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Re: Generation CAF (2)
DH: Cedric Sebastian Blackwood
DW: Jane Philomena HoneycuttCedric & Jane || Benedict, Quentin, Maximilian, James, Alistair, and LysanderDS1: Benedict Wolfgang Blackwood
DS2: Quentin Michael Blackwood
DS3: Maximilian Alexei Blackwood
DS4: James Raphael Blackwood
DS5: Alistair Daniel Blackwood
DS6: Lysander Freddie Blackwood. . . . . . . . . .DS1: Benedict Wolfgang Blackwood
SO: Nia Elizabeth WashingtonBenedict & Nia || Vanessa, Gwendolyn, Octavia, Martin, Isaiah, and CedricDD/DD: Vanessa Adrienne Blackwood / Gwendolyn Jasmine Blackwood
DD: Octavia Larissa Blackwood
DS: Martin Jeremiah Blackwood
DS: Isaiah Dominic Blackwood
DS: Cedric Stephan Blackwoodmasculine list:
feminine list:

This message was edited 10/10/2021, 11:51 AM

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