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NTNB : Round Seven [NO SIGNUPS]
Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] Anderson [Laura B.]DS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss [Jessamine]
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss [Laura B.]
- DD [exp] DD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson [Julia]
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji Kim [RowenaRavenclaw] DD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson [elliott]
- Dbf [17] DS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson [Jessamine]Zephyr and Robert got married a year ago and are expecting a daughter together!
Theo has been dating her boyfriends for almost a year! Zephyr and Robert want their daughters FN to be a classic, and her MN to be after Zephyr's mother Theo's boyfriends initials are AMN*
Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett Julia]
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] Blanchett [Laura B.]DD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] [RowenaRavenclaw & Wordsmith]
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard [elliott]
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard [elliott]
- DD [3] Anya Blanchett Girard [Laura B.]
- DS [exp] DD [22] Cate Elise Blanchett [elliott]
- Dgf [24] Romy Alessandra Costa [Wordsmith] DS [20] George Daniel Blanchett [Princess_Shireen]
- Dgf [20]
- DS [nb] DD [17] Maud Leonora Blanchett [Wordsmith]
DS [13] Ralph Maurice Blanchett [molly]Rose and Theodore are expecting another son and George has been dating his girlfriend for the past year and they have just had a baby!Rose and Theodore want their son's FN to be between 50-60 in the USA and his MN to be long and masculine George's girlfriends FN and MN are from here [any name] and her LN is Czech
They want their son's FN to be trendy, but NOT in the top 100 and his MN to be old fashioned
Cohen FamilyDH [45] Eliya George Cohen [elliott]
DW [44] Vienna Jane [Riley] Cohen [Wordsmith]DD [24] Arlo Nava [Cohen] Figueroa [elliott]
- DH [27] Bruno Javier Figueroa [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DS [2] Cruz Eliya Figueroa [elliott & Jessamine]
- DD [exp] DS [22] Quinn Ira Cohen [Laura B.]
- Dgf [22] Anneliese Joy Beckett [Jessamine]
- DD [2] Arizona Dorit Cohen [elliott]
- DD [exp] DS [18] Bailey Miron Cohen [Jessamine]
- Dgf [19]DD [15] Dallas Ofira Cohen [molly]
DD & DS [12] James Aliza Cohen & Jules Abraham Cohen [elliott & RowenaRavenclaw]
DD [6] Luca Raziela Cohen [Julia]Arlo and Bruno are expecting a daughter in a couple of weeks, and are due just 3 days after Quinn and Anneliese's daughter!
Bailey has been dating his girlfriend for 5 months!Arlo and Bruno want their daughters FN to be a short cute Spanish name, and her MN to be one of her auntie's Hebrew namesQuinn and Anneliese want their daughters FN to be a US state, and her MN to be HebrewBailey's girlfriends FN comes from Roman Mythology, her MN is Greek and her LN is English and begins with A*
Giannotti-Kader FamilyDW [52] Vittoria Marianna Giannotti-Kader [cher529s]
DW [49] Aisha Giannotti-Kader [Princess_Shireen]DD [24] Aurelia Soraya Giannotti-Kader [HailCthulhu]
- Dfiancee [26] Oliver Lewis Winston [Julia]DS [24] Andrea Sulayman Giannotti-Kader [HailCthulhu]
- DW [25] Molly Eleanor [Wood] Giannotti-Kader [molly]
- DD & DD [4] Edith Maddalena Fayruz Giannotti-Kader & Florence Marietta Aliyya Giannotti-Kader [molly & cher529s]
- DD [2] Imogen Serafina Lujayn Giannotti-Kader [Julia]
- DD [exp]DS [21] Lorenzo Malik Giannotti-Kader [Hummingbird Brook]
- Dgf [25] Isabella Ruby Winslet [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DS [nb]

