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DewdropsOnRoses' Year CAF Game
Here's the online die roller: 8-sided die for starting location: (You choose which State/Country/Province/Prefecture/Island and which city your family will live in)
1 - Europe
2 - Asia
3 - Oceania
4 - North America
5 - Africa
6 - The Caribbean
7 - South America
8 - You choose!~ Use a 12-sided die for the remainder of the game ~Create starting coupleYou get to choose your starting couples names and ages.Roll for hair texture:
1-3: Straight
4-6: Wavy
7-9: Loose curls
10-12: Tight curls/frizzyRoll for hair color: (You choose which shade of the color their hair will be)
1-3: Blond
4-5: Red
6-8: Brown
9-11: Black
12: Dyed (You choose the color!)Roll for eye color: (You choose which shade of the color their eyes will be)
1-2: Blue
3-4: Gray
5-6: Hazel
7-8: Brown
9-10: Green
11-12: VioletRoll for career:
1: Something in the education/childcare service field
2: Something in the religion/ministry/charity field
3: Something in the science/engineering field
4: Something in the medicine/social services/public services field
5: Something in the business/finance/law field
6: Something in the athletics/sports/fitness field
7: Something in the food/culinary arts field
8: Something in the dramatic arts/music/preforming/entertainment field
9: Something in the technology/computer science field
10: Something in the media/journalism field
11: Something in the fashion/art field
12: Something to do with agriculture, animals, or outdoor work*********************************************************************************
~ Events ~1-3: Birth/Adoption
4-6: Family
7-9: Career
12: Pet~ Birth/Adoption events ~
1-2: The family adopts a child
3-5: A baby is born
6: Identical twins are born
7-8: A baby is born
9: Fraternal twins are born
10-11: A baby is born
12: MiscarriageChild's looks (roll several times when rolling for fraternal twins)Roll for hair texture:
1-4: Dad's hair texture (or first mom's)
5-8: Mom's hair texture (or second dad's)
9: Straight
10: Wavy
11: Loose curls
12: Tight curls/frizzyRoll for hair color:
1-4: Dad's hair color (or first mom's)
5-8: Mom's hair color (or first dad's)
9: Straight
10: Wavy
11: Loose curls
12: Tight curls/frizzyRoll for eye color:
1-3: Dad's eye color (or first mom's)
4-6: Mom's eye color (or second dad's)
7: Blue
8: Gray
9: Hazel
10: Brown
11: Green
12: VioletAdoptee's hair texture:
1-3: Straight
4-6: Wavy
7-9: Loose curls
10-12: Tight curls/frizzyAdoptee's hair color:
1-3: Blond
4-6: Red
7-9: Brown
10-12: BlackAdoptee's eye color:
1-2: Blue
3-4: Gray
5-6: Hazel
7-8: Brown
9-10: Green
11-12: VioletRoll for child's name initials: (Each child may have up to three names, plus their parents' surname/surnames)
1-2: A, B, C, or D
3-4: E, F, G, or H
5-6: I, J, K, or L
7-8: M, N, O, or P
9-10: Q, R, S, or T
11: U, V, or W
12: X, Y, or Z*Once the child is eighteen, roll for their profession and SO's looks and career* (S.O. optional. If you do give them an S.O., you can make them get married after a few years of dating, if you like.)~ Family Events ~
1: A divorce or break-up happens (either between the main couple or one of their children)
2: Someone is temporarily sick/injured
3: Family vacation/road trip - roll for destination
4: An extended family member joins/leaves the family household - you choose who the relative is, and roll for their looks and career
5: Surprise pregnancy! - roll for gender and looks (if you land on adopt, pick whatever gender you want; ignore the adopt part)
6: Someone is permanently injured/disabled/diagnosed with a chronic illness
7: The family moves - roll for new location
8: Someone leaves and studies overseas for a year; if a child, they go to a boarding school in another town - roll for location
9: Someone dies (extended or immediate; you choose who dies)
10: Someone gets a part in a school play/local playhouse performance
11: Someone falls for a scam/con/robbery
12: If divorced, remarry - roll for new spouse's looks and career; if not divorced, attend the wedding of a family member. (Family member can be an extended relative, or child)~ Career Events ~
1: Someone gets a pay raise
2: Someone's job requires the family to move - roll for new location
3: Someone gets a promotion
4: Someone is fired/laid off/quits their job
5: Someone's job requires the family to move - roll for new location
6: Someone gets their pay cut/hours decreased/demoted
7: Someone goes back to school
8: Some gets a new job within their career field
9: Someone gets a promotion
10: Someone gets a pay raise
11: Someone is fired/laid off/quits their job
12 Someone gets a job in a new career field~ Community Events ~
1. There is a minor natural disaster - Roll the die (1-6: your family is affected, 7-12: Your family is unaffected)
2. A sudden crash in the business economy causes lots of people to laid off - Roll the die (1-6: someone is laid off, 7-12: Your family is unaffected)
3. A movie is being filmed in the town! - Roll the die (1-6: Your family appears as extras, 7-12: Your family isn't in the movie)
4. There is a festival!
5. Your family/a family member is mentioned in the newspaper/news - Roll the die (1-6: Bad news, 7-12: Good news)
6. The Olympics are hosted in your family's home country - Roll the die (1-6: The family watches them in person, 7-12: Your family stays home and watches it on the TV)
7. There is a pandemic - roll the die (1-6: Your family is affected, 7-12: Your family is unaffected)
8. There is a parade!
9. A big celebrity visits town! - roll the die (1-6: Your family gets to meet them, 7-12: Your family doesn't get to meet them)
10. A war is declared - roll the die (1-6: A family member(s) go off to war, 7-12: Your family members stay home)
11. There is an epidemic - roll the die (1-6: Your family is affected, 7-12: Your family is unaffected)
12. There is a major natural disaster - Roll the die (1-6: Your family is affected, 7-12: Your family is unaffected)~ Pet Events~Roll for number of pets:
1-3: 1
4-6: 2
7-9: 3
10-12: 4Roll for type of pet:
1-2: Cat
3-4: Dog
5-6: Horse
7-8: Bird
9-10: Fish or Turtle
11-12: ReptileOther Pet events:
1-4: A pet dies
5-8: A pet runs away - roll the die (1-6: Family finds it/it returns, 7-12: The pet is forever lost)
9-12: A pet is stolen - roll the die (1-6: Family gets it back, 7-12: The pet is never found)*Pet names and breeds are entirely up to you. Have fun!*Have fun creating a family and their lives!
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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The Walton Family
Located in Huntington, NY, USADW [23] Ilary Carlisle Walton
- born 6/23/1997
- has straight blonde hair and blue eyes
- works as a dancerDW [23] Mariabella 'Mari' Elizabeth (Schenck) Walton
- born 12/10/1997
- has frizzy black hair and green eyes
- works as a conservationistIlary and Mari Walton
Year One
Ilary and Mari welcome their first child, a son, named Xan Raphael Walton!The Walton Family
Located in Huntington, NY, USADW [24] Ilary Carlisle Walton
- born 06/23/1997
- has straight blonde hair and blue eyes
- works as a dancerDW [24] Mariabella 'Mari' Elizabeth (Schenck) Walton
- born 12/10/1997
- has frizzy black hair and green eyes
- works as a conservationistDS [0] Xan Raphael Walton
- born 11/06/2022
- has frizzy brown hair and green eyesIlary and Mari Walton;

