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Twelve Days of Christmas Landmine Congrats
If you've not done a landmine congrats before, the concept is simple: each round you pick a word to receive your namebank in the next round. But one of them is a landmine with, hm, less than desirable names. In this one there's an extra twist: we start out with twelve namebanks, but each round there will be one less making the landmines harder and harder to dodge. The landmine is picked by random dice roll so you don't need to play any mind games to guess which is most likely, simply follow your heart. I plan to post every other day. Good luck!This round, name your starting couple from this list:
And pick something for the twelve drummers drumming to play:
bass drum, bodhran, bongo, djembe, hi-hat, gong, marimba, snare drum, steeldrum, tambora, timpani, tom-tom-----

This message was edited 12/1/2021, 7:16 AM

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DH: Rufus North
DW: Nixie PrimroseTambora
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DH- Gabriel Lucius Barnes
DW- Ivy Wren (Winter) BarnesBass drum
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DW: Lumi Persephone Odins-George
DW: Amara Blanche Odins-George
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W: Persephone Stella King
W: Juniper Viola Wynter tambora
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DW: Stella Juniper
DH: Rory Nicholas Marimba
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DW: Natalie Wren Winters
DW: Amara Lucia KingDjembe

This message was edited 12/12/2021, 1:40 AM

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DW| Ivy Lenore Holiday (Onacona)
DH| Nicholas Balthasar Holiday
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Amara Valentine Lenore [Hatter] Caulfield
Hale Balthasar Caulfieldbass drum
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Hale Montana ❤️ Aspen Bronwen[Hale & Aspen]--bass drum
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DH: Jack Joseph Whittaker
DW: Natalia Scarlett Blanchard WhittakerMarimba
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Garnet Mary & Noel Whitmanhi-hat
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DH: Joseph Gabriel Ettenbach
DW: Natalia Ivy (Lewis) EttenbachI will choose the bongo.
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DW: Ivy Juniper Winters
DH: Rory Nicholas Wintersmarimba, steeldrum
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H- Rufus Gabriel Halifax
W- Eira Nieves Halifax (Bancroft)tambora

This message was edited 12/2/2021, 8:25 AM

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DH: Rudolph Saturn
DW: Eira Olwensteel drum
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H: Robin Gabriel Dunst
W: Alba Paloma [Aviles] DunstRobin & Alba snare drum
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DH: Rufus Ralph
DW: Juniper Amaratimpani
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DH: Abraham Noel Blanchard
DW: Scarlett George {Holiday} Blanchard djembe
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W: Bronwen Viola "Bron" Hart
W: Narcissa Mary "Cissy" Whitney marimba
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Esla Paloma
Aspen Hale Bodhran
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DW: Lucia Noelle Howard-Peskin
DW: Juniper Persephone Howard-Peskin

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tom-tom!Martin Balthasar Blanchard
Lenore Holiday Blanchard, née Whitman
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DH:Nicholas Joseph Winter
DW:Stella Calanthe (Frost)Steeldrum
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H: Robin Melchior Holiday
W: Olwen Lucia Winterbottom Marimba

This message was edited 12/1/2021, 9:28 AM

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DH: Nicholas Jack 'Cole'
DW: Wren Ivy
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DW: Juniper Noelle Dancer
DH: Lucius George Blazebass drum
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DH: George Lincoln Snow
DW: Lumi Estelle [King] Snow
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DH: Nicholas GeorgeNick
DW: Ivy StellaBongo
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DH: George Martin Kiran
DW: Mary Blanche (Whittaker) Kiranbass drum
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DH: Douglas Kenyon Frost
DW: Elsa Calanthe Winters
Djembe *****
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The George Family!Yay, I love these!The George FamilyH: Noel Zephyr George
W: Persephone Amethyst (Love) George, "Sephy"The twelve drummers drumming play: steeldrum!
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H: Rory Jack Wintermint
W: Ivy Stella WintermintRory & Ivybass drum

This message was edited 12/1/2021, 1:10 PM

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DF: Luther Amias Frost
DF: Rory Estelle Duchampsbodhran
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Ivy Amara Rudolph & George Odin Whitmanmarimba
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DW: Ivy Noelle
DH: Jack Robintom-tom
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DH: Rufus Joseph Martin Paterson
DW: Natalie Scarlett Paterson, née McCullough*Bodhran
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DH: Robin Noel Winter
DW: Stella Rowena (Gale) WinterTimpani
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