avalon's Congrats - FINAL ROUND
Wow, you guys! Everyone except one person responded last round! And that one person is sarah lee, who still needs to do Rounds 4-6.
Since this is the last round, you can name your child(ren) whatever you want. Enjoy, and thanks for playing!
Link to Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=519488&board=game
Link to Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=520480&board=game
Link to Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=522088&board=game
Link to Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=522867&board=game
Link to Round 5: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=523746&board=game
Link to Round 6: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=524759&board=game
.miela. – The Wilkes Family
Congratulations to Benjamin and Audrey on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Gabe, Dominic, and Colin and big sisters Ellie, Cecilia, and Autumn.
DH: Benjamin Elliot (38)
DW: Audrey Lucia Solveig (36)
DS: Oliver Finley (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian “Gabe” (12)
DD: Elisabeth Naomi (9)
DD: Cecilia Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elijah (5)
DS/DD: Colin Xavier / Autumn Caroline (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Mia
AET – The Williamsburg Family
Congratulations to Ezra and Constance on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Rhys, Ash, Seth, Devin, and Wyatt and big sisters Imogen, Lucy, Elsie, Evie, and Tessa.
DH: Ezra William (47)
DW: Constance Isabella Ivy (42)
DS/DD/DD: Rhys Dominic Max / Imogen Keira Lily / Lucia Lola Grace “Lucy” (14)
DD: Elsa Alexandra Elise “Elsie” (12)
DS/DS: Asher Matthias Micah “Ash” / Seth Malachi Jude (9)
DD: Eva Francesca Annalisa “Evie” (7)
DD: Tessa Sydney Rae (5)
DS/DS: Devin Alejandro Cole / Wyatt Xavier Jesse (2)
DS: ?
DRabbit: Millie Munchie
Alexie – The Boyd Family
Congratulations to Brandon and Christine on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Lucas, Seth, Enzo, Heath, and Chase and big sisters Keira and Maja.
DH: Brandon Anthony (36)
DW: Christine Josie (34)
DS/DD: Lucas Rhys / Keira Madeleine (14)
DD: Maja Elise (12)
DS: Seth Asher (9)
DS: Enzo Matteo (7)
DS: Heath Kalen (5)
DS: Chase Wyatt (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Lula
BetsyLou – The Martinez Family
Congratulations to Gabriel and Felicity on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Isaac, and Sebastian and big sisters Gianna and Tessa.
DH: Gabriel Armando (38)
DW: Felicity Carmel (36)
DS: Callum Oliver (14)
DS: Simon Henrik (12)
DS: Isaac Jeremiah (9)
DD: Gianna Caprice (7)
DD: Tessa Juliet (5)
DS: Sebastian Wyatt (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Tom
Bex – The Horvath Family
Congratulations to Pierre and Rebecca on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Charlotte, Imogen, Lydia, Arabella, and Gracie and big brothers Ewan, Hugo, Jude, and Dominic.
DH: Pierre Jacques (41)
DW: Rebecca Simone (38)
DD/DD/DS: Charlotte Amelia / Imogen Daisy / Ewan Oliver (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Lydia Abigail (9)
DD: Arabella Sophia (7)
DS: Jude Christian (5)
DS/DD: Dominic Richard / Gracie Isabel (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Alfie
DDog: Digby
CalambroneItalia – The Abruzzi Family
Congratulations to Joseph and Gina on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Michael, Giovanni, and Sebastian and big sisters Sofia, Rachel, Ava, and Emma.
DH: Joseph Michael (47)
DW: Gina Marie (44)
DS: Michael Dominic (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DD: Rachel Sarah (9)
DS: Giovanni Elia (7)
DD/DD: Ava Marie / Emma Elizabeth (5)
DS: Sebastian Antonio (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Jax
Ceevie – The Sheehan Family
Congratulations to Paddy and Cait on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Mattie, Eva, and Claire and big brothers Leo, Jude, Heath, and Seth.
DH: Patrick Finnian “Paddy” (34)
DW: Caitriona Rose “Cait” (33)
DD: Matilda Charlotte Sienna “Mattie” (14)
DS: Leo Andreas Sebastian (12)
DS: Jude Malachi Nathaniel (9)
DD: Eva Caprice Gianna (7)
DS: Heath Leyton Rafferty (5)
DS/DD: Seth Devin Wyatt / Claire Vanessa Autumn (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Rosie Applejack “Apple”
DDog: Darcy Dandelion “Lion”
Cera – The Williams Family
Congratulations to Seth and Lila on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Samuel, Luca, and Timothy and big sisters Imogen, Thea, Chloe, and Cecily.
DH: Seth August (43)
DW: Delilah Jane “Lila” (41)
DS/DD: Samuel Charlie Rhys / Imogen Sophie Alice (14)
DD: Thea Rebecca Louise (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth Eve (9)
DS: Luca Romeo Vincent (7)
DD: Cecily Mathilde Emily (5)
DS: Timothy Colin Seth (2)
DS: ?
DHorse: Willow
Daddysdancer – The DuPuis Family
Congratulations to Jesse and Chelsea on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Rhys, Leo, Elijah, Wyatt, and Carson and big sisters Chloe and Liana.
DH: Jesse Ryan (34)
DW: Chelsea Laura (35)
DS: Rhys Michael (14)
DS: Leo Felix (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth (9)
DD: Liana Caprice (7)
DS: Elijah Christian (5)
DS/DS: Wyatt Jesse / Carson Sebastian (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Alma Rosie
Diamante04 – The Silva Family
Congratulations to Sam and Jen on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Aidan, Jack, Liam, Rick, Jude, and Deacon and big sisters Monica, Elisabeth, and Carrie.
DH: Samuel John “Sam” (39)
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen” (36)
DS/DS/DS: Aidan Joseph / James Michael “Jack” / William Thomas “Liam” (14)
DS: Frederick Simon “Rick” (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DD: Monica Cristina (7)
DS/DD: Deacon Paul / Elisabeth Maria (5)
DD: Caroline Michelle “Carrie” (2)
DD: ?
Eleanor – The Parker Family
Congratulations to George and Sofia on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Amelia, Alexandra, and Audrey and big brothers Raphael, Luca, Christian, and Elijah.
DH: George Winston (44)
DW: Sofia Maria (43)
DD: Amelia Charlotte (14)
DD: Alexandra Elise (12)
DS: Raphael Jude (9)
DS: Luca Matteo (7)
DS/DS: Christian Rafferty / Elijah Beckett (5)
DD: Audrey Isabelle (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Sadie
DDog: Frankie
ElleB – The Villaflor Family
Congratulations to Kevin and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Ella, Maddie, Ava, and Rachel and big brothers Gabriel, Caleb, Luca, Liam, Tyler, and Seth.
DH: Kevin Gabriel (38)
DW: Jill Taylor (37)
DD/DD/DD: Isabelle Grace “Ella” / Madeleine Lola “Maddie” / Ava Emily (14)
DS: Gabriel Simon (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Dinah Elisabeth / Caleb Asher Isaac (9)
DS: Luca Orlando (7)
DS/DS: Liam Heath Deacon / Tyler Dominic Hayden (5)
DS: Seth Timothy Cole (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Kaya
enlatiah – The Williams Family
Congratulations to Travis and Alexandra on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Sophie, Miriam, Giovanna, and Autumn and big brothers Matthew, Gabriel, Beckett, and Christian.
DH: Travis Blake (39)
DW: Alexandra Hope (37)
DD/DS: Sophie Abigail / Matthew Joshua (14)
DS: Gabriel Elias (12)
DD: Miriam Eve (9)
DD: Giovanna Francesca (7)
DS/DS: Beckett Liam / Christian Jude (5)
DD: Autumn Claire (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Gemini
DHorse: Electra
estel – The Thompson Family
Congratulations to Wil and Lydia on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Matt, Simon, Levi, and Jere and big sisters Lucy, Darcy, and Autumn.
DH: William Alexander “Wil” (39)
DW: Lydia Grace (38)
DS: Matthew Alexander “Matt” (14)
DS: Simon Elias (12)
DS: Levi Isaiah (9)
DD: Luciana Cecilia “Lucy” (7)
DD: Darcy Reagan (5)
DS/DD: Jeremiah Chase “Jere” / Autumn Michelle (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Sadie
DPony: Jack
Flute – The Nesheim Family
Congratulations to Taylor and Megan on the birth of their son! They join big brothers Oliver, Seth, Giovanni, Sebastian, and Steven and big sisters Rebecca, Margaret, Naomi, Sophie, and Juliet.
DH: Taylor Anthony (36)
DW: Megan Michele (39)
DS: Oliver William (14)
DD: Rebecca Elise (12)
DD/DD/DS: Margaret Abigail / Naomi Esther / Seth Asher (9)
DS: Giovanni Stefano (7)
DD/DD: Sophie Elizabeth / Juliet Rae (5)
DS/DS: Sebastian Cole / Steven Wyatt (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Gemini
DCat: Sheena
Jeana Bradbury – The Bradbury Family
Congratulations to Grant and Jeana on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Amelia, Sofia, Stella, and Molly and big brothers Jude, Orlando, and Dominic.
DH: Grant William (39)
DW: Jeana (38)
DD: Amelia Grace (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DS: Orlando Giovanni (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Peter / Stella Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Isabelle (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Ivy
Juls – The Grafton Family
Congratulations to Rozbert and Abby on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Gideon, and Isaac and big sisters Ellen, Imogen, Brooklyn, and Molly.
DH: Robert Ishmael (41)
DW: Abigail Roshni “Abby” (42)
DS: Callum Rhys (14)
DS: Simon Andres (12)
DS/DS: Gideon Josiah / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Ellen Amedea (7)
DD: Imogen Teresa (5)
DD/DD: Brooklyn Mya / Molly Ariana (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Charity
Keepskuh – The Grimm Family
Congratulations to Richard and Anna on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Dom, Hugo, and Elijah and big sisters Rachel, Eva, Emily, and Molly.
DH: Richard Daniel (38)
DW: Anna Caroline (34)
DS: Dominic Rhys “Dom” (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Rachel Elisabeth (9)
DD: Eva Isabella (7)
DS/DD: Elijah Heath / Emily Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Lucky
DCat: Lily
LadyBug18 – The Morrison Family
Congratulations to Garrett and Kendra on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Kieran, Asher, Jack, and Colin and big sisters Sofia, Elena, and Ariana.
DH: Garrett James (40)
DW: Kendra Elise (37)
DS: Kieran Finley (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Asher Micah (9)
DD: Elena Cristina (7)
DS: Jack Liam (5)
DS/DD: Colin Dominic / Ariana Claire (2)
DD: ?
DPony: Lily
LexyRose – The O’Meara Family
Congratulations to Declan and Quinn on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Jack, Luca, and Liam and big sisters Liv, Chloe, Katie, and Molly.
DH: Declan Seamus (44)
DW: Quinn Evangeline (37)
DS: Jack Finley (14)
DD: Liv Natalie (12)
DD: Chloe Susanna (9)
DS: Luca Alessandro (7)
DS: Liam Dominic (5)
DD/DD: Katie Isabel / Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Oliver
MelH – The Rutherford Family
Congratulations to Michael and Sara on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Simon, and Dominic and big sisters Eve, Elena, and Caroline.
DH: Michael Simon (41)
DW: Sara Theresa (43)
DS: Oliver Max (14)
DS: Simon Felix (12)
DD: Eve Naomi (9)
DD: Elena Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elliott (5)
DD: Caroline Diana (2)
DD: ?
michal1234 – The Shiver Family
Congratulations to Seth and Michal on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Mia, Lilah, and Brook and big brothers Eli, Luke, Kalen, and Tyler.