Year Two
While on vacation, the Walton's house gets robbed, but everything turns out okay in the end.
Year Three
Ilary and Mari welcome their second son, Remy Clark Walton, to the family!The Walton Family
Located in Huntington, NY, USADW [26] Ilary Carlisle Walton
- born 06/23/1997
- has straight blonde hair and blue eyes
- works as a dancerDW [26] Mariabella 'Mari' Elizabeth (Schenck) Walton
- born 12/10/1997
- has frizzy black hair and green eyes
- works as a conservationistDS [2] Xan Raphael Walton
- born 11/06/2022
- has frizzy blonde hair and green eyesDS [0] Remy Clark Walton
- born 09/07/2024
- has frizzy brown hair and green eyesIlary and Mari Walton;
Xan and Remy

Year Four
Mari is laid off from work.The Walton Family
Located in Huntington, NY, USADW [27] Ilary Carlisle Walton
- born 06/23/1997
- has straight blonde hair and blue eyes
- works as a dancerDW [27] Mariabella 'Mari' Elizabeth (Schenck) Walton
- born 12/10/1997
- has frizzy black hair and green eyesDS [3] Xan Raphael Walton
- born 11/06/2022
- has frizzy blonde hair and green eyes

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Starting Location: Bergen, NorwayDW(22): Linnea Elise (Strand) Haugen
Loose brown curls, grey eyes
JournalistDW(24): Julia Sofie Haugen
Tight red curls, green eyes
Lawyer Year One
Linnea and Julia decide to get a cat. They choose a 5 year old rescue cat called Bjørn. He is brown with some ginger patches, and they don't know what breed he is. DW(22): Linnea Elise Haugen (Loose brown curls, grey eyes, journalist)
DW(24): Julia Sofie Haugen (Tight red curls, green eyes, lawyer)
DCat(5): Bjørn
Year Two
Linnea and Julia have a baby girl with loose brown curls and green eyes. They name her Iris Rebekka Haugen. DW(23): Linnea Elise Haugen (Loose brown curls, grey eyes, journalist)
DW(25): Julia Sofie Haugen (Tight red curls, green eyes, lawyer)
-DD1(nb): Iris Rebekka Haugen (Loose brown curls, green eyes)
DCat(6): Bjørn
Year Three
Linnea decides to resign from her job as a journalist to become an artist. DW(24): Linnea Elise Haugen (Loose brown curls, grey eyes, artist)
DW(26): Julia Sofie Haugen (Tight red curls, green eyes, lawyer)
-DD1(1): Iris Rebekka Haugen (Loose brown curls, green eyes)
DCat(7): Bjørn