ADD [19] Rosanna Tahira Giannotti-Kader [elliott]
- Dbf [19] Hamza Darwish [Wordsmith]ADD [17] Haniyya Constanza Giannotti-Kader [Laura B.]
DS [14] Giacomo Ramiz Giannotti-Kader [elliott]Andrea and Molly are expecting their fourth daughter in just a couple of months! Aurelia and Oliver got engaged and have decided to settle down in Galway, Ireland! They want her FN to be in the top 100 UK but NOT in the top 100 USA, MN1 to be Italian and MN2 to be ArabicLorenzo and Isabella had a son 2 weeks ago!
His FN is fairly popular in Italy, and his MN is a nicknamey-name popular in the UK*
Barton FamilyDH [41] Troy Phillip Barton [Jessamine]
DW [39] Carol Isabella [Gerber] Barton [elliott]DD [16] Dove Joanna Barton [elliott]
- Dbf [16] DD [14] Shiloh Erin Barton [HailCthulhu]
DD [11] Elsie Laura Barton [Wordsmith]
DD [9] Poppy Alicia Barton [Julia]
DD [6] Haven Carla Barton [elliott]
DD [4] Lucille Jennifer Barton [Julia]
ADS [3] Hugo Troy Barton [elliott]
DD & DS [exp]Troy and Carol didn't plan on having anymore children after Lucille and Hugo but they're super excited to be expecting twin a girl and a boy! Hugo is so excited for a brother! Troy and Carol's eldest daughter Dove has been dating her boyfriend for the past 5 months!Dove's boyfriends FN, MN AND LN is from here : want their FNs to be any name from here : and their MNs to be between 11-20 in the 1970s :
- - -
Alma. Theodora. Autumn. Saoirse
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Freddie

This message was edited 3/18/2021, 6:51 AM

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Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] Anderson [Laura B.]DS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss [Jessamine]
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss [Laura B.]
- DD [exp] Cecilia Isabel Anderson-WeissDD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson [Julia]
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]DD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson [elliott]
- Dbf [17] Alfred Magnus NeeleyDS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson [Jessamine]
Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett Julia]
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] Blanchett [Laura B.]DD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] [RowenaRavenclaw & Wordsmith]
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard [elliott]
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard [elliott]

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Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] AndersonDS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss
- DD [exp] Margaret Flora Anderson-WeissDD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji KimDD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson
- Dbf [17] Austin Mason NavarroDS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson***Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] BlanchettDD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] Girard
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard
- DD [3] Anya Blanchett Girard
- DS [exp] Elias Maximilian GirardDD [22] Cate Elise Blanchett
- Dgf [24] Romy Alessandra CostaDS [20] George Daniel Blanchett

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This message was edited 3/18/2021, 7:53 PM

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Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] Anderson [Laura B.]DS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss [Jessamine]
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss [Laura B.]
- DD [exp] Margaret Florence Anderson-WeissDD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson [Julia]
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]DD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson [elliott]
- Dbf [17] Abel Malik NixonDS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson [Jessamine]*
Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett Julia]
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] Blanchett [Laura B.]DD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] [RowenaRavenclaw & Wordsmith]
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard [elliott]
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard [elliott]
- DD [3] Anya Blanchett Girard [Laura B.]
- DS [exp] Nathan Frederick GirardDD [22] Cate Elise Blanchett [elliott]
- Dgf [24] Romy Alessandra Costa [Wordsmith]DS [20] George Daniel Blanchett [Princess_Shireen]
- Dgf [20] Ottilie Susan Dvořák
- DS [nb] Brooks Abner BlanchettDD [17] Maud Leonora Blanchett [Wordsmith]
DS [13] Ralph Maurice Blanchett [molly]*
Cohen FamilyDH [45] Eliya George Cohen [elliott]
DW [44] Vienna Jane [Riley] Cohen [Wordsmith]DD [24] Arlo Nava [Cohen] Figueroa [elliott]
- DH [27] Bruno Javier Figueroa [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DS [2] Cruz Eliya Figueroa [elliott & Jessamine]
- DD [exp] Dulce Raziela FigueroaDS [22] Quinn Ira Cohen [Laura B.]
- Dgf [22] Anneliese Joy Beckett [Jessamine]
- DD [2] Arizona Dorit Cohen [elliott]
- DD [exp] Pennsylvania Rina CohenDS [18] Bailey Miron Cohen [Jessamine]
- Dgf [19] Juno Konstantina ArmstrongDD [15] Dallas Ofira Cohen [molly]
DD & DS [12] James Aliza Cohen & Jules Abraham Cohen [elliott & RowenaRavenclaw]
DD [6] Luca Raziela Cohen [Julia]*
Giannotti-Kader FamilyDW [52] Vittoria Marianna Giannotti-Kader [cher529s]
DW [49] Aisha Giannotti-Kader [Princess_Shireen]DD [24] Aurelia Soraya Giannotti-Kader [HailCthulhu]