DH: Seth (40)
DW: Michal (38)
DD: Amelia Lucy Imogen “Mia” (14)
DS: Elias Gabriel Theo “Eli” (12)
DD: Delilah Rachel Esther “Lilah” (9)
DS: Luca Dante Orlando “Luke” (7)
DS/DS: Kalen Dominic Chad / Tyler Deacon Paul (5)
DD: Brooklyn Vanessa Claire “Brook” (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Macy Kazoo
DPet: ?
miss_smiley – The Little Family
Congratulations to Brandon and Elise on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Max, Romeo, Eli, and Roan and big sisters Linnea, Chloe, and Ali.
DH: Brandon Matthew (48)
DW: Elise Matilda (45)
DS: Max Oliver Noah (14)
DD: Linnea Ella Sofia (12)
DD: Chloe Delilah Phoebe (9)
DS: Romeo Orlando Luca (7)
DS/DS: Elijah Rafferty Finn “Eli” / Roan Beckett Jude (5)
DD: Aaliyah Isabel Jordan “Ali” (2)
DD: ?
DPet: Addison “Addy”
Mithos514 – The Katz Family
Congratulations to Andreas and Aliyah on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Zander, Gabby, Abel, and Richard and big sisters Della, Colette, Reagan, and Lily.
DH: Andreas Claude (34)
DW: Aliyah Bethany (34)
DS: Alexander Finley “Zander” (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian “Gabby” (12)
DD/DS: Delilah Judith “Della” / Abel Malachi (9)
DD: Nicoletta Sophia “Colette” (7)
DD/DD: Reagan Darcy / Lily Stella (5)
DS: Richard Wyatt (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Missy
Natla’d – The Driver Family
Congratulations to Fletcher and Aviva on the birth of their B/G twins! They join big brothers Joseph, Vince, and Lachlan and big sisters Sofia, Eve, and Gracie.
DH: Fletcher Valentin (39)
DW: Aviva Estella (36)
DS: Joseph Reese (14)
DD: Sofia Astrid (12)
DD: Eve Delilah (9)
DS: Vincente Pasquale “Vince” (7)
DS: Lachlan Rafferty “Lockie” (5)
DD: Gracie Amelia
DS/DD: ?
rainbow_Maya – The Hannig Family
Congratulations to Marcus and Ute on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Emmie, Mayi, and Hannchen and big brothers Sally, Becky, Raffy, Timtom, and Basil.
DH: Marcus (47)
DW: Ute (38)
DD: Emma Lucy Sophie “Emmie” (14)
DD: Maya Klara Linnea “Mayi” (12)
DD: Johanna Marie Lovise “Hannchen” (9)
DS: Salvatore Luca Carmine “Sally” (7)
DS/DS: Beckett Frankie Paul “Becky” / Rafferty Elliot Finn “Raffy” (5)
DS/DS: Timothy Richard Cole “Timtom” / Sebastian Colin Blake “Basil” (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Garfunkle Applejack
DDog: Dodger
DRabbit: Schnuffel
Rosethorn08 – The Sinclair Family
Congratulations to Will and Syn on the birth of their son! They join big sisters Lottie, Sophia, Naomi, Liz, and Belle and big brothers Rome, Nic, and Ash.
DH: William Derek “Will” (42)
DW: Syntyche Faye “Syn” (39)
DD: Charlotte Grace “Lottie” (14)
DD: Sophia Ellen (12)
DD: Naomi Abigail (9)
DS: Romeo Clemente “Rome” (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Lachlan “Nic” / Elizabeth Rae “Liz” (5)
DS/DD: Sebastian Antonio “Ash” / Isabelle Mya “Belle” (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Chili Pepper “Pepper”
DDog: Prince Sage “Sage”
Samantha-Michelle – The Borchers Family
Congratulations to Harrison and Samantha on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Chloe, Isabella, Rachel, Elisabeth, Melisande, and Jada and big brothers Gustav, Isaiah, and Romeo.
DH: Harrison Mackennly (34)
DW: Samantha Michelle (34)
DD/DD: Chloe Madeleine Olivia / Isabella Lily Grace (14)
DS: Gustav Anton Fredrik (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Elisabeth Sara / Isaiah Seth Malachi (9)
DS: Romeo Dante Samuele (7)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Marie Ireland / Melisande Lily Isabelle (5)
DD: Jada Melanie Sara (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Lotri
sarah lee – The Jones Family
Congratulations to Thomas and Sarah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Chloe, Alexandria, _____, and _____ and big brothers Jude, _____, and _____.
DH: Thomas Mark (35)
DW: Sarah Helena (34)
DD: Chloe Grace Alice (14)
DD: Alexandria Ellen Louise (12)
DS: Jude Silas Abel (9)
DS: ? (7)
DD/DD: ? (5)
DS: ? (2)
DS: ?
DPet: ?
Shayde – The Collyer Family
Congratulations to Chris and Meg on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Aidan, Axel, Isaac, Jack, and Carson and big sisters Chloe, Leah, Noelia, and Torrance.
DH: Christopher Michael “Chris” (36)
DW: Megan Lauren “Meg” (33)
DS: Aidan Jack (14)
DS: Axel Viggo (12)
DD/DD/DS: Chloe Priscilla / Leah Margaret / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Noelia Francesca (7)
DS/DD: Jack Tyler / Torrance Juliet (5)
DS: Carson Blake (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Chevy
DDog: Cadillac
Silvie – The Perrin Family
Congratulations to Alexander and Hannah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Matilda, Nathalie, Lydia, and Phoebe and big brothers Elias, Dominic, and Sebastian.
DH: Alexander (43)
DW: Hannah (38)
DD: Matilda Daisy (14)
DD: Nathalie Alexandra (12)
DD/DD: Lydia Marguerite / Phoebe Judith (9)
DS: Elias Vincent (7)
DS: Dominic Judas (5)
DS: Sebastian Jeremiah (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Bastet Boudica “Bastet”
slgn4 – The Stetson Family
Congratulations to Albert and Mary on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Noah, Lucas, Enzo, and Stephen and big sisters Abigail, Stella, Miriam, and Amelia.
DH: Albert James (41)
DW: Mary Alice (39)
DS/DS/DD: Noah Matthew / Lucas Alexander / Abigail Grace (14)
DD: Stella Astrid (12)
DD: Miriam Eve (9)
DS: Enzo Giovanni (7)
DS: Stephen Elliot (5)
DD: Amelia Isabel (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Applejack
DCat: Taz
Sophie – The Scott Family
Congratulations to Sophie on the birth of her son! He joins big sisters Natasha, Ella, and Diana and big brothers Matthias, Luca, and Dominic.
DM: Sophie Louise (33)
DD: Natasha Lily (14)
DD: Ella Nathalie (12)
DS: Matthias Jude (9)
DS: Luca Samuele (7)
DS: Dominic Paul (5)
DD: Diana Claire
DS: ?
Stacia – The Marcell Family
Congratulations to Jeremiah and Isadora on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Alice, Mary, Ava, and Tessa and big brothers Leo, Dante, and Xavier.
DH: Jeremiah Clayton (47)
DW: Isadora Jeanne (44)
DD: Alice Amelia (14)
DS: Leo Sebastian (12)
DD: Mary Judith (9)
DS: Dante Giordano (7)
DD/DD: Ava Melisande / Tessa Elizabeth (5)
DS: Xavier Dominic (2)
DS: ?
DHorse: Little Red Chili Pepper “Chili”
DDog: Ferdinand “Ferdy”
starlet – The Williams Family
Congratulations to Aaron and Julia on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Charlotte, Sofia, Ava, and Darcy and big brothers Reuben, Leo, and Sebastian.
DH: Aaron John (36)
DW: Julia Katherine (34)
DD: Charlotte Amelia (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Reuben Levi (9)
DS: Leonardo Amadeo “Leo” (7)
DD/DD: Ava Juliet / Darcy Imogen (5)
DS: Dominic Sebastian (2)
DS: ?
Summer – The Vincent Family
Congratulations to Christopher and Summer on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Xander, Zeke, Eli, and Xavier and big sisters Lou, Izzy, and Nessie.
DH: Christopher Jacob (38)
DW: Summer Jeanna (36)
DS: Alexander William Kai “Xander” (14)
DD: Louise Johanna Elise “Lou” (12)
DS: Ezekiel Asher Isiah “Zeke” (9)
DD: Isabella Lia Francesca “Izzy” (7)
DS: Elijah Liam Jude “Eli” (5)
DS/DD: Xavier Hayden Jeremiah / Vanessa Autumn Marissa “Nessie” (2)
DD: ?
SwtNikki87 – The Coville Family
Congratulations to Alex and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Hannah, Emma, Sophie, Abbey, and Amelia and big brothers Seth, Caleb, Luca, Hayden, and Liam.
DH: Alexander Michael “Alex” (37)
DW: Jillian Christina “Jill” (36)
DD/DD: Hannah Olivia / Emma Isabella (14)
DD: Sophie Alexandra (12)
DD/DS/DS: Abigail Selah “Abbey” / Seth Malachi / Caleb Asher (9)
DS: Lucas Matteo “Luca” (7)
DS/DS: Hayden Jack / Liam Elliott (5)
DD: Amelia Caroline (2)
DD: ?
tor – The Notting Family
Congratulations to Green and West on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Finn, Axel, Roan, and Lachlan and big sisters Selah, Caprice, and Essa.
DH: Green (40)
DW: West Morgana (38)
DS: Finley Noah Callum “Finn” (14)
DS: Axel August Nils (12)
DD: Selah Margot Zipporah (9)
DD: Caprice Viola Eve (7)
DS/DS: Roan Elijah Alec / Lachlan Elliott Liam (5)
DD: Venessa Gracie Amelia “Essa” (2)
DD: ?
Violetta – The Hughs Family
Congratulations to William and Rose on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Lucy, Isabella, and Juliet and big brothers Gabriel, Nathaniel, Dominic, and Jeremiah.
DH: William Charles (40)
DW: Rose Amelia (38)
DD: Lucy Charlotte (14)
DS: Gabriel Jonas (12)
DS: Nathaniel Reuben (9)
DD: Isabella Sophia (7)
DD: Juliet Elizabeth (5)
DS/DS: Dominic Steven / Jeremiah Wyatt (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Sadie
DCat: Zinnia
X Mar – The Kaylon Family
Congratulations to J.D. and Marlon on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Isa, Lila, Noa, and Misa and big brothers C.J., Sebby, Rem, and Lejo.
DH: James Dylan “J.D.” (40)
DW: Marlon Maria (36)
DD/DS: Isabella Mathilde “Isa” / Callum James “C.J.” (14)
DS: Sebastian Andreas “Sebby” (12)
DD: Delilah Naomi “Lila” (9)
DD: Noelia Luciana “Noa” (7)
DD: Melisande Sophie “Misa” (5)
DS/DS: Jeremiah Wyatt “Rem” / Alejandro Xavier “Lejo” (2)
DS: ?
DHamster: Chili-Chili Dink-Dink
DGerbil: Zsazsa Midori
Since this is the last round, you can name your child(ren) whatever you want. Enjoy, and thanks for playing!
Link to Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=519488&board=game
Link to Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=520480&board=game
Link to Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=522088&board=game
Link to Round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=522867&board=game
Link to Round 5: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=523746&board=game
Link to Round 6: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=524759&board=game
.miela. – The Wilkes Family
Congratulations to Benjamin and Audrey on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Gabe, Dominic, and Colin and big sisters Ellie, Cecilia, and Autumn.