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This message was edited 4/28/2021, 10:07 AM

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The Sinclair Family, 20 yearsYear One!
Isla Rose Sinclair, an archer, (straight brown hair, hazel eyes) marries Ceridwen Rhiannon Sinclair, a youth pastor (wavy blonde hair, green eyes) in Wales. Unfortunately, they are robbed during their honeymoon, with Isla Rose losing many of her supplies and Ceridwen a good sum of her savings.Isla Rose & Ceridwen Sinclair (20)Year Two!
Ceridwen becomes a pastor of her own church!
Isla Rose & Ceridwen Sinclair (21)Year Three!
Ceridwen gives birth to identical twin boys! They name them Vincent Andreas & Nicholas Bevan(straight black hair, blue eyes).
Isla Rose & Ceridwen Sinclair (22) with Vincent and Nicholas (nb)Year Four!
Due to a mishap at the doctor, Isla Rose becomes pregnant! Unfortunately, she has a miscarriage.
Isla Rose & Ceridwen Sinclair (23) with Vincent and Nicholas (1)Year Five!
After a particularly successful year on the team, Isla Rose gets a raise!

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This message was edited 4/21/2021, 9:50 AM

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STARTING LOCATION: Winnipeg, CanadaDH (25): Ezekiel Louis Campbell (loose curly black hair; violet eyes; veterinarian)DW (24): Annika Hope (Keith) Campbell (straight blond hair; violet eyes; fashion designer)~.~.~.~
YEAR ONE: Annika and Ezekiel adopt a boy named Everett Alexander. Everett has straight black hair and green eyes.DH (25): Ezekiel Louis Campbell (loose curly black hair; violet eyes; veterinarian)
DW (24): Annika Hope Campbell (straight blond hair; violet eyes; fashion designer)
DAS (1): Everett Alexander Campbell (straight black hair; green eyes)
YEAR TWO: Annika and Ezekiel have baby girl named Sofia Penelope Campbell. Sofia has straight black hair and violet eyes.DH (26): Ezekiel Louis Campbell (loose curly black hair; violet eyes; veterinarian)
DW (25): Annika Hope Campbell (straight blond hair; violet eyes; fashion designer)
DAS (2): Everett Alexander Campbell (straight black hair; green eyes)
DD (nb): Sofia Penelope Campbell (straight black hair; violet eyes)

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Location: Brisbane, AustraliaDH: James Daniel Kerry
Straight blond hair, violet eyes
Molecular ScientistDW: Emma Lauren Graham Kerry
Straight blonde hair, brown eyes
Theatre Director--
Year 1James and Emma welcome a baby girl! Alexandra Sophie has straight blonde hair and brown eyes like her mom.James [23] and Emma [23]: Alexandra [nb]--
Year 2There is a large festival in the city! Alexandra enjoys all of the excitement and bright lights and music!James [24] and Emma [24]: Alexandra [1]--
Year 3James and Emma get divorced.James [25]
Emma [25]: Alexandra [2]--
Year 4Emma receives a pay raise!James [26]
Emma [26]: Alexandra [3]--
Year 5There is a pandemic. Emma's theatre shuts down temporarily and James is thrown into pandemic testing.James [27]
Emma [27]: Alexandra [4]--
Year 6Emma goes back to school part-time to earn her MBA.James [28]
Emma [28]: Alexandra [5]--
Year 7James receives a promotion.James [29]
Emma [29]: Alexandra [6]

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The Halloran Family, 20 YearsLocation: London, England (formerly New York, USA)DH: Steven Vincent "Steve" Halloran (29, straight black hair, green eyes, biomedical engineer)
DW: Alexandra Sabrina "Alex" (Voss) Halloran (26, wavy brown hair, gray eyes, youth ministry director)Year 1: Steve and Alex adopt a female cat, Star, and a male bearded dragon, Ryu.DH: Steven Vincent "Steve" Halloran (30, straight black hair, green eyes, biomedical engineer)
DW: Alexandra Sabrina "Alex" (Voss) Halloran (27, wavy brown hair, gray eyes, youth ministry director)Year 2: A baby boy, Jack David, is born. Little Jack has wavy brown hair and green eyes.DH: Steven Vincent "Steve" Halloran (31, straight black hair, green eyes, biomedical engineer)
DW: Alexandra Sabrina "Alex" (Voss) Halloran (28, wavy brown hair, gray eyes, youth ministry director)DS: Jack David Halloran (0, wavy brown hair, green eyes)Year 3: Fraternal twins, Zane Quinton and Elizabeth Alice, are born. Zane has straight brown hair and green eyes, while Eliza has straight black hair and gray eyes.

