Re: CAF Generation
in reply to a message by Patience2010
H: [DEC, aged 41] Orin Rupert Cornell
W: [82] Rosalina Yvonne Cornell (nee Thorp)
D1: [62] Carinna Marceile Cornell
D2: [58] June Raewyn Cornell
S1: [56] Charles Henry Cornell
S2: [53] Jack Christopher Cornell
Orin & Rosalina Cornell: Carinna, June, Charles, & Jack
D1: [62] Carinna Marceile Squires (nee Cornell)
H: [66] Malcolm Horace Squires
S: [42] Alastair Ulysses Squires
-W: [38] Alice Emily Squires (nee Bissett)
-S: [19] Booker Ferris Squires
-S: [17] Edward Albert Squires “Ed”
-D: [15] Clementine Liliana Squires
-S: [12] Francis Alexander Squires
-S: [7] Julian Lucas Squires
S: [40] Orin Rupert Cornell Jr. “Rin”
-W: [45] Rose Margaret Cornell (nee Lockwood)
S: [37] Charles Jack Cornell
-W: [38] Karen Susannah Cornell (nee Pinch)
-S: [11] Edwin Theodore Cornell
-D: [8] Karen Susannah Cornell “Su”
-D: [5] Lisa Adaline Cornell
-S: [3] Julius Patrick Cornell
D: [34] Christine Isabella Clark (nee Cornell)
-H: [38] Judah Taiten Clark
D: [20] Eleanor Lydia Cornell
-BF: [20] Lawrence Odion Miller
-D/D: [1] Alexandra Renee Cornell-Miller/ Ivy Sofia Cornell-Miller
Carinna & Malcolm Squires: Alastair, Rin, Charles, Christine, & Eleanor
Alastair & Alice Squires: Booker, Ed, Clementine, Francis, & Julian
Rin & Rose Cornell
Charles & Karen Cornell: Edwin, Su, Lisa, & Julius
Christine & Judah Clark
Eleanor Cornell & Lawrence Miller: Alexandra & Ivy
D2: [58] June Raewyn Bissett (nee Cornell)
exH: [58] Brandon Luis Bebee
D: [33] Amelia Rose Bebee
D: [31] Carol Maureen White (nee Bebee)
-H: [31] Ulrich Alexander White
-D: [2] June Raewyn White “Rae”
-S: [exp] Ulrich Alexander White Jr. “Alec”
D: [28] Evelyn Stephanie Deckard (nee Bebee)
-H: [30] Stanley Jackson Deckard
S: [26] Clarence Daniel Bebee
H: [53] Rodney Alexander Bissett
D: [22] Josephine Lillian Kent (nee Bissett)
-H: [30] Mercer Orlin Kent
June Bissett & Brandon Bebee: Amelia, Carol, Evelyn, & Clarence
June & Rodney Bissett: Josephine
Carol & Ulrich White: Rae & Alec
Evelyn & Stanley Deckard
Josephine & Mercer Kent
S1: [56] Charles Henry Cornell
W: [51] Indira Abigail Cornell (nee Hammer)
D: [31] Adrienne Evangeline Cruse (nee Cornell)
-H: [38] Frank Michael Cruse
D: [30] Carolyn Samantha Fisher (nee Cruse)
-H: [49] Stephen Nathaniel Fisher
-S: [3] Adam Oliver Fisher
-D: [1] Alexis Lindsey Fisher
D: [26] Dorothy Henrietta Cruse “Dot”
S: [22] Albert Samuel Cruse
-W: [26] Tatiana Araceli Cruse (nee Buster)
-D: [exp] Aya Phoebe Cruse
S: [18] Bruce Clifford Cruse
Charles & Indira Cornell: Adrienne, Carolyn, Dot, Albert, & Bruce
Adrienne & Frank Cruse
Carolyn & Stephen Fisher: Adam & Alexis
Albert & Tatiana Cruse: Aya
S2: [53] Jack Christopher Cornell
exW: [53] Poppy Gwendolen Munger
D: [30] Edith Mafalda Mayhew (nee Cornell)
-H: [33] Melvin Obadiah Mayhew
-D: [8] Anita Miriam Mayhew
-D: [7] Carmen Gloria Mayhew
-D: [2] Hazel Viola Mayhew
S: [29] Bright Elijah Cornell “Bri”
D: [26] Mabel Poppy Davidson (nee Cornell)
-H: [31] Patrick Jeffrey Davidson
-S: [exp] Abraham Joshua Davidson “Abe”
S: [21] Dillard Arnel Cornell “Ard”
W: [38] Caitlin Brianna Cornell (nee Bradrick)
S: [6] Hunter Marcus Cornell
D/D: [2] Nellie Violet Cornell/ Roxanne Beverly Cornell
D: [nb] Sophia Margery Cornell
Jack Cornell & Poppy Munger: Edith, Bri, Mabel, & Ard
Jack & Caitlin Cornell: Hunter, Nellie, Roxanne, & Sophia
Edith & Melvin Mayhew: Anita, Carmen, & Hazel
Mabel & Patrick Davidson: Abe