DH: Benjamin Elliot (38)
DW: Audrey Lucia Solveig (36)
DS: Oliver Finley (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian “Gabe” (12)
DD: Elisabeth Naomi (9)
DD: Cecilia Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elijah (5)
DS/DD: Colin Xavier / Autumn Caroline (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Mia
AET – The Williamsburg Family
Congratulations to Ezra and Constance on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Rhys, Ash, Seth, Devin, and Wyatt and big sisters Imogen, Lucy, Elsie, Evie, and Tessa.
DH: Ezra William (47)
DW: Constance Isabella Ivy (42)
DS/DD/DD: Rhys Dominic Max / Imogen Keira Lily / Lucia Lola Grace “Lucy” (14)
DD: Elsa Alexandra Elise “Elsie” (12)
DS/DS: Asher Matthias Micah “Ash” / Seth Malachi Jude (9)
DD: Eva Francesca Annalisa “Evie” (7)
DD: Tessa Sydney Rae (5)
DS/DS: Devin Alejandro Cole / Wyatt Xavier Jesse (2)
DS: ?
DRabbit: Millie Munchie
Alexie – The Boyd Family
Congratulations to Brandon and Christine on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Lucas, Seth, Enzo, Heath, and Chase and big sisters Keira and Maja.
DH: Brandon Anthony (36)
DW: Christine Josie (34)
DS/DD: Lucas Rhys / Keira Madeleine (14)
DD: Maja Elise (12)
DS: Seth Asher (9)
DS: Enzo Matteo (7)
DS: Heath Kalen (5)
DS: Chase Wyatt (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Lula
BetsyLou – The Martinez Family
Congratulations to Gabriel and Felicity on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Isaac, and Sebastian and big sisters Gianna and Tessa.
DH: Gabriel Armando (38)
DW: Felicity Carmel (36)
DS: Callum Oliver (14)
DS: Simon Henrik (12)
DS: Isaac Jeremiah (9)
DD: Gianna Caprice (7)
DD: Tessa Juliet (5)
DS: Sebastian Wyatt (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Tom
Bex – The Horvath Family
Congratulations to Pierre and Rebecca on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Charlotte, Imogen, Lydia, Arabella, and Gracie and big brothers Ewan, Hugo, Jude, and Dominic.
DH: Pierre Jacques (41)
DW: Rebecca Simone (38)
DD/DD/DS: Charlotte Amelia / Imogen Daisy / Ewan Oliver (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Lydia Abigail (9)
DD: Arabella Sophia (7)
DS: Jude Christian (5)
DS/DD: Dominic Richard / Gracie Isabel (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Alfie
DDog: Digby
CalambroneItalia – The Abruzzi Family
Congratulations to Joseph and Gina on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Michael, Giovanni, and Sebastian and big sisters Sofia, Rachel, Ava, and Emma.
DH: Joseph Michael (47)
DW: Gina Marie (44)
DS: Michael Dominic (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DD: Rachel Sarah (9)
DS: Giovanni Elia (7)
DD/DD: Ava Marie / Emma Elizabeth (5)
DS: Sebastian Antonio (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Jax
Ceevie – The Sheehan Family
Congratulations to Paddy and Cait on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Mattie, Eva, and Claire and big brothers Leo, Jude, Heath, and Seth.
DH: Patrick Finnian “Paddy” (34)
DW: Caitriona Rose “Cait” (33)
DD: Matilda Charlotte Sienna “Mattie” (14)
DS: Leo Andreas Sebastian (12)
DS: Jude Malachi Nathaniel (9)
DD: Eva Caprice Gianna (7)
DS: Heath Leyton Rafferty (5)
DS/DD: Seth Devin Wyatt / Claire Vanessa Autumn (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Rosie Applejack “Apple”
DDog: Darcy Dandelion “Lion”
Cera – The Williams Family
Congratulations to Seth and Lila on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Samuel, Luca, and Timothy and big sisters Imogen, Thea, Chloe, and Cecily.
DH: Seth August (43)
DW: Delilah Jane “Lila” (41)
DS/DD: Samuel Charlie Rhys / Imogen Sophie Alice (14)
DD: Thea Rebecca Louise (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth Eve (9)
DS: Luca Romeo Vincent (7)
DD: Cecily Mathilde Emily (5)
DS: Timothy Colin Seth (2)
DS: ?
DHorse: Willow
Daddysdancer – The DuPuis Family
Congratulations to Jesse and Chelsea on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Rhys, Leo, Elijah, Wyatt, and Carson and big sisters Chloe and Liana.
DH: Jesse Ryan (34)
DW: Chelsea Laura (35)
DS: Rhys Michael (14)
DS: Leo Felix (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth (9)
DD: Liana Caprice (7)
DS: Elijah Christian (5)
DS/DS: Wyatt Jesse / Carson Sebastian (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Alma Rosie
Diamante04 – The Silva Family
Congratulations to Sam and Jen on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Aidan, Jack, Liam, Rick, Jude, and Deacon and big sisters Monica, Elisabeth, and Carrie.
DH: Samuel John “Sam” (39)
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen” (36)
DS/DS/DS: Aidan Joseph / James Michael “Jack” / William Thomas “Liam” (14)
DS: Frederick Simon “Rick” (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DD: Monica Cristina (7)
DS/DD: Deacon Paul / Elisabeth Maria (5)
DD: Caroline Michelle “Carrie” (2)
DD: ?
Eleanor – The Parker Family
Congratulations to George and Sofia on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Amelia, Alexandra, and Audrey and big brothers Raphael, Luca, Christian, and Elijah.
DH: George Winston (44)
DW: Sofia Maria (43)
DD: Amelia Charlotte (14)
DD: Alexandra Elise (12)
DS: Raphael Jude (9)
DS: Luca Matteo (7)
DS/DS: Christian Rafferty / Elijah Beckett (5)
DD: Audrey Isabelle (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Sadie
DDog: Frankie
ElleB – The Villaflor Family
Congratulations to Kevin and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Ella, Maddie, Ava, and Rachel and big brothers Gabriel, Caleb, Luca, Liam, Tyler, and Seth.
DH: Kevin Gabriel (38)
DW: Jill Taylor (37)
DD/DD/DD: Isabelle Grace “Ella” / Madeleine Lola “Maddie” / Ava Emily (14)
DS: Gabriel Simon (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Dinah Elisabeth / Caleb Asher Isaac (9)
DS: Luca Orlando (7)
DS/DS: Liam Heath Deacon / Tyler Dominic Hayden (5)
DS: Seth Timothy Cole (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Kaya
enlatiah – The Williams Family
Congratulations to Travis and Alexandra on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Sophie, Miriam, Giovanna, and Autumn and big brothers Matthew, Gabriel, Beckett, and Christian.
DH: Travis Blake (39)
DW: Alexandra Hope (37)
DD/DS: Sophie Abigail / Matthew Joshua (14)
DS: Gabriel Elias (12)
DD: Miriam Eve (9)
DD: Giovanna Francesca (7)
DS/DS: Beckett Liam / Christian Jude (5)
DD: Autumn Claire (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Gemini
DHorse: Electra
estel – The Thompson Family
Congratulations to Wil and Lydia on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Matt, Simon, Levi, and Jere and big sisters Lucy, Darcy, and Autumn.
DH: William Alexander “Wil” (39)
DW: Lydia Grace (38)
DS: Matthew Alexander “Matt” (14)
DS: Simon Elias (12)
DS: Levi Isaiah (9)
DD: Luciana Cecilia “Lucy” (7)
DD: Darcy Reagan (5)
DS/DD: Jeremiah Chase “Jere” / Autumn Michelle (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Sadie
DPony: Jack
Flute – The Nesheim Family
Congratulations to Taylor and Megan on the birth of their son! They join big brothers Oliver, Seth, Giovanni, Sebastian, and Steven and big sisters Rebecca, Margaret, Naomi, Sophie, and Juliet.
DH: Taylor Anthony (36)
DW: Megan Michele (39)
DS: Oliver William (14)
DD: Rebecca Elise (12)
DD/DD/DS: Margaret Abigail / Naomi Esther / Seth Asher (9)
DS: Giovanni Stefano (7)
DD/DD: Sophie Elizabeth / Juliet Rae (5)
DS/DS: Sebastian Cole / Steven Wyatt (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Gemini
DCat: Sheena
Jeana Bradbury – The Bradbury Family
Congratulations to Grant and Jeana on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Amelia, Sofia, Stella, and Molly and big brothers Jude, Orlando, and Dominic.
DH: Grant William (39)
DW: Jeana (38)
DD: Amelia Grace (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DS: Orlando Giovanni (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Peter / Stella Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Isabelle (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Ivy
Juls – The Grafton Family
Congratulations to Rozbert and Abby on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Gideon, and Isaac and big sisters Ellen, Imogen, Brooklyn, and Molly.
DH: Robert Ishmael (41)
DW: Abigail Roshni “Abby” (42)
DS: Callum Rhys (14)
DS: Simon Andres (12)
DS/DS: Gideon Josiah / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Ellen Amedea (7)
DD: Imogen Teresa (5)
DD/DD: Brooklyn Mya / Molly Ariana (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Charity
Keepskuh – The Grimm Family
Congratulations to Richard and Anna on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Dom, Hugo, and Elijah and big sisters Rachel, Eva, Emily, and Molly.
DH: Richard Daniel (38)
DW: Anna Caroline (34)
DS: Dominic Rhys “Dom” (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Rachel Elisabeth (9)
DD: Eva Isabella (7)
DS/DD: Elijah Heath / Emily Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Lucky
DCat: Lily
LadyBug18 – The Morrison Family
Congratulations to Garrett and Kendra on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Kieran, Asher, Jack, and Colin and big sisters Sofia, Elena, and Ariana.
DH: Garrett James (40)
DW: Kendra Elise (37)
DS: Kieran Finley (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Asher Micah (9)
DD: Elena Cristina (7)
DS: Jack Liam (5)
DS/DD: Colin Dominic / Ariana Claire (2)
DD: ?
DPony: Lily
LexyRose – The O’Meara Family
Congratulations to Declan and Quinn on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Jack, Luca, and Liam and big sisters Liv, Chloe, Katie, and Molly.
DH: Declan Seamus (44)
DW: Quinn Evangeline (37)
DS: Jack Finley (14)
DD: Liv Natalie (12)
DD: Chloe Susanna (9)
DS: Luca Alessandro (7)
DS: Liam Dominic (5)
DD/DD: Katie Isabel / Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Oliver
MelH – The Rutherford Family
Congratulations to Michael and Sara on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Simon, and Dominic and big sisters Eve, Elena, and Caroline.
DH: Michael Simon (41)
DW: Sara Theresa (43)
DS: Oliver Max (14)
DS: Simon Felix (12)
DD: Eve Naomi (9)
DD: Elena Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elliott (5)
DD: Caroline Diana (2)
DD: ?
michal1234 – The Shiver Family
Congratulations to Seth and Michal on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Mia, Lilah, and Brook and big brothers Eli, Luke, Kalen, and Tyler.
DH: Seth (40)
DW: Michal (38)
DD: Amelia Lucy Imogen “Mia” (14)
DS: Elias Gabriel Theo “Eli” (12)
DD: Delilah Rachel Esther “Lilah” (9)
DS: Luca Dante Orlando “Luke” (7)
DS/DS: Kalen Dominic Chad / Tyler Deacon Paul (5)
DD: Brooklyn Vanessa Claire “Brook” (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Macy Kazoo
DPet: ?
miss_smiley – The Little Family
Congratulations to Brandon and Elise on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Max, Romeo, Eli, and Roan and big sisters Linnea, Chloe, and Ali.
