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Re: Erb816's Road to the Oscars Congrats! Round 7
DH: Thomas William Dellinger
DW: Julia Renee Dellinger (nee Hoffman)

DS: Linden Cassius Dellinger
-DW: Margo Angela Dellinger (nee Fey)
--DD: Juliet Felicia Dellinger
--DD: Magdalena Lori Dellinger
--DD: Delilah Heather Dellinger
--DS: Lincoln Dexter Dellinger “Link”
--DS: Darryl Quincy Dellinger

DD: Melody Carmen Dellinger
DD: Jane Diana Dellinger
DD: Cynthia Belle Dellinger
DS: Sebastian Merrick Dellinger

Thomas & Julia Dellinger: Linden, Melody, Jane, Cynthia, & Sebastian
Linden & Margo Dellinger: Juliet, Magdalena, Delilah, Link, & Darryl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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