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings
W: [82] Rosalina Yvonne Cornell (nee Thorp)
D1: [62] Carinna Marceile Cornell
D2: [58] June Raewyn Cornell
S1: [56] Charles Henry Cornell
S2: [53] Jack Christopher Cornell
Orin & Rosalina Cornell: Carinna, June, Charles, & Jack
D1: [62] Carinna Marceile Squires (nee Cornell)
H: [66] Malcolm Horace Squires
S: [42] Alastair Ulysses Squires
-W: [38] Alice Emily Squires (nee Bissett)
-S: [19] Booker Ferris Squires
-S: [17] Edward Albert Squires “Ed”
-D: [15] Clementine Liliana Squires
-S: [12] Francis Alexander Squires
-S: [7] Julian Lucas Squires
S: [40] Orin Rupert Cornell Jr. “Rin”
-W: [45] Rose Margaret Cornell (nee Lockwood)
S: [37] Charles Jack Cornell
-W: [38] Karen Susannah Cornell (nee Pinch)
-S: [11] Edwin Theodore Cornell
-D: [8] Karen Susannah Cornell “Su”
-D: [5] Lisa Adaline Cornell
-S: [3] Julius Patrick Cornell
D: [34] Christine Isabella Clark (nee Cornell)
-H: [38] Judah Taiten Clark
D: [20] Eleanor Lydia Cornell
-BF: [20] Lawrence Odion Miller
-D/D: [1] Alexandra Renee Cornell-Miller/ Ivy Sofia Cornell-Miller
Carinna & Malcolm Squires: Alastair, Rin, Charles, Christine, & Eleanor
Alastair & Alice Squires: Booker, Ed, Clementine, Francis, & Julian
Rin & Rose Cornell
Charles & Karen Cornell: Edwin, Su, Lisa, & Julius
Christine & Judah Clark
Eleanor Cornell & Lawrence Miller: Alexandra & Ivy
D2: [58] June Raewyn Bissett (nee Cornell)
exH: [58] Brandon Luis Bebee
D: [33] Amelia Rose Bebee
D: [31] Carol Maureen White (nee Bebee)
-H: [31] Ulrich Alexander White
-D: [2] June Raewyn White “Rae”
-S: [exp] Ulrich Alexander White Jr. “Alec”
D: [28] Evelyn Stephanie Deckard (nee Bebee)
-H: [30] Stanley Jackson Deckard
S: [26] Clarence Daniel Bebee
H: [53] Rodney Alexander Bissett
D: [22] Josephine Lillian Kent (nee Bissett)
-H: [30] Mercer Orlin Kent
June Bissett & Brandon Bebee: Amelia, Carol, Evelyn, & Clarence
June & Rodney Bissett: Josephine
Carol & Ulrich White: Rae & Alec
Evelyn & Stanley Deckard
Josephine & Mercer Kent
S1: [56] Charles Henry Cornell
W: [51] Indira Abigail Cornell (nee Hammer)
D: [31] Adrienne Evangeline Cruse (nee Cornell)
-H: [38] Frank Michael Cruse
D: [30] Carolyn Samantha Fisher (nee Cruse)
-H: [49] Stephen Nathaniel Fisher
-S: [3] Adam Oliver Fisher
-D: [1] Alexis Lindsey Fisher
D: [26] Dorothy Henrietta Cruse “Dot”
S: [22] Albert Samuel Cruse
-W: [26] Tatiana Araceli Cruse (nee Buster)
-D: [exp] Aya Phoebe Cruse
S: [18] Bruce Clifford Cruse
Charles & Indira Cornell: Adrienne, Carolyn, Dot, Albert, & Bruce
Adrienne & Frank Cruse
Carolyn & Stephen Fisher: Adam & Alexis
Albert & Tatiana Cruse: Aya
S2: [53] Jack Christopher Cornell
exW: [53] Poppy Gwendolen Munger
D: [30] Edith Mafalda Mayhew (nee Cornell)
-H: [33] Melvin Obadiah Mayhew
-D: [8] Anita Miriam Mayhew
-D: [7] Carmen Gloria Mayhew
-D: [2] Hazel Viola Mayhew
S: [29] Bright Elijah Cornell “Bri”
D: [26] Mabel Poppy Davidson (nee Cornell)
-H: [31] Patrick Jeffrey Davidson
-S: [exp] Abraham Joshua Davidson “Abe”
S: [21] Dillard Arnel Cornell “Ard”
W: [38] Caitlin Brianna Cornell (nee Bradrick)
S: [6] Hunter Marcus Cornell
D/D: [2] Nellie Violet Cornell/ Roxanne Beverly Cornell
D: [nb] Sophia Margery Cornell
Jack Cornell & Poppy Munger: Edith, Bri, Mabel, & Ard
Jack & Caitlin Cornell: Hunter, Nellie, Roxanne, & Sophia
Edith & Melvin Mayhew: Anita, Carmen, & Hazel
Mabel & Patrick Davidson: Abe
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost" -The Lord of the Rings