DH: Brandon Matthew (48)
DW: Elise Matilda (45)
DS: Max Oliver Noah (14)
DD: Linnea Ella Sofia (12)
DD: Chloe Delilah Phoebe (9)
DS: Romeo Orlando Luca (7)
DS/DS: Elijah Rafferty Finn “Eli” / Roan Beckett Jude (5)
DD: Aaliyah Isabel Jordan “Ali” (2)
DD: ?
DPet: Addison “Addy”
Mithos514 – The Katz Family
Congratulations to Andreas and Aliyah on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Zander, Gabby, Abel, and Richard and big sisters Della, Colette, Reagan, and Lily.
DH: Andreas Claude (34)
DW: Aliyah Bethany (34)
DS: Alexander Finley “Zander” (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian “Gabby” (12)
DD/DS: Delilah Judith “Della” / Abel Malachi (9)
DD: Nicoletta Sophia “Colette” (7)
DD/DD: Reagan Darcy / Lily Stella (5)
DS: Richard Wyatt (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Missy
Natla’d – The Driver Family
Congratulations to Fletcher and Aviva on the birth of their B/G twins! They join big brothers Joseph, Vince, and Lachlan and big sisters Sofia, Eve, and Gracie.
DH: Fletcher Valentin (39)
DW: Aviva Estella (36)
DS: Joseph Reese (14)
DD: Sofia Astrid (12)
DD: Eve Delilah (9)
DS: Vincente Pasquale “Vince” (7)
DS: Lachlan Rafferty “Lockie” (5)
DD: Gracie Amelia
DS/DD: ?
rainbow_Maya – The Hannig Family
Congratulations to Marcus and Ute on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Emmie, Mayi, and Hannchen and big brothers Sally, Becky, Raffy, Timtom, and Basil.
DH: Marcus (47)
DW: Ute (38)
DD: Emma Lucy Sophie “Emmie” (14)
DD: Maya Klara Linnea “Mayi” (12)
DD: Johanna Marie Lovise “Hannchen” (9)
DS: Salvatore Luca Carmine “Sally” (7)
DS/DS: Beckett Frankie Paul “Becky” / Rafferty Elliot Finn “Raffy” (5)
DS/DS: Timothy Richard Cole “Timtom” / Sebastian Colin Blake “Basil” (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Garfunkle Applejack
DDog: Dodger
DRabbit: Schnuffel
Rosethorn08 – The Sinclair Family
Congratulations to Will and Syn on the birth of their son! They join big sisters Lottie, Sophia, Naomi, Liz, and Belle and big brothers Rome, Nic, and Ash.
DH: William Derek “Will” (42)
DW: Syntyche Faye “Syn” (39)
DD: Charlotte Grace “Lottie” (14)
DD: Sophia Ellen (12)
DD: Naomi Abigail (9)
DS: Romeo Clemente “Rome” (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Lachlan “Nic” / Elizabeth Rae “Liz” (5)
DS/DD: Sebastian Antonio “Ash” / Isabelle Mya “Belle” (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Chili Pepper “Pepper”
DDog: Prince Sage “Sage”
Samantha-Michelle – The Borchers Family
Congratulations to Harrison and Samantha on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Chloe, Isabella, Rachel, Elisabeth, Melisande, and Jada and big brothers Gustav, Isaiah, and Romeo.
DH: Harrison Mackennly (34)
DW: Samantha Michelle (34)
DD/DD: Chloe Madeleine Olivia / Isabella Lily Grace (14)
DS: Gustav Anton Fredrik (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Elisabeth Sara / Isaiah Seth Malachi (9)
DS: Romeo Dante Samuele (7)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Marie Ireland / Melisande Lily Isabelle (5)
DD: Jada Melanie Sara (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Lotri
sarah lee – The Jones Family
Congratulations to Thomas and Sarah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Chloe, Alexandria, _____, and _____ and big brothers Jude, _____, and _____.
DH: Thomas Mark (35)
DW: Sarah Helena (34)
DD: Chloe Grace Alice (14)
DD: Alexandria Ellen Louise (12)
DS: Jude Silas Abel (9)
DS: ? (7)
DD/DD: ? (5)
DS: ? (2)
DS: ?
DPet: ?
Shayde – The Collyer Family
Congratulations to Chris and Meg on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Aidan, Axel, Isaac, Jack, and Carson and big sisters Chloe, Leah, Noelia, and Torrance.
DH: Christopher Michael “Chris” (36)
DW: Megan Lauren “Meg” (33)
DS: Aidan Jack (14)
DS: Axel Viggo (12)
DD/DD/DS: Chloe Priscilla / Leah Margaret / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Noelia Francesca (7)
DS/DD: Jack Tyler / Torrance Juliet (5)
DS: Carson Blake (2)
DS: ?
DDog: Chevy
DDog: Cadillac
Silvie – The Perrin Family
Congratulations to Alexander and Hannah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Matilda, Nathalie, Lydia, and Phoebe and big brothers Elias, Dominic, and Sebastian.
DH: Alexander (43)
DW: Hannah (38)
DD: Matilda Daisy (14)
DD: Nathalie Alexandra (12)
DD/DD: Lydia Marguerite / Phoebe Judith (9)
DS: Elias Vincent (7)
DS: Dominic Judas (5)
DS: Sebastian Jeremiah (2)
DS: ?
DCat: Bastet Boudica “Bastet”
slgn4 – The Stetson Family
Congratulations to Albert and Mary on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Noah, Lucas, Enzo, and Stephen and big sisters Abigail, Stella, Miriam, and Amelia.
DH: Albert James (41)
DW: Mary Alice (39)
DS/DS/DD: Noah Matthew / Lucas Alexander / Abigail Grace (14)
DD: Stella Astrid (12)
DD: Miriam Eve (9)
DS: Enzo Giovanni (7)
DS: Stephen Elliot (5)
DD: Amelia Isabel (2)
DD: ?
DCat: Applejack
DCat: Taz
Sophie – The Scott Family
Congratulations to Sophie on the birth of her son! He joins big sisters Natasha, Ella, and Diana and big brothers Matthias, Luca, and Dominic.
DM: Sophie Louise (33)
DD: Natasha Lily (14)
DD: Ella Nathalie (12)
DS: Matthias Jude (9)
DS: Luca Samuele (7)
DS: Dominic Paul (5)
DD: Diana Claire
DS: ?
Stacia – The Marcell Family
Congratulations to Jeremiah and Isadora on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Alice, Mary, Ava, and Tessa and big brothers Leo, Dante, and Xavier.
DH: Jeremiah Clayton (47)
DW: Isadora Jeanne (44)
DD: Alice Amelia (14)
DS: Leo Sebastian (12)
DD: Mary Judith (9)
DS: Dante Giordano (7)
DD/DD: Ava Melisande / Tessa Elizabeth (5)
DS: Xavier Dominic (2)
DS: ?
DHorse: Little Red Chili Pepper “Chili”
DDog: Ferdinand “Ferdy”
starlet – The Williams Family
Congratulations to Aaron and Julia on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Charlotte, Sofia, Ava, and Darcy and big brothers Reuben, Leo, and Sebastian.
DH: Aaron John (36)
DW: Julia Katherine (34)
DD: Charlotte Amelia (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Reuben Levi (9)
DS: Leonardo Amadeo “Leo” (7)
DD/DD: Ava Juliet / Darcy Imogen (5)
DS: Dominic Sebastian (2)
DS: ?
Summer – The Vincent Family
Congratulations to Christopher and Summer on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Xander, Zeke, Eli, and Xavier and big sisters Lou, Izzy, and Nessie.
DH: Christopher Jacob (38)
DW: Summer Jeanna (36)
DS: Alexander William Kai “Xander” (14)
DD: Louise Johanna Elise “Lou” (12)
DS: Ezekiel Asher Isiah “Zeke” (9)
DD: Isabella Lia Francesca “Izzy” (7)
DS: Elijah Liam Jude “Eli” (5)
DS/DD: Xavier Hayden Jeremiah / Vanessa Autumn Marissa “Nessie” (2)
DD: ?
SwtNikki87 – The Coville Family
Congratulations to Alex and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Hannah, Emma, Sophie, Abbey, and Amelia and big brothers Seth, Caleb, Luca, Hayden, and Liam.
DH: Alexander Michael “Alex” (37)
DW: Jillian Christina “Jill” (36)
DD/DD: Hannah Olivia / Emma Isabella (14)
DD: Sophie Alexandra (12)
DD/DS/DS: Abigail Selah “Abbey” / Seth Malachi / Caleb Asher (9)
DS: Lucas Matteo “Luca” (7)
DS/DS: Hayden Jack / Liam Elliott (5)
DD: Amelia Caroline (2)
DD: ?
tor – The Notting Family
Congratulations to Green and West on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Finn, Axel, Roan, and Lachlan and big sisters Selah, Caprice, and Essa.
DH: Green (40)
DW: West Morgana (38)
DS: Finley Noah Callum “Finn” (14)
DS: Axel August Nils (12)
DD: Selah Margot Zipporah (9)
DD: Caprice Viola Eve (7)
DS/DS: Roan Elijah Alec / Lachlan Elliott Liam (5)
DD: Venessa Gracie Amelia “Essa” (2)
DD: ?
Violetta – The Hughs Family
Congratulations to William and Rose on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Lucy, Isabella, and Juliet and big brothers Gabriel, Nathaniel, Dominic, and Jeremiah.
DH: William Charles (40)
DW: Rose Amelia (38)
DD: Lucy Charlotte (14)
DS: Gabriel Jonas (12)
DS: Nathaniel Reuben (9)
DD: Isabella Sophia (7)
DD: Juliet Elizabeth (5)
DS/DS: Dominic Steven / Jeremiah Wyatt (2)
DD: ?
DDog: Sadie
DCat: Zinnia
X Mar – The Kaylon Family
Congratulations to J.D. and Marlon on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Isa, Lila, Noa, and Misa and big brothers C.J., Sebby, Rem, and Lejo.
DH: James Dylan “J.D.” (40)
DW: Marlon Maria (36)
DD/DS: Isabella Mathilde “Isa” / Callum James “C.J.” (14)
DS: Sebastian Andreas “Sebby” (12)
DD: Delilah Naomi “Lila” (9)
DD: Noelia Luciana “Noa” (7)
DD: Melisande Sophie “Misa” (5)
DS/DS: Jeremiah Wyatt “Rem” / Alejandro Xavier “Lejo” (2)
DS: ?
DHamster: Chili-Chili Dink-Dink
DGerbil: Zsazsa Midori
This message was edited 5/17/2006, 9:26 PM
Alexander Nicholas Carlo "Alex"
Daddysdancer – The DuPuis Family
Congratulations to Jesse and Chelsea on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Rhys, Leo, Elijah, Wyatt, and Carson and big sisters Chloe and Liana.
DH: Jesse Ryan (34)
DW: Chelsea Laura (35)
DS: Rhys Michael (14)
DS: Leo Felix (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth (9)
DD: Liana Caprice (7)
DS: Elijah Christian (5)
DS/DS: Wyatt Jesse / Carson Sebastian (2)
DD: Annabel Kathleen
DDog: Alma Rosie
Thank you, that was a fun game!
Love is the lord of the house within him and rules all the concerns of his soul- Plato
Congratulations to Jesse and Chelsea on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Rhys, Leo, Elijah, Wyatt, and Carson and big sisters Chloe and Liana.
