~*~The Hopkins Family~*~Re: Erb816's Road to the Oscars Congrats! Round 7
in reply to a message by erb816
~*~The Hopkins Family~*~
DH: Anthony Peter Hopkins “Tony”
DW: Olivia Mary [Zeller] Hopkins “Olivia”
DD: Katharine Ava [Hopkins] Lightfoot “Katie”
-DH: Ian George Lightfoot “Ian”
-DS: Owen Nathaniel Lightfoot “Owen”
-DS: William Arthur Lightfoot “Will”
-DD: Rebecca Daphne Lightfoot “Becca”
DS: Joshua Michael Hopkins “Josh”
DS: Charles Benjamin Hopkins “Charley”
DS: Samuel James Hopkins “Sam”
DD: Emily Charlotte Hopkins “Emmy”

Mommy to
DH: Anthony Peter Hopkins “Tony”
DW: Olivia Mary [Zeller] Hopkins “Olivia”
DD: Katharine Ava [Hopkins] Lightfoot “Katie”
-DH: Ian George Lightfoot “Ian”
-DS: Owen Nathaniel Lightfoot “Owen”
-DS: William Arthur Lightfoot “Will”
-DD: Rebecca Daphne Lightfoot “Becca”
DS: Joshua Michael Hopkins “Josh”
DS: Charles Benjamin Hopkins “Charley”
DS: Samuel James Hopkins “Sam”
DD: Emily Charlotte Hopkins “Emmy”

Mommy to