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Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] Anderson [Laura B.]DS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss [Jessamine]
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss [Laura B.]
- DD [exp] Lillian Flora Anderson-WeissDD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson [Julia]
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]DD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson [elliott]
- Dbf [17] Adrian Marco NunezDS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson [Jessamine]*Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett Julia]
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] Blanchett [Laura B.]DD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] [RowenaRavenclaw & Wordsmith]
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard [elliott]
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard [elliott]
- DD [3] Anya Blanchett Girard [Laura B.]
- DS [exp] Hudson Nathaniel GirardDD [22] Cate Elise Blanchett [elliott]
- Dgf [24] Romy Alessandra Costa [Wordsmith]DS [20] George Daniel Blanchett [Princess_Shireen]
- Dgf [20] Charli Eleanor Kudurna
- DS [nb] Camden Maurice BlanchettDD [17] Maud Leonora Blanchett [Wordsmith]
DS [13] Ralph Maurice Blanchett [molly]*Cohen FamilyDH [45] Eliya George Cohen [elliott]
DW [44] Vienna Jane [Riley] Cohen [Wordsmith]DD [24] Arlo Nava [Cohen] Figueroa [elliott]
- DH [27] Bruno Javier Figueroa [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DS [2] Cruz Eliya Figueroa [elliott & Jessamine]
- DD [exp] Lola Aliza FigueroaDS [22] Quinn Ira Cohen [Laura B.]
- Dgf [22] Anneliese Joy Beckett [Jessamine]
- DD [2] Arizona Dorit Cohen [elliott]
- DD [exp] Alabama Sigal CohenDS [18] Bailey Miron Cohen [Jessamine]
- Dgf [19] Pomona Diamantina AugustineDD [15] Dallas Ofira Cohen [molly]
DD & DS [12] James Aliza Cohen & Jules Abraham Cohen [elliott & RowenaRavenclaw]
DD [6] Luca Raziela Cohen [Julia]*Giannotti-Kader FamilyDW [52] Vittoria Marianna Giannotti-Kader [cher529s]
DW [49] Aisha Giannotti-Kader [Princess_Shireen]

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Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] Anderson [Laura B.]DS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss [Jessamine]
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss [Laura B.]
- DD [exp] Mary Isabel Anderson-WeissDD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson [Julia]
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]DD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson [elliott]
- Dbf [17] Ari Michael NewmanDS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson [Jessamine]*
Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett Julia]
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] Blanchett [Laura B.]DD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] [RowenaRavenclaw & Wordsmith]
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard [elliott]
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard [elliott]

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Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] Anderson [Laura B.]DS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss [Jessamine]
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss [Laura B.]
- DD [exp] Sibyl Flora Anderson-WeissDD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson [Julia]
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]DD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson [elliott]
- Dbf [17] Augustus Mitchell "Gus" NaylorDS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson [Jessamine]*
Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett Julia]
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] Blanchett [Laura B.]DD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] [RowenaRavenclaw & Wordsmith]
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard [elliott]
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard [elliott]
- DD [3] Anya Blanchett Girard [Laura B.]
- DS [exp] Hudson Leonidas GirardDD [22] Cate Elise Blanchett [elliott]
- Dgf [24] Romy Alessandra Costa [Wordsmith]DS [20] George Daniel Blanchett [Princess_Shireen]
- Dgf [20] Ottilie Jacquetta Roubal
- DS [nb] Waylon Arnold Blanchett
DD [17] Maud Leonora Blanchett [Wordsmith]
DS [13] Ralph Maurice Blanchett [molly]*
Cohen FamilyDH [45] Eliya George Cohen [elliott]
DW [44] Vienna Jane [Riley] Cohen [Wordsmith]DD [24] Arlo Nava [Cohen] Figueroa [elliott]
- DH [27] Bruno Javier Figueroa [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DS [2] Cruz Eliya Figueroa [elliott & Jessamine]
- DD [exp] Paz Ofira FigueroaDS [22] Quinn Ira Cohen [Laura B.]
- Dgf [22] Anneliese Joy Beckett [Jessamine]
- DD [2] Arizona Dorit Cohen [elliott]
- DD [exp] Alabama Shifra CohenDS [18] Bailey Miron Cohen [Jessamine]
- Dgf [19] Juno Melitta AbernathyDD [15] Dallas Ofira Cohen [molly]
DD & DS [12] James Aliza Cohen & Jules Abraham Cohen [elliott & RowenaRavenclaw]
DD [6] Luca Raziela Cohen [Julia]*
Giannotti-Kader FamilyDW [52] Vittoria Marianna Giannotti-Kader [cher529s]
DW [49] Aisha Giannotti-Kader [Princess_Shireen]DD [24] Aurelia Soraya Giannotti-Kader [HailCthulhu]