DH: Jesse Ryan (34)
DW: Chelsea Laura (35)
DS: Rhys Michael (14)
DS: Leo Felix (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth (9)
DD: Liana Caprice (7)
DS: Elijah Christian (5)
DS/DS: Wyatt Jesse / Carson Sebastian (2)
DD: Annabel Kathleen
DDog: Alma Rosie
Thank you, that was a fun game!
Love is the lord of the house within him and rules all the concerns of his soul- Plato
Violetta – The Hughs Family
Congratulations to William and Rose on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Lucy, Isabella, and Juliet and big brothers Gabriel, Nathaniel, Dominic, and Jeremiah.
DH: William Charles (40)
DW: Rose Amelia (38)
DD: Lucy Charlotte (14)
DS: Gabriel Jonas (12)
DS: Nathaniel Reuben (9)
DD: Isabella Sophia (7)
DD: Juliet Elizabeth (5)
DS/DS: Dominic Steven / Jeremiah Wyatt (2)
DD: Violet Emmaline
DDog: Sadie
DCat: Zinnia
Congratulations to William and Rose on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Lucy, Isabella, and Juliet and big brothers Gabriel, Nathaniel, Dominic, and Jeremiah.
DH: William Charles (40)
DW: Rose Amelia (38)
DD: Lucy Charlotte (14)
DS: Gabriel Jonas (12)
DS: Nathaniel Reuben (9)
DD: Isabella Sophia (7)
DD: Juliet Elizabeth (5)
DS/DS: Dominic Steven / Jeremiah Wyatt (2)
DD: Violet Emmaline
DDog: Sadie
DCat: Zinnia
sarah lee – The Jones Family
Congratulations to Thomas and Sarah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Chloe, Alexandria, _____, and _____ and big brothers Jude, _____, and _____.
DH: Thomas Mark (35)
DW: Sarah Helena (34)
DD: Chloe Grace Alice (14)
DD: Alexandria Ellen Louise (12)
DS: Jude Silas Abel (9)
DS: Clemente Salvantore Davide (7)
DD/DD: Elizabeth Marie Ella / Torrance Ava Rea (5)
DS: Jeremiah Steven Colin (2)
DS: Windsor Dalton Yale
DPet: Finn
Congratulations to Thomas and Sarah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Chloe, Alexandria, _____, and _____ and big brothers Jude, _____, and _____.
DH: Thomas Mark (35)
DW: Sarah Helena (34)
DD: Chloe Grace Alice (14)
DD: Alexandria Ellen Louise (12)
DS: Jude Silas Abel (9)
DS: Clemente Salvantore Davide (7)
DD/DD: Elizabeth Marie Ella / Torrance Ava Rea (5)
DS: Jeremiah Steven Colin (2)
DS: Windsor Dalton Yale
DPet: Finn
miss_smiley – The Little Family
Congratulations to Brandon and Elise on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Max, Romeo, Eli, and Roan and big sisters Linnea, Chloe, and Ali.
DH: Brandon Matthew (48)
DW: Elise Matilda (45)
DS: Max Oliver Noah (14)
DD: Linnea Ella Sofia (12)
DD: Chloe Delilah Phoebe (9)
DS: Romeo Orlando Luca (7)
DS/DS: Elijah Rafferty Finn “Eli” / Roan Beckett Jude (5)
DD: Aaliyah Isabel Jordan “Ali” (2)
DD: Ruby-Mae Lena
DPet: Addison “Addy”
Congratulations to Brandon and Elise on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Max, Romeo, Eli, and Roan and big sisters Linnea, Chloe, and Ali.
DH: Brandon Matthew (48)
DW: Elise Matilda (45)
DS: Max Oliver Noah (14)
DD: Linnea Ella Sofia (12)
DD: Chloe Delilah Phoebe (9)
DS: Romeo Orlando Luca (7)
DS/DS: Elijah Rafferty Finn “Eli” / Roan Beckett Jude (5)
DD: Aaliyah Isabel Jordan “Ali” (2)
DD: Ruby-Mae Lena
DPet: Addison “Addy”
Juls – The Grafton Family
Congratulations to Rozbert and Abby on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Gideon, and Isaac and big sisters Ellen, Imogen, Brooklyn, and Molly.
DH: Robert Ishmael (41)
DW: Abigail Roshni “Abby” (42)
DS: Callum Rhys (14)
DS: Simon Andres (12)
DS/DS: Gideon Josiah / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Ellen Amedea (7)
DD: Imogen Teresa (5)
DD/DD: Brooklyn Mya / Molly Ariana (2)
DS: Edmond Thomas
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Charity
Congratulations to Rozbert and Abby on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Gideon, and Isaac and big sisters Ellen, Imogen, Brooklyn, and Molly.
DH: Robert Ishmael (41)
DW: Abigail Roshni “Abby” (42)
DS: Callum Rhys (14)
DS: Simon Andres (12)
DS/DS: Gideon Josiah / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Ellen Amedea (7)
DD: Imogen Teresa (5)
DD/DD: Brooklyn Mya / Molly Ariana (2)
DS: Edmond Thomas
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Charity
slgn4 – The Stetson Family
Congratulations to Albert and Mary on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Noah, Lucas, Enzo, and Stephen and big sisters Abigail, Stella, Miriam, and Amelia.
DH: Albert James (41)
DW: Mary Alice (39)
DS/DS/DD: Noah Matthew / Lucas Alexander / Abigail Grace (14)
DD: Stella Astrid (12)
DD: Miriam Eve (9)
DS: Enzo Giovanni (7)
DS: Stephen Elliot (5)
DD: Amelia Isabel (2)
DD: Pearl Evangeline
DCat: Applejack
DCat: Taz
Congratulations to Albert and Mary on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Noah, Lucas, Enzo, and Stephen and big sisters Abigail, Stella, Miriam, and Amelia.
DH: Albert James (41)
DW: Mary Alice (39)
DS/DS/DD: Noah Matthew / Lucas Alexander / Abigail Grace (14)
DD: Stella Astrid (12)
DD: Miriam Eve (9)
DS: Enzo Giovanni (7)
DS: Stephen Elliot (5)
DD: Amelia Isabel (2)
DD: Pearl Evangeline
DCat: Applejack
DCat: Taz
Alexie – The Boyd Family
Congratulations to Brandon and Christine on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Lucas, Seth, Enzo, Heath, and Chase and big sisters Keira and Maja.
DH: Brandon Anthony (36)
DW: Christine Josie (34)
DS/DD: Lucas Rhys / Keira Madeleine (14)
DD: Maja Elise (12)
DS: Seth Asher (9)
DS: Enzo Matteo (7)
DS: Heath Kalen (5)
DS: Chase Wyatt (2)
DD: Skye Ophelia
DDog: Lula
Congratulations to Brandon and Christine on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Lucas, Seth, Enzo, Heath, and Chase and big sisters Keira and Maja.
DH: Brandon Anthony (36)
DW: Christine Josie (34)
DS/DD: Lucas Rhys / Keira Madeleine (14)
DD: Maja Elise (12)
DS: Seth Asher (9)
DS: Enzo Matteo (7)
DS: Heath Kalen (5)
DS: Chase Wyatt (2)
DD: Skye Ophelia
DDog: Lula
Ceevie – The Sheehan Family
Congratulations to Paddy and Cait on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Mattie, Eva, and Claire and big brothers Leo, Jude, Heath, and Seth.
DH: Patrick Finnian “Paddy” (34)
DW: Caitriona Rose “Cait” (33)
DD: Matilda Charlotte Sienna “Mattie” (14)
DS: Leo Andreas Sebastian (12)
DS: Jude Malachi Nathaniel (9)
DD: Eva Caprice Gianna (7)
DS: Heath Leyton Rafferty (5)
DS/DD: Seth Devin Wyatt / Claire Vanessa Autumn (2)
DD: Cassia Peyton Laurel
DDog: Rosie Applejack “Apple”
DDog: Darcy Dandelion “Lion”
Paddy and Cait have Mattie, Leo, Jude, Eva, Heath, Seth, Claire and Cassia
The Sheehans have Apple and Lion
Congratulations to Paddy and Cait on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Mattie, Eva, and Claire and big brothers Leo, Jude, Heath, and Seth.
DH: Patrick Finnian “Paddy” (34)
DW: Caitriona Rose “Cait” (33)
DD: Matilda Charlotte Sienna “Mattie” (14)
DS: Leo Andreas Sebastian (12)
DS: Jude Malachi Nathaniel (9)
DD: Eva Caprice Gianna (7)
DS: Heath Leyton Rafferty (5)
DS/DD: Seth Devin Wyatt / Claire Vanessa Autumn (2)
DD: Cassia Peyton Laurel
DDog: Rosie Applejack “Apple”
DDog: Darcy Dandelion “Lion”
Paddy and Cait have Mattie, Leo, Jude, Eva, Heath, Seth, Claire and Cassia
The Sheehans have Apple and Lion
Stacia – The Marcell Family
DH: Jeremiah Clayton (47)
DW: Isadora Jeanne (44)
DD: Alice Amelia (14)
DS: Leo Sebastian (12)
DD: Mary Judith (9)
DS: Dante Giordano (7)
DD/DD: Ava Melisande / Tessa Elizabeth (5)
DS: Xavier Dominic (2)
DS: Elliott Rhys
DHorse: Little Red Chili Pepper “Chili”
DDog: Ferdinand “Ferdy”
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.
DH: Jeremiah Clayton (47)
DW: Isadora Jeanne (44)
DD: Alice Amelia (14)
DS: Leo Sebastian (12)
DD: Mary Judith (9)
DS: Dante Giordano (7)
DD/DD: Ava Melisande / Tessa Elizabeth (5)
DS: Xavier Dominic (2)
DS: Elliott Rhys
DHorse: Little Red Chili Pepper “Chili”
DDog: Ferdinand “Ferdy”
John: Why do you know all this random, useless stuff?
Me: One day I will win a lot of money on Jeopardy.
Final family - thank you!
rainbow_Maya – The Hannig Family
Congratulations to Marcus and Ute on the birth of their daughter! Minna Lotte Tabea "Minnchen" joins big sisters Emem, Mayi, and Joja and big brothers Salve, Beck, Raff, Timtom, and Basil.
H: Marcus (47)
W: Ute (38)
D: Emma Lucy Sophie “Emem” (14)
D: Maya Klara Linnea “Mayi” (12)
D: Johanna Marie Lovise "Joja” (9)
S: Salvatore Luca Carmine “Salve” (7)
S/S: Beckett Frankie Paul “Beck” / Rafferty Elliot Finn “Raff” (5)
S/S: Timothy Richard Cole “Timtom” / Sebastian Colin Blake “Basil” (2)
D: Minna Lotte Tabea "Minnchen" (newborn)
Cat: Garfunkle Applejack
Dog: Dodger
Rabbit: Schnuffel

rainbow_Maya – The Hannig Family
Congratulations to Marcus and Ute on the birth of their daughter! Minna Lotte Tabea "Minnchen" joins big sisters Emem, Mayi, and Joja and big brothers Salve, Beck, Raff, Timtom, and Basil.
H: Marcus (47)
W: Ute (38)
D: Emma Lucy Sophie “Emem” (14)
D: Maya Klara Linnea “Mayi” (12)
D: Johanna Marie Lovise "Joja” (9)
S: Salvatore Luca Carmine “Salve” (7)
S/S: Beckett Frankie Paul “Beck” / Rafferty Elliot Finn “Raff” (5)
S/S: Timothy Richard Cole “Timtom” / Sebastian Colin Blake “Basil” (2)
D: Minna Lotte Tabea "Minnchen" (newborn)
Cat: Garfunkle Applejack
Dog: Dodger
Rabbit: Schnuffel

Thank you for running this, avalon. :-)
Natla’d – The Driver Family
"Congratulations to Fletcher and Aviva on the birth of their B/G twins! They join big brothers Joseph, Vince, and Lockie and big sisters Sofia, Eve, and Gracie."
