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Re: Big ol' combo generation CAF
DH: [deceased] Christopher Amos Wilson
DW: [98] Helena Kasey [Monroe] Wilson DD1: [74] Rosemary Embla Wilson
DD2: [71] Amelia Frances Wilson
DS1: [69] August Emery Wilson
DD3: [65] Isabel Felicity Wilson
DD4: [62] Alice Matilda Wilson Christopher & Helena; Rosemary, Amelia, August, Isabel, and Alice ****
DD1: [74] Rosemary Embla Wilson
DH: [77] Joshua Quincy HillRosemary & Joshua; Christopher, Naomi, Felix, and Jeremy DS: [49] Christopher Pierce Hill
--DW: [50] Lara Melita Hoffman
--DS: [24] Evander Neil Hill
----Finacee: [25] Noelle Pearl Keith
----DS: [2] Samuel Newton KeithSam
----DS: [nb] Bennett Damon KeithBen
--DS: [21] Jeffrey Corey HillChristopher & Lara; Evander and Jeffrey
Evander & Noelle; Sam and Ben DD: [47] Naomi Erica Hill
--DH: [47] Andrew Joseph Kirby
--DS: [17] Daniel Malcolm Kirby
--DD: [15] Rose Bridget Kirby
--DS: [13] Isaac Bartholomew Kirby
--DS: [10] Zachary Sidney Kirby Naomi & Andrew; Daniel, Rose, Isaac, and Zachary DS: [42] Felix Kerry Hill
--DW: [43] Tara Ellen Stokes
--DD: [11] Amelie Alexandra Stokes
--DS: [7] Gabriel Hayden Stokes
--DD: [4] Adela Garnet StokesFelix & Tara; Amelie, Gabriel, and Adela DS: [40] Jeremy Edwin Hill
--DW: [40] Lucia Soleil Faulkner
--DS: [20] Leo Wilton Faulkner
----GF: [21] Rebecca Michelle Spence
----DS: [exp] Adam Neville Faulkner
--DS/DS: [11] Jonah Raleigh Faulkner / Michael Laurence Faulkner
--DD: [6] Lila Lorena FaulknerJeremy & Lucia; Leo, Jonah, Michael, and Lila
Leo & Rebecca; Adam ****
DD2: [71] Amelia Frances Wilson
DH: [71] Xavier Thomas BarronAmelia & Xavier; Natalia DD: [50] Natalia Emmeline Barron
DH: [55] Matthew Cade McClure
DS: [27] Ashton Kendall McClure
--DW: [28] Genevieve Crystal Andrews
--DD: [4] Anna Marcella McClure
--DD: [3] Sophia Dorothy McClure Natalia & Matthew; Ashton
Ashton & Genevieve; Anna and Sophia ****
DS1: [69] August Emery Wilson
ExW: [67] Iris Poppy NovakAugust & Iris; Neil, Toby, and Natalia DS: [46] Neil Damon Wilson
--DW: [46] Mina Violet Chavez
--DS: [16] Leo Jason ChavezNeil & Mina; Leo DS: [45] Tobias Conleth WilsonToby
--DW: [45] Sylvia Irene Meijer
--DD: [11] Susannah Linda MeijerToby & Sylvia; Susannah DD: [43] Natalia Cecily Wilson
--DW: [44] Anne-Sophie Célestine Lyon
--DS: [14] Xavier Fortune Lyon
--DS: [11] Caleb Gwenaël Lyon
--DD: [8] Claire Christine Lyon
--DS: [6] Joshua Valérian LyonNatalia & Anne-Sophie; Xavier, Caleb, Claire, and Joshua ExW: [60] Eleanor Georgiana BianchiAugust & Eleanor; DD: [37] Maya Rose Wilson
--DH: [36] Nicholas Marcel Becker
--DS/DS/DS: [7] Vincent Jerome Becker / Theodore Quinten Becker “Theo” / Graham Edmund BeckerMaya & Nicholas; Vincent, Theo, and Graham DS: [35] Charles Emery Wilson
--GF: [30] Adrastaea Rowan KelleyCharles & AdrastaeaGF: [49] Anastasiya Emiliya PavlovaAugust & Anastasiya; Madeline DD: [7] Madeline Leta Wilson****
DD3: [65] Isabel Felicity Wilson
DH: [65] Zachary John HuntIsabel & Zachary; Thomas, William, and OwenDS: [35] Thomas Rhett Hunt
--DW: [34] Maeve Concordia Cantu
--DD: [8] Margaret Eurydice Cantu
--DD: [6] Sophia Prudence Cantu
--DS: [3] Elliot Gotama Cantu
--DS/DS: [1] Josiah Sampson Cantu / Samuel Dean Cantu “SamThomas & Maeve; Margaret, Sophia, Elliot, Josiah, and Sam DS: [35] William Harland Hunt
--DW: [30] Marielle Justice Franco
--DD: [2] Ellen Bridget Hunt
--DS: [nb] James Jasper HuntWilliam & Marielle; Ellen and James DS: [32] Owen Rory Hunt
--DW: [32] Janine Ruth Gomez
--DS: [10] Nathaniel Haywood Hunt
--DS: [9] Micah Ernst Hung
--DD: [7] Calliope Isabel Hunt “Callie
--DD: [5] Abigail Summer HuntOwen & Janine; Nathaniel, Micah, Callie, and Abigail ****
DD4: [62] Alice Matilda Wilson
DH: [deceased at 48] Patrick Osborne Thornton Alice & Patrick; Alexandra, David, Talia, and Mira DD: [34] Alexandra Micaela Thornton
--DH: [37] Axel Vincent Blevins
--DS: [4] Julian Morris Blevins
--DD: [2] Sarah Isabelle BlevinsAlexandra & Axel; Julian and Sarah DS: [32] David César Thornton
--DH: [29] Alexis Ruben Gaines
--DD: [1] Rebecca Winona ThorntonDavid & Alexis; Rebecca DD [30] Talia Mary Thornton
--DH: [30] Felix Atsushi Sasaki
--DD/DS/DS: [6] Claire Sayuri Sasaki / Eli Ryōsuke Sasaki / Rowan Hirohito Sasaki
--DD: [3] Cora Ayumi Sasaki
--DD: [1] Lillian Aoi Sasaki
--DD: [exp] Amelia Mei Sasaki Talia & Felix; Claire, Eli, Rowan, Cora, Lillian, and Amelia DD [28] Mira Charlotte Thornton
--DH: [29] Daniel Emory Gibbs
--DS/DD: [nb] Oliver Benedict Gibbs / Lila Genevieve GibbsMira & Daniel; Oliver and Lila

This message was edited 11/25/2021, 4:25 PM

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