Lilith Viktoria (Moon) Hurst
DH: Oscar Altair Hurst
Lilith and Oscar Hurst
DH: Oscar Altair Hurst
Lilith and Oscar Hurst
DW: Lilith Sable Moon
DW: Sylvia Talin Moon
DW: Sylvia Talin Moon
This message was edited 12/11/2021, 6:35 PM
DH: Wesley Tanner Montgomery "Wes"
DW: Jenna Faith (Newman) Montgomery
DW: Jenna Faith (Newman) Montgomery
DH: Roland Silvester Barnes
DW: Marigold Elowen [Wells] Barnes
DW: Marigold Elowen [Wells] Barnes
DH: Felix Jesper Hurst
DW: Melaina Sable {Moon} Hurst
DW: Melaina Sable {Moon} Hurst
DH: Wesley Tanner Newman
DW: Jenna Maxine {Carpenter} Newman
DW: Jenna Maxine {Carpenter} Newman
DW: Daisy Elowen (Barnes) Ford
DH: Roland Silvester Ford
DH: Roland Silvester Ford
DW: Tabitha Laurel Blackburn
DH: Reid Marshal Kennedy
DH: Reid Marshal Kennedy
DW: Sylvia Ivonne Moon [Hurst]
DH: Neven Reyes Moon
DH: Neven Reyes Moon
DW: Lilith Talin McKee (nee Hurst)
DH: Felix Altair McKee
Lilith & Felix McKee
DH: Felix Altair McKee
Lilith & Felix McKee
DW: London Maria Knight
DW: Victoria Kate Larson “Vic”
DW: Victoria Kate Larson “Vic”
Sylvia Iris McKee Moon & Felix Altair Moon
~ The Kennedy Family ~
DH: Norman Paul Kennedy
DW: Tabitha Lorraine {Foster} Kennedy
DH: Norman Paul Kennedy
DW: Tabitha Lorraine {Foster} Kennedy
DW: Tessa Maxine Banks
DH: Carlton Findlay Montgomery, III
DH: Carlton Findlay Montgomery, III
DW: Merle Viktoria Rose
DH: Dunstan Jesper Crane
DH: Dunstan Jesper Crane
Nash Harlan ❤️ Marigold Heather
[Nash & Mary]