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Year 0
Location: Santa Clara, Cuba
DH [24]: Manuel Alejandro Freitas Mendoza (lose blonde curls, green eyes, is a sports team manager)
DW [22]: Cristina Isabel Gonzalez de la Rosa (loose black curls, hazel eyes, is a teacher)Year 1
Location: Santa Clara, Cuba
DH [24]: Manuel Alejandro Freitas Mendoza (lose blonde curls, green eyes, is a sports team manager)
DW [22]: Cristina Isabel Gonzalez de la Rosa (loose black curls, hazel eyes, is a teacher)They go to New York City on a vacation.Year 2
Location: Santa Clara, Cuba
DH [25]: Manuel Alejandro Freitas Mendoza (lose blonde curls, green eyes, is a sports team manager)
DW [23]: Cristina Isabel Gonzalez de la Rosa (loose black curls, hazel eyes, is a teacher)Manuel gets diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.Year 3
Location: Santa Clara, Cuba
DH [26]: Manuel Alejandro Freitas Mendoza (lose blonde curls, green eyes, is a sports team manager)
DW [24]: Cristina Isabel Gonzalez de la Rosa (loose black curls, hazel eyes, is a teacher)Cristina gets laid off following a slight recession.Year 4
Location: Santa Clara, Cuba
DH [27]: Manuel Alejandro Freitas Mendoza (lose blonde curls, green eyes, is a sports team manager)

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The Lewis Family! WFLDevon, EnglandYear 0
---DH: Samuel Roland Lewis (31, loose curly dark brown hair, blue eyes)
DW: Frida Eleanor (Archer) Lewis (30, straight copper-red hair, dark violet eyes)Sam is a pastry chef who grew up in a small town near the sea in Devon. He owns a bakery that is well known for it's pies. Frida was on holiday when she stopped to buy one of Sam's famous peach-blackberry pies, and they fell for each other quickly. Frida moved to Devon and married Sam as soon as she finished her doctorate, and now she is teaching English literature at the local university. They live in a cottage with a large garden, and they hope to fill it with children soon. Year 1
---DH: Samuel Roland Lewis (32, loose curly dark brown hair, grey-blue eyes)
DW: Frida Eleanor (Archer) Lewis (31, straight copper-red hair, dark violet eyes)
DS1: Daniel Aspen Lewis (newborn, straight copper-red hair, grey-blue eyes)
DS2: Timothy Rowan Lewis (newborn, straight copper-red hair, grey-blue eyes)Sam and Frida have just had twin boys! They have straight red hair like their mother and blue eyes like their father. Sam and Frida are both overwhelmed and overjoyed.

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This message was edited 4/20/2021, 8:54 AM

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Year 0 - Auckland, New ZealandDH [26]: Marius Eirik Solheim (curly brown hair, blue eyes, primary school teacher)
DW [27]: Elizabeth Esther (Kirkwood) Solheim "Elsie" (straight brown hair, grey eyes, artist)Marius, a primary school teacher, and Elsie, a visual artist, first met when Elsie gave a presentation about art to the children at Marius' school - four years later, they have just got married. Marius is originally from Oslo, but moved to Auckland with his family when he was 15; Elsie is a native of the city.Year 1 - Auckland, New ZealandDH [27]: Marius Eirik Solheim (curly brown hair, blue eyes, primary school teacher)
DW [28]: Elizabeth Esther (Kirkwood) Solheim "Elsie" (straight brown hair, grey eyes, artist)DS1 [0]: Zachariah August Solheim "Zack" (wavy brown hair, grey eyes)Marius and Elsie welcome their first child, a boy called Zack.Marius & Elsie with ZackYear 2 - Auckland, New ZealandDH [28]: Marius Eirik Solheim (curly brown hair, blue eyes, primary school teacher)
DW [29]: Elizabeth Esther (Kirkwood) Solheim "Elsie" (straight brown hair, grey eyes, artist)ADS2 [2]: Roman Felix Goodwin Solheim (curly blonde hair, brown eyes)

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This message was edited 4/19/2021, 11:42 AM

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Forgot to include roll for baby's gender! - Sorry for the inconvenience! (1-6: Baby girl, 7-12: baby boy)sorry again!
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And I just saw that I messed up the baby hair colors. (1-4: dad's hair color, 5-9: mom's hair color9: Blond, 10: Red, 11: Brown, 12: Black) Sorry about that!
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