Round 4
Round 1: 2: 3:
4 years have passed. Your couple have finally saved the downpayment for their first home. Just in time, as they have welcomed another child.
Flip a coin to find out the gender
Heads - it’s a girl
Tails - it’s a boy
OPTIONAL BONUS PLAY: Your couple may also have adopted another child in the last four years. Flip a coin to find out: Heads, they adopted; tails, they didn’t adopt. You choice of gender.
Girl names: names:
STORY ELEMENTS - your choice whether you want to complete, and in what amount of detail
All that extra work has paid off, and your couple buy their first family home. Roll the 6 sided dice to find out what kind of place they bought:
1 - Ranch-style house
2 - Bungalow
3 - Townhouse
4 - Contemporary
5 - Land for a self-build
6 - Alternative (e.g. Tiny Home, Earthship)
How are they liking their new home and neighbourhood?