DH: Fletcher Valentin (39)
DW: Aviva Estella (36)
DS: Joseph Reese (14)
DD: Sofia Astrid (12)
DD: Eve Delilah (9)
DS: Vincente Pasquale “Vince” (7)
DS: Lachlan Rafferty “Lockie” (5)
DD: Gracie Amelia (2)
DS/DD: Jaret Damian / Lara Asha
Flecter & Avivia
Joseph, Sofia, Eve, Vince, Lockie, Gracie, Jaret and Lara.
- Maria
Natla’d – The Driver Family
"Congratulations to Fletcher and Aviva on the birth of their B/G twins! They join big brothers Joseph, Vince, and Lockie and big sisters Sofia, Eve, and Gracie."
DH: Fletcher Valentin (39)
DW: Aviva Estella (36)
DS: Joseph Reese (14)
DD: Sofia Astrid (12)
DD: Eve Delilah (9)
DS: Vincente Pasquale “Vince” (7)
DS: Lachlan Rafferty “Lockie” (5)
DD: Gracie Amelia (2)
DS/DD: Jaret Damian / Lara Asha
Flecter & Avivia
Joseph, Sofia, Eve, Vince, Lockie, Gracie, Jaret and Lara.
This message was edited 5/18/2006, 11:23 AM
Yay! Thanks for hosting. I like my family.
estel – The Thompson Family
Congratulations to Wil and Lydia on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Matt, Simon, Levi, and Jere and big sisters Lucy, Darcy, and Autumn.
DH: William Alexander “Wil” (39)
DW: Lydia Grace (38)
DS: Matthew Alexander “Matt” (14)
DS: Simon Elias (12)
DS: Levi Isaiah (9)
DD: Luciana Cecilia “Lucy” (7)
DD: Darcy Reagan (5)
DS/DD: Jeremiah Chase “Jere” / Autumn Michelle (2)
DD: Rebekah Michelle "Bekah" (newborn)
DDog: Sadie
DPony: Jack
My final family;
The Thompson Family
Wil and Lydia
Matt, Simon, Levi, Lucy, Darcy, Jere, Autumn, and Bekah
Dog; Sadie and Pony; Jack
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
enlatiah – The Williams Family
Congratulations to Travis and Alexandra on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Sophie, Miriam, Giovanna, and Autumn and big brothers Matthew, Gabriel, Beckett, and Christian.
DH: Travis Blake (39)
DW: Alexandra Hope (37)
DD/DS: Sophie Abigail / Matthew Joshua (14)
DS: Gabriel Elias (12)
DD: Miriam Eve (9)
DD: Giovanna Francesca (7)
DS/DS: Beckett Liam / Christian Jude (5)
DD: Autumn Claire (2)
DS: Rhys Callum (newborn)
DDog: Gemini
DHorse: Electra
Bubble: I shall endeavor to transcribe it on my pad, photocopy it and file it for future reference.
(from Absolutely Fabulous)
Scully: A dream is an answer to a question we haven't yet learned how to ask.
Paper Hearts
(the X-Files)
The Nesheim Family
Congratulations to Taylor and Megan on the birth of their son! They join big brothers Oliver, Seth, Giovanni, Sebastian, and Steven and big sisters Rebecca, Margaret, Naomi, Sophie, and Juliet.
DH: Taylor Anthony (36)
DW: Megan Michele (39)
DS: Oliver William (14)
DD: Rebecca Elise (12)
DD/DD/DS: Margaret Abigail / Naomi Esther / Seth Asher (9)
DS: Giovanni Stefano (7)
DD/DD: Sophie Elizabeth / Juliet Rae (5)
DS/DS: Sebastian Cole / Steven Wyatt (2)
DS: Rowan Patrick
DCat: Gemini
DCat: Sheena
Congratulations to Taylor and Megan on the birth of their son! They join big brothers Oliver, Seth, Giovanni, Sebastian, and Steven and big sisters Rebecca, Margaret, Naomi, Sophie, and Juliet.
DH: Taylor Anthony (36)
DW: Megan Michele (39)
DS: Oliver William (14)
DD: Rebecca Elise (12)
DD/DD/DS: Margaret Abigail / Naomi Esther / Seth Asher (9)
DS: Giovanni Stefano (7)
DD/DD: Sophie Elizabeth / Juliet Rae (5)
DS/DS: Sebastian Cole / Steven Wyatt (2)
DS: Rowan Patrick
DCat: Gemini
DCat: Sheena
Eleanor – The Parker Family
Congratulations to George and Sofia on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Amelia, Alexandra, and Audrey and big brothers Raphael, Luca, Christian, and Elijah.
DH: George Winston (44)
DW: Sofia Maria (43)
DD: Amelia Charlotte (14)
DD: Alexandra Elise (12)
DS: Raphael Jude (9)
DS: Luca Matteo (7)
DS/DS: Christian Rafferty / Elijah Beckett (5)
DD: Audrey Isabelle (2)
DD: Abigail Sofia
DDog: Sadie
DDog: Frankie
Congratulations to George and Sofia on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Amelia, Alexandra, and Audrey and big brothers Raphael, Luca, Christian, and Elijah.
DH: George Winston (44)
DW: Sofia Maria (43)
DD: Amelia Charlotte (14)
DD: Alexandra Elise (12)
DS: Raphael Jude (9)
DS: Luca Matteo (7)
DS/DS: Christian Rafferty / Elijah Beckett (5)
DD: Audrey Isabelle (2)
DD: Abigail Sofia
DDog: Sadie
DDog: Frankie
starlet – The Williams Family
DH: Aaron John (36)
DW: Julia Katherine (34)
DD: Charlotte Amelia (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Reuben Levi (9)
DS: Leonardo Amadeo “Leo” (7)
DD/DD: Ava Juliet / Darcy Imogen (5)
DS: Dominic Sebastian (2)
DS: Harry James
DH: Aaron John (36)
DW: Julia Katherine (34)
DD: Charlotte Amelia (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Reuben Levi (9)
DS: Leonardo Amadeo “Leo” (7)
DD/DD: Ava Juliet / Darcy Imogen (5)
DS: Dominic Sebastian (2)
DS: Harry James
CalambroneItalia – The Abruzzi Family
Congratulations to Joseph and Gina on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Michael, Giovanni, and Sebastian and big sisters Sofia, Rachel, Ava, and Emma.
DH: Joseph Michael (47)
DW: Gina Marie (44)
DS: Michael Dominic (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DD: Rachel Sarah (9)
DS: Giovanni Elia (7)
DD/DD: Ava Marie / Emma Elizabeth (5)
DS: Sebastian Antonio (2)
DS: Christopher Adam
DDog: Jax
Congratulations to Joseph and Gina on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Michael, Giovanni, and Sebastian and big sisters Sofia, Rachel, Ava, and Emma.
DH: Joseph Michael (47)
DW: Gina Marie (44)
DS: Michael Dominic (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DD: Rachel Sarah (9)
DS: Giovanni Elia (7)
DD/DD: Ava Marie / Emma Elizabeth (5)
DS: Sebastian Antonio (2)
DS: Christopher Adam
DDog: Jax
Thanks for hosting this game! Final family:
X Mar – The Kaylon Family
DH: James Dylan “J.D.” (40)
DW: Marlon Maria (36)
DD/DS: Isabella Mathilde “Isa” / Callum James “C.J.” (14)
DS: Sebastian Andreas “Sebby” (12)
DD: Delilah Naomi “Lila” (9)
DD: Noelia Luciana “Noa” (7)
DD: Melisande Sophie “Misa” (5)
DS/DS: Jeremiah Wyatt “Rem” / Alejandro Xavier “Lejo” (2)
DS: Guillermo Landon "Mo" (0)
DHamster: Chili-Chili Dink-Dink
DGerbil: Zsazsa Midori

X Mar – The Kaylon Family
DH: James Dylan “J.D.” (40)
DW: Marlon Maria (36)
DD/DS: Isabella Mathilde “Isa” / Callum James “C.J.” (14)
DS: Sebastian Andreas “Sebby” (12)
DD: Delilah Naomi “Lila” (9)
DD: Noelia Luciana “Noa” (7)
DD: Melisande Sophie “Misa” (5)
DS/DS: Jeremiah Wyatt “Rem” / Alejandro Xavier “Lejo” (2)
DS: Guillermo Landon "Mo" (0)
DHamster: Chili-Chili Dink-Dink
DGerbil: Zsazsa Midori

Samantha-Michelle – The Borchers Family
Congratulations to Harrison and Samantha on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Chloe, Isabella, Rachel, Elisabeth, Melisande, and Jada and big brothers Gustav, Isaiah, and Romeo.
DH: Harrison Mackennly (34)
DW: Samantha Michelle (34)
DD/DD: Chloe Madeleine Olivia / Isabella Lily Grace (14)
DS: Gustav Anton Fredrik (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Elisabeth Sara / Isaiah Seth Malachi (9)
DS: Romeo Dante Samuele (7)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Marie Ireland / Melisande Lily Isabelle (5)
DD: Jada Melanie Sara (2)
DD: Alyssa Grace Jada (newborn)
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Lotri
Congratulations to Harrison and Samantha on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Chloe, Isabella, Rachel, Elisabeth, Melisande, and Jada and big brothers Gustav, Isaiah, and Romeo.
DH: Harrison Mackennly (34)
DW: Samantha Michelle (34)
DD/DD: Chloe Madeleine Olivia / Isabella Lily Grace (14)
DS: Gustav Anton Fredrik (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Elisabeth Sara / Isaiah Seth Malachi (9)
DS: Romeo Dante Samuele (7)
DD/DD: Elisabeth Marie Ireland / Melisande Lily Isabelle (5)
DD: Jada Melanie Sara (2)
DD: Alyssa Grace Jada (newborn)
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Lotri
Sophie – The Scott Family
Congratulations to Sophie on the birth of her son! He joins big sisters Natasha, Ella, and Diana and big brothers Matthias, Luca, and Dominic.
DM: Sophie Louise (33)
DD: Natasha Lily (14)
DD: Ella Nathalie (12)
DS: Matthias Jude (9)
DS: Luca Samuele (7)
DS: Dominic Paul (5)
DD: Diana Claire
DS: Simon Timothy
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
Congratulations to Sophie on the birth of her son! He joins big sisters Natasha, Ella, and Diana and big brothers Matthias, Luca, and Dominic.
DM: Sophie Louise (33)
DD: Natasha Lily (14)
DD: Ella Nathalie (12)
DS: Matthias Jude (9)
DS: Luca Samuele (7)
DS: Dominic Paul (5)
DD: Diana Claire
DS: Simon Timothy
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
Bex – The Horvath Family
Congratulations to Pierre and Rebecca on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Charlotte, Imogen, Lydia, Arabella, and Gracie and big brothers Ewan, Hugo, Jude, and Dominic.
DH: Pierre Jacques (41)
DW: Rebecca Simone (38)
DD/DD/DS: Charlotte Amelia / Imogen Daisy / Ewan Oliver (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Lydia Abigail (9)
DD: Arabella Sophia (7)
DS: Jude Christian (5)
DS/DD: Dominic Richard / Gracie Isabel (2)
DS: Miles Jasper
DDog: Alfie
DDog: Digby
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

Congratulations to Pierre and Rebecca on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Charlotte, Imogen, Lydia, Arabella, and Gracie and big brothers Ewan, Hugo, Jude, and Dominic.
