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Re: Swedish Generation Caf #45 (with combos)
DGF: Wilhelm Gottfrid
DGM: Sonja MargaretaDD: Anna Matilda
DD: Emma Charlotta
DS: Axel TheodorWilhelm & Sonja: Anna, Emma, & Axel
DD: Anna Matilda
DH: Samuel ErikDD: Anna Margareta
DD: Elsa Kristina
DD: Hedvig DesideriaAnna & Samuel: Anan, Elsa, & Hedvig
DD: Emma Charlotta
DH: Erik HjalmarDD: Astrid Karolina
DS: August Kristian
DD: Ines VictoriaEmma & Erik: Astrid, August, & Ines
DS: Axel Theodor
DW: Emilia KarolinaDS: Albin Mattias
DS: Edvin Albert
DD: Alice ElisabetAxel & Emilia: Albin, Edvin, & Alice~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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