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This message was edited 3/18/2021, 11:22 AM

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Anderson FamilyDH [46] Caleb Tristan Anderson [RowenaRavenclaw]
DW [45] Flora Isabel [Láník] Anderson [Laura B.]DS [21] Zephyr Radomír Anderson-Weiss [Jessamine]
- DH [21] Robert Nathaniel Anderson-Weiss [Laura B.]
- DD [exp] Marjorie Flora Anderson-WeissDD [19] Eleni Květa Anderson [Julia]
- Dbf [19] Hudson Gyeong Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DD [2] Freya Min-ji Kim [RowenaRavenclaw]DD [16] Theodora Lenka Anderson [elliott]
- Dbf [17] Antony Malcolm NichollsDS [14] Giannis Tobiáš Anderson [Jessamine]*
Blanchett FamilyDH [50] Evan Daniel Blanchett Julia]
DW [50] Charlotte Eve [Rooney] Blanchett [Laura B.]DD [23] Rose Héloïse [Blanchett] [RowenaRavenclaw & Wordsmith]
- DH [29] Theodore Charlie Girard [elliott]
- DS [4] Roman Theodore Girard [elliott]
- DD [3] Anya Blanchett Girard [Laura B.]
- DS [exp] Elias Anderson GirardDD [22] Cate Elise Blanchett [elliott]
- Dgf [24] Romy Alessandra Costa [Wordsmith]DS [20] George Daniel Blanchett [Princess_Shireen]
- Dgf [20] Alexandra Annabel Jahoda
- DS [nb] Jayce Percy Blanchett-JahodaDD [17] Maud Leonora Blanchett [Wordsmith]
DS [13] Ralph Maurice Blanchett [molly]*
Cohen FamilyDH [45] Eliya George Cohen [elliott]
DW [44] Vienna Jane [Riley] Cohen [Wordsmith]DD [24] Arlo Nava [Cohen] Figueroa [elliott]
- DH [27] Bruno Javier Figueroa [RowenaRavenclaw]
- DS [2] Cruz Eliya Figueroa [elliott & Jessamine]
- DD [exp] Luz Dvora FigueroaDS [22] Quinn Ira Cohen [Laura B.]
- Dgf [22] Anneliese Joy Beckett [Jessamine]
- DD [2] Arizona Dorit Cohen [elliott]
- DD [exp] Georgia Michal CohenDS [18] Bailey Miron Cohen [Jessamine]
- Dgf [19] Venus Persephone AutryDD [15] Dallas Ofira Cohen [molly]
DD & DS [12] James Aliza Cohen & Jules Abraham Cohen [elliott & RowenaRavenclaw]
DD [6] Luca Raziela Cohen [Julia]*
Giannotti-Kader FamilyDW [52] Vittoria Marianna Giannotti-Kader [cher529s]
DW [49] Aisha Giannotti-Kader [Princess_Shireen]DD [24] Aurelia Soraya Giannotti-Kader [HailCthulhu]

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elizabeth flora anderson-weiss
alexander michael nichols blanchett
hudson benjamin
emilia alexandra belivet
dashiell arthur cohen
alba raziela
indiana liora
victoria antonia adams giannotti-kader
harriet valentina basira
ludovico ronniebarton
ignatius matthew lawrence
ottilie sarah & jack thomas barton
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