DH: Pierre Jacques (41)
DW: Rebecca Simone (38)
DD/DD/DS: Charlotte Amelia / Imogen Daisy / Ewan Oliver (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Lydia Abigail (9)
DD: Arabella Sophia (7)
DS: Jude Christian (5)
DS/DD: Dominic Richard / Gracie Isabel (2)
DS: Miles Jasper
DDog: Alfie
DDog: Digby
~~* BEX *~~
Surfing is my religion!

Keepskuh – The Grimm Family
Congratulations to Richard and Anna on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Dom, Hugo, and Elijah and big sisters Rachel, Eva, Emily, and Molly.
DH: Richard Daniel (38)
DW: Anna Caroline (34)
DS: Dominic Rhys “Dom” (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Rachel Elisabeth (9)
DD: Eva Isabella (7)
DS/DD: Elijah Heath / Emily Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: Alexander James (0)
DDog: Lucky
DCat: Lily
Congratulations to Richard and Anna on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Dom, Hugo, and Elijah and big sisters Rachel, Eva, Emily, and Molly.
DH: Richard Daniel (38)
DW: Anna Caroline (34)
DS: Dominic Rhys “Dom” (14)
DS: Hugo Sebastian (12)
DD: Rachel Elisabeth (9)
DD: Eva Isabella (7)
DS/DD: Elijah Heath / Emily Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: Alexander James (0)
DDog: Lucky
DCat: Lily
This message was edited 5/18/2006, 2:37 AM
Diamante04 – The Silva Family
Congratulations to Sam and Jen on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Aidan, Jack, Liam, Rick, Jude, and Deacon and big sisters Monica, Elisabeth, and Carrie.
DH: Samuel John “Sam” (39)
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen” (36)
DS/DS/DS: Aidan Joseph / James Michael “Jack” / William Thomas “Liam” (14)
DS: Frederick Simon “Rick” (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DD: Monica Cristina (7)
DS/DD: Deacon Paul / Elisabeth Maria (5)
DD: Caroline Michelle “Carrie” (2)
DD: Michaela Faith

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
Congratulations to Sam and Jen on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Aidan, Jack, Liam, Rick, Jude, and Deacon and big sisters Monica, Elisabeth, and Carrie.
DH: Samuel John “Sam” (39)
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen” (36)
DS/DS/DS: Aidan Joseph / James Michael “Jack” / William Thomas “Liam” (14)
DS: Frederick Simon “Rick” (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DD: Monica Cristina (7)
DS/DD: Deacon Paul / Elisabeth Maria (5)
DD: Caroline Michelle “Carrie” (2)
DD: Michaela Faith
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
Rosethorn08 – The Sinclair Family
Congratulations to Will and Syn on the birth of their son! They join big sisters Lottie, Sophia, Naomi, Liz, and Belle and big brothers Rome, Nic, and Ash.
DH: William Derek “Will” (42)
DW: Syntyche Faye “Syn” (39)
DD: Charlotte Grace “Lottie” (14)
DD: Sophia Ellen (12)
DD: Naomi Abigail (9)
DS: Romeo Clemente “Rome” (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Lachlan “Nic” / Elizabeth Rae “Liz” (5)
DS/DD: Sebastian Antonio “Ash” / Isabelle Mya “Belle” (2)
DS: Christopher Atticus "Chris"
DDog: Chili Pepper “Pepper”
DDog: Prince Sage “Sage”

Congratulations to Will and Syn on the birth of their son! They join big sisters Lottie, Sophia, Naomi, Liz, and Belle and big brothers Rome, Nic, and Ash.
DH: William Derek “Will” (42)
DW: Syntyche Faye “Syn” (39)
DD: Charlotte Grace “Lottie” (14)
DD: Sophia Ellen (12)
DD: Naomi Abigail (9)
DS: Romeo Clemente “Rome” (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Lachlan “Nic” / Elizabeth Rae “Liz” (5)
DS/DD: Sebastian Antonio “Ash” / Isabelle Mya “Belle” (2)
DS: Christopher Atticus "Chris"
DDog: Chili Pepper “Pepper”
DDog: Prince Sage “Sage”

AET – The Williamsburg Family
Congratulations to Ezra and Constance on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Rhys, Ash, Seth, Devin, and Wyatt and big sisters Imogen, Lucy, Elsie, Evie, and Tessa.
DH: Ezra William (47)
DW: Constance Isabella Ivy (42)
DS/DD/DD: Rhys Dominic Max / Imogen Keira Lily / Lucia Lola Grace “Lucy” (14)
DD: Elsa Alexandra Elise “Elsie” (12)
DS/DS: Asher Matthias Micah “Ash” / Seth Malachi Jude (9)
DD: Eva Francesca Annalisa “Evie” (7)
DD: Tessa Sydney Rae (5)
DS/DS: Devin Alejandro Cole / Wyatt Xavier Jesse (2)
DRabbit: Millie Munchie
Ezra and Connie, along with their little angels Rhys, Immy, Lucy, Elsie, Ash, Seth, Tessa, Devin and Wyatt, are thrilled to announce the arrival of their last little prince:
Congratulations to Ezra and Constance on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Rhys, Ash, Seth, Devin, and Wyatt and big sisters Imogen, Lucy, Elsie, Evie, and Tessa.
DH: Ezra William (47)
DW: Constance Isabella Ivy (42)
DS/DD/DD: Rhys Dominic Max / Imogen Keira Lily / Lucia Lola Grace “Lucy” (14)
DD: Elsa Alexandra Elise “Elsie” (12)
DS/DS: Asher Matthias Micah “Ash” / Seth Malachi Jude (9)
DD: Eva Francesca Annalisa “Evie” (7)
DD: Tessa Sydney Rae (5)
DS/DS: Devin Alejandro Cole / Wyatt Xavier Jesse (2)
DRabbit: Millie Munchie
Ezra and Connie, along with their little angels Rhys, Immy, Lucy, Elsie, Ash, Seth, Tessa, Devin and Wyatt, are thrilled to announce the arrival of their last little prince:
This message was edited 5/17/2006, 11:19 PM
MelH – The Rutherford Family
Congratulations to Michael and Sara on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Simon, and Dominic and big sisters Eve, Elena, and Caroline.
DH: Michael Simon (41)
DW: Sara Theresa (43)
DS: Oliver Max (14)
DS: Simon Felix (12)
DD: Eve Naomi (9)
DD: Elena Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elliott (5)
DD: Caroline Diana (2)
DD: Imogen Josephine
Congratulations to Michael and Sara on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Simon, and Dominic and big sisters Eve, Elena, and Caroline.
DH: Michael Simon (41)
DW: Sara Theresa (43)
DS: Oliver Max (14)
DS: Simon Felix (12)
DD: Eve Naomi (9)
DD: Elena Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elliott (5)
DD: Caroline Diana (2)
DD: Imogen Josephine
This was a lot of fun. Thanks. :)
The Williams Family
Congratulations to Seth and Lila on the birth of their son, Jonas Robin Maxwell! He joins big brothers Samuel, Luca, and Timothy and big sisters Imogen, Thea, Chloe, and Cecily.
DH: Seth August (43)
DW: Delilah Jane “Lila” (41)
DS/DD: Samuel Charlie Rhys / Imogen Sophie Alice (14)
DD: Thea Rebecca Louise (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth Eve (9)
DS: Luca Romeo Vincent (7)
DD: Cecily Mathilde Emily (5)
DS: Timothy Colin Seth (2)
DS: Jonas Robin Maxwell
DHorse: Willow
Sometimes I just feel like smacking people with the dictionary, just to see if they absorb any intelligence through osmosis.
-My friend Emma
The Williams Family
Congratulations to Seth and Lila on the birth of their son, Jonas Robin Maxwell! He joins big brothers Samuel, Luca, and Timothy and big sisters Imogen, Thea, Chloe, and Cecily.
DH: Seth August (43)
DW: Delilah Jane “Lila” (41)
DS/DD: Samuel Charlie Rhys / Imogen Sophie Alice (14)
DD: Thea Rebecca Louise (12)
DD: Chloe Elisabeth Eve (9)
DS: Luca Romeo Vincent (7)
DD: Cecily Mathilde Emily (5)
DS: Timothy Colin Seth (2)
DS: Jonas Robin Maxwell
DHorse: Willow
Sometimes I just feel like smacking people with the dictionary, just to see if they absorb any intelligence through osmosis.
-My friend Emma
This message was edited 5/17/2006, 10:58 PM
BetsyLou – The Martinez Family
Congratulations to Gabriel and Felicity on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Isaac, and Sebastian and big sisters Gianna and Tessa.
DH: Gabriel Armando (38)
DW: Felicity Carmel (36)
DS: Callum Oliver (14)
DS: Simon Henrik (12)
DS: Isaac Jeremiah (9)
DD: Gianna Caprice (7)
DD: Tessa Juliet (5)
DS: Sebastian Wyatt (2)
DD: Olivia Mariella (nb)
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Tom
Congratulations to Gabriel and Felicity on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Callum, Simon, Isaac, and Sebastian and big sisters Gianna and Tessa.
DH: Gabriel Armando (38)
DW: Felicity Carmel (36)
DS: Callum Oliver (14)
DS: Simon Henrik (12)
DS: Isaac Jeremiah (9)
DD: Gianna Caprice (7)
DD: Tessa Juliet (5)
DS: Sebastian Wyatt (2)
DD: Olivia Mariella (nb)
DDog: Guacamole
DCat: Tom
This message was edited 5/17/2006, 10:46 PM
Silvie – The Perrin Family
Congratulations to Alexander and Hannah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Matilda, Nathalie, Lydia, and Phoebe and big brothers Elias, Dominic, and Sebastian.
DH: Alexander (43)
DW: Hannah (38)
DD: Matilda Daisy (14)
DD: Nathalie Alexandra (12)
DD/DD: Lydia Marguerite / Phoebe Judith (9)
DS: Elias Vincent (7)
DS: Dominic Judas (5)
DS: Sebastian Jeremiah (2)
DS: Felix Nathaniel (newborn)
DCat: Bastet Boudica “Bastet”
I will dub my first child Alexander. If you want to know what will occur if my first child is a girl, I will tell you. He will not be a girl.
-Everything is Illuminated
Congratulations to Alexander and Hannah on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Matilda, Nathalie, Lydia, and Phoebe and big brothers Elias, Dominic, and Sebastian.
DH: Alexander (43)
DW: Hannah (38)
DD: Matilda Daisy (14)
DD: Nathalie Alexandra (12)
DD/DD: Lydia Marguerite / Phoebe Judith (9)
DS: Elias Vincent (7)
DS: Dominic Judas (5)
DS: Sebastian Jeremiah (2)
DS: Felix Nathaniel (newborn)
DCat: Bastet Boudica “Bastet”
I will dub my first child Alexander. If you want to know what will occur if my first child is a girl, I will tell you. He will not be a girl.
-Everything is Illuminated
SwtNikki87 – The Coville Family
Congratulations to Alex and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Hannah, Emma, Sophie, Abbey, and Amelia and big brothers Seth, Caleb, Luca, Hayden, and Liam.
DH: Alexander Michael “Alex” (37)
DW: Jillian Christina “Jill” (36)
DD/DD: Hannah Olivia / Emma Isabella (14)
DD: Sophie Alexandra (12)
DD/DS/DS: Abigail Selah “Abbey” / Seth Malachi / Caleb Asher (9)
DS: Lucas Matteo “Luca” (7)
DS/DS: Hayden Jack / Liam Elliott (5)
DD: Amelia Caroline (2)
DD: Cassandra Elaine "Cassie"

Congratulations to Alex and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Hannah, Emma, Sophie, Abbey, and Amelia and big brothers Seth, Caleb, Luca, Hayden, and Liam.
DH: Alexander Michael “Alex” (37)
DW: Jillian Christina “Jill” (36)
DD/DD: Hannah Olivia / Emma Isabella (14)
DD: Sophie Alexandra (12)
DD/DS/DS: Abigail Selah “Abbey” / Seth Malachi / Caleb Asher (9)
DS: Lucas Matteo “Luca” (7)
DS/DS: Hayden Jack / Liam Elliott (5)
DD: Amelia Caroline (2)
DD: Cassandra Elaine "Cassie"

tor – The Notting Family
Congratulations to Green and West on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Finn, Axel, Roan, and Lachlan and big sisters Selah, Caprice, and Essa.
DH: Green (40)
DW: West Morgana (38)
DS: Finley Noah Callum “Finn” (14)
DS: Axel August Nils (12)
DD: Selah Margot Zipporah (9)
DD: Caprice Viola Eve (7)
DS/DS: Roan Elijah Alec / Lachlan Elliott Liam (5)
DD: Venessa Gracie Amelia “Essa” (2)
DD: Sparrow Betsey Patience
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
Congratulations to Green and West on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Finn, Axel, Roan, and Lachlan and big sisters Selah, Caprice, and Essa.
DH: Green (40)
DW: West Morgana (38)
DS: Finley Noah Callum “Finn” (14)
DS: Axel August Nils (12)
DD: Selah Margot Zipporah (9)
DD: Caprice Viola Eve (7)
DS/DS: Roan Elijah Alec / Lachlan Elliott Liam (5)
DD: Venessa Gracie Amelia “Essa” (2)
DD: Sparrow Betsey Patience
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
LadyBug18 – The Morrison Family
Congratulations to Garrett and Kendra on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Kieran, Asher, Jack, and Colin and big sisters Sofia, Elena, and Ariana.
DH: Garrett James (40)
DW: Kendra Elise (37)
DS: Kieran Finley (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Asher Micah (9)
DD: Elena Cristina (7)
DS: Jack Liam (5)
DS/DD: Colin Dominic / Ariana Claire (2)
DD: Evangeline Cordelia "Evie"
DPony: Lily
The Morrison family:
Garrett & Kendra
Kieran, Sofia, Asher, Elena, Jack, Colin, Ariana, Evie and our pony Lily!
Thanks so much for hosting this game Avalon! It has been so much fun! :)

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
Congratulations to Garrett and Kendra on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Kieran, Asher, Jack, and Colin and big sisters Sofia, Elena, and Ariana.
DH: Garrett James (40)
DW: Kendra Elise (37)
DS: Kieran Finley (14)
DD: Sofia Elise (12)
DS: Asher Micah (9)
DD: Elena Cristina (7)
DS: Jack Liam (5)
DS/DD: Colin Dominic / Ariana Claire (2)
DD: Evangeline Cordelia "Evie"
DPony: Lily
The Morrison family:
Garrett & Kendra
Kieran, Sofia, Asher, Elena, Jack, Colin, Ariana, Evie and our pony Lily!
Thanks so much for hosting this game Avalon! It has been so much fun! :)

Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
ElleB – The Villaflor Family
Congratulations to Kevin and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Ella, Maddie, Ava, and Rachel and big brothers Gabriel, Caleb, Luca, Liam, Tyler, and Seth.
DH: Kevin Gabriel (38)
DW: Jill Taylor (37)
DD/DD/DD: Isabelle Grace “Ella” / Madeleine Lola “Maddie” / Ava Emily (14)
DS: Gabriel Simon (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Dinah Elisabeth / Caleb Asher Isaac (9)
DS: Luca Orlando (7)
DS/DS: Liam Heath Deacon / Tyler Dominic Hayden (5)
DS: Seth Timothy Cole (2)
DD: Ashleigh Alexandra Mia
DDog: Kaya
Congratulations to Kevin and Jill on the birth of their daughter! She joins big sisters Ella, Maddie, Ava, and Rachel and big brothers Gabriel, Caleb, Luca, Liam, Tyler, and Seth.
DH: Kevin Gabriel (38)
DW: Jill Taylor (37)
DD/DD/DD: Isabelle Grace “Ella” / Madeleine Lola “Maddie” / Ava Emily (14)
DS: Gabriel Simon (12)
DD/DS: Rachel Dinah Elisabeth / Caleb Asher Isaac (9)
DS: Luca Orlando (7)
DS/DS: Liam Heath Deacon / Tyler Dominic Hayden (5)
DS: Seth Timothy Cole (2)
DD: Ashleigh Alexandra Mia
DDog: Kaya
Jeana Bradbury – The Bradbury Family
Congratulations to Grant and Jeana on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Amelia, Sofia, Stella, and Molly and big brothers Jude, Orlando, and Dominic.
DH: Grant William (39)
DW: Jeana (38)
DD: Amelia Grace (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DS: Orlando Giovanni (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Peter / Stella Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Isabelle (2)
DS: Edward Grant
DCat: Ivy
Congratulations to Grant and Jeana on the birth of their son! He joins big sisters Amelia, Sofia, Stella, and Molly and big brothers Jude, Orlando, and Dominic.
DH: Grant William (39)
DW: Jeana (38)
DD: Amelia Grace (14)
DD: Sofia Alexandra (12)
DS: Jude Caleb (9)
DS: Orlando Giovanni (7)
DS/DD: Dominic Peter / Stella Ireland (5)
DD: Molly Isabelle (2)
DS: Edward Grant
DCat: Ivy
Mithos514 – The Katz Family
Congratulations to Andreas and Aliyah on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Zander, Gabby, Abel, and Richard and big sisters Della, Colette, Reagan, and Lily.
DH: Andreas Claude (34)
DW: Aliyah Bethany (34)
DS: Alexander Finley “Zander” (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian “Gabby” (12)
DD/DS: Delilah Judith “Della” / Abel Malachi (9)
DD: Nicoletta Sophia “Colette” (7)
DD/DD: Reagan Darcy / Lily Stella (5)
DS: Richard Wyatt (2)
DS: Aidan Boaz
DCat: Missy
Congratulations to Andreas and Aliyah on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Zander, Gabby, Abel, and Richard and big sisters Della, Colette, Reagan, and Lily.
DH: Andreas Claude (34)
DW: Aliyah Bethany (34)
DS: Alexander Finley “Zander” (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian “Gabby” (12)
DD/DS: Delilah Judith “Della” / Abel Malachi (9)
DD: Nicoletta Sophia “Colette” (7)
DD/DD: Reagan Darcy / Lily Stella (5)
DS: Richard Wyatt (2)
DS: Aidan Boaz
DCat: Missy
This message was edited 5/17/2006, 10:03 PM
LexyRose – The O’Meara Family
Congratulations to Declan and Quinn on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Jack, Luca, and Liam and big sisters Liv, Chloe, Katie, and Molly.
DH: Declan Seamus (44)
DW: Quinn Evangeline (37)
DS: Jack Finley (14)
DD: Liv Natalie (12)
DD: Chloe Susanna (9)
DS: Luca Alessandro (7)
DS: Liam Dominic (5)
DD/DD: Katie Isabel / Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: Rowan James
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Oliver
Congratulations to Declan and Quinn on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Jack, Luca, and Liam and big sisters Liv, Chloe, Katie, and Molly.
DH: Declan Seamus (44)
DW: Quinn Evangeline (37)
DS: Jack Finley (14)
DD: Liv Natalie (12)
DD: Chloe Susanna (9)
DS: Luca Alessandro (7)
DS: Liam Dominic (5)
DD/DD: Katie Isabel / Molly Rebecca (2)
DS: Rowan James
DCat: Pepper
DCat: Oliver
Summer – The Vincent Family
Congratulations to Christopher and Summer on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Xander, Zeke, Eli, and Xavier and big sisters Lou, Izzy, and Nessie.
DH: Christopher Jacob (38)
DW: Summer Jeanna (36)
DS: Alexander William Kai “Xander” (14)
DD: Louise Johanna Elise “Lou” (12)
DS: Ezekiel Asher Isiah “Zeke” (9)
DD: Isabella Lia Francesca “Izzy” (7)
DS: Elijah Liam Jude “Eli” (5)
DS/DD: Xavier Hayden Jeremiah / Vanessa Autumn Marissa “Nessie” (2)
DD: Anika Peyton Mercedes
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Congratulations to Christopher and Summer on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Xander, Zeke, Eli, and Xavier and big sisters Lou, Izzy, and Nessie.
DH: Christopher Jacob (38)
DW: Summer Jeanna (36)
DS: Alexander William Kai “Xander” (14)
DD: Louise Johanna Elise “Lou” (12)
DS: Ezekiel Asher Isiah “Zeke” (9)
DD: Isabella Lia Francesca “Izzy” (7)
DS: Elijah Liam Jude “Eli” (5)
DS/DD: Xavier Hayden Jeremiah / Vanessa Autumn Marissa “Nessie” (2)
DD: Anika Peyton Mercedes
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
This message was edited 5/17/2006, 9:35 PM
.miela. – The Wilkes Family
Congratulations to Benjamin and Audrey on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Gabe, Dominic, and Colin and big sisters Ellie, Cecilia, and Autumn.
DH: Benjamin Elliot (38)
DW: Audrey Lucia Solveig (36)
DS: Oliver Finley (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian (12)
DD: Elisabeth Naomi (9)
DD: Cecilia Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elijah (5)
DS/DD: Colin Xavier / Autumn Caroline (2)
DD: Scarlett Isabel (nb)
DCat: Mia
Congratulations to Benjamin and Audrey on the birth of their daughter! She joins big brothers Oliver, Gabe, Dominic, and Colin and big sisters Ellie, Cecilia, and Autumn.
DH: Benjamin Elliot (38)
DW: Audrey Lucia Solveig (36)
DS: Oliver Finley (14)
DS: Gabriel Sebastian (12)
DD: Elisabeth Naomi (9)
DD: Cecilia Francesca (7)
DS: Dominic Elijah (5)
DS/DD: Colin Xavier / Autumn Caroline (2)
DD: Scarlett Isabel (nb)
DCat: Mia
This message was edited 5/17/2006, 9:32 PM
Shayde – The Collyer Family
Congratulations to Chris and Meg on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Aidan, Axel, Isaac, Jack, and Carson and big sisters Chloe, Leah, Noelia, and Torrance.
DH: Christopher Michael “Chris” (36)
DW: Megan Lauren “Meg” (33)
DS: Aidan Jack (14)
DS: Axel Viggo (12)
DD/DD/DS: Chloe Priscilla / Leah Margaret / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Noelia Francesca (7)
DS/DD: Jack Tyler / Torrance Juliet (5)
DS: Carson Blake (2)
DS: Calen Jace
DDog: Chevy
DDog: Cadillac
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
Congratulations to Chris and Meg on the birth of their son! He joins big brothers Aidan, Axel, Isaac, Jack, and Carson and big sisters Chloe, Leah, Noelia, and Torrance.
DH: Christopher Michael “Chris” (36)
DW: Megan Lauren “Meg” (33)
DS: Aidan Jack (14)
DS: Axel Viggo (12)
DD/DD/DS: Chloe Priscilla / Leah Margaret / Isaac Nathaniel (9)
DD: Noelia Francesca (7)
DS/DD: Jack Tyler / Torrance Juliet (5)
DS: Carson Blake (2)
DS: Calen Jace
DDog: Chevy
DDog: Cadillac
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.