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Generation CAF [Round 9]
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 5:
Round 6:
Round 7:
Round 8: a dice 6 to decide which set of instructions you follow. Dice: // MN***Roll 1, DD1 welcomes a daughter: Name day in France in October // 5 letter Italian name that ends in -a[]=feminine&operator_nameday=is&value_nameday[]=france&monthoperator_nameday=is&month_nameday[]=10&dayoperator_nameday=is //*a/length/5 Roll 2, DS1 welcomes a son: A latinized name from Ancient Greece with less than 8 letters // Between 50 and 65 in Italy in 1999[]=masculine&operator_usage=is&value_usage[]=ancient-greek&operator_length=less&value_length[]=8&operator_relationship=is&value_relationship[]=latinized // Roll 3, DD2 welcomes a daughter: Top 20 in Germany in 2000 // French color name // Roll 4, DD3 welcomes a son: Between 15 and 30 in the US in 2000 // Unisex French name // Roll 5, DS2 welcomes a daughter: 4 letter French name // Hindi name with more than 7 letters //[]=feminine&operator_usage=is&value_usage[]=hindi&operator_length=more&value_length[]=7 Roll 6, DS3 welcomes a son: He is named for his paternal grandfather. If there is no paternal grandfather, then he is named for SO2 from the original couple.
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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DH: Leo Magnus Costa
DW: Delphine Nicole RouxDD1: Clementine Aurora Costa
-DH: Cedric Joachim Churchill
-DS1: Augustine Magnus ChurchillDS1: Pierre Nero Costa
-DW: Venetia Hermione Stavros DD2: Marie Fiorella Costa
-DH: Sven Otto Tolkien DD3: Emmanuelle Iris Costa
-DH: Samuel Murray Martel ‘Sam’
-DSD: Ravenna Elizabeth MartelDS2: Guillaume Dante Costa
-DW: Inaya Nasrin Sharma
-DD1: Maud Lilavati CostaDS3: Louis Giuseppe Costa ‘Louie’
-DW: Fiammetta Adelaide Napoli
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DH: Leo Amadeus Ventura
DW: Marguerite Liliane (Moreau) Ventura "Rita"
DD: Chloe Iris (Ventura) Baker
--DH: Joel Morgan Baker
DS: Damien Teo Ventura
--DW: Amalia Helene (Georgiou) Ventura "Amy"
--DD: Alexandra Fiorenza Ventura "Lexy"
DD/DD: Sylvie Fiorenza (Ventura) Melsbach and Sonia Rosalba (Ventura) Archer
--DH(Sylvie): Andreas Hermann Melsbach
--DH(Sonia): John Harris Archer
--DD: Kelly Alexis Archer
--DS: Ethan Yannic Archer
DS: Nicolas Battista Ventura "Nico"
--DW: Kalyani Suman (Chaudhuri) Ventura "Kali"
DS: Lucas Pasquale Ventura
--DW: Claretta Angelina (Tumicelli) Ventura "Clare"
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DW: Clara Natalia (Crespo) LeGrand
DH: Theodore Philippe LeGrandDD1: Corinne Liviana (LeGrand) Alvarez
-DH: Nicolas Felix Alvarez
--DD: Salome Giada AlvarezDS1: Pascal Gianni LeGrand
-DW: Aglaia Penelope (Stavros) LeGrandDD2: Angelique Samantha (LeGrand) Krause
-DW: Lucia Nicole KrauseDD3: Aurelie Susanna (LeGrand) Hackett
-DH: Daniel Murray Hackett
--DH’s DD: Amber Jessica HackettDS2: Julien Vittore LeGrand
-DW: Chandra Priyanka (Chowdhury) LeGrand
--DS: Romain Ajit LeGrandDS3: Lucas Manuele LeGrand
-DW: Rosetta Marianna (Locatelli) LeGrand
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DH: Leo Amadeus Soriano
DW: Elise Claudine (Dubois) SorianoDD1: Charlotte Marina (Soriano) Wilfrid "Charli"
DH: Benjamin Hugo Wilfrid "Ben" DS1: Julien Dante Soriano
DW: Sofia Danae (Spiros) Soriano "Sofie" DD2 (twin): Nathalie Rosa Soriano
DW: Magdalena Katrin (Bauer) Soriano "Maggie"DD3 (twin): Emilie Flora (Soriano) Bowman
DH: William Harris Bowman "Will"
-DSD: Sienna Rachel Bowman

DS2: Nicolas Ivan Soriano "Nico"
DW: Priya (Sultana) Soriano
-DD: Cleo Saraswati Soriano

DS2: Matthias Vincente Soriano "Matt"
DW: Violetta Ines (Piccoli) Soriano
-DD: Ellie Claudine Soriano
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H: Pius Amator Pinto
W: Flóra Geneviève MoreauD1: Celia Gioia Pinto
-W: Atiya Inas Al-MuftiS1: Xavier Dante Pinto
-W: Vasia Doris née Stavros
--S: Zeno Valerio PintoD2: Sandra Zaira Pinto [twin]
-BF: Torsten Ernst MelsbachD3: Sonia Fiore Benbow-Pinto [twin]
-H: Thomas Tito BenbowS2: Fabien Leone Pinto
-SO: Inaya Suman Ahmad
--S: Axel Azad PintoS3: Marius Tobia Pinto
-BF: Iacopo Achille Fava
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The Belmonte Family *~*~*~*Re: Generation CAF [Round 9]DH: Jacobus Victor Belmonte “Jake”
DW: Elisabeth Mireille [Durand] Belmonte “Elisa”DD1: Caroline Viola [Belmonte] Archer “Carrie”
-DH: Michael Arthur Archer “Mike”
-DD: Thérèse Lucia Archer “Tess”DS1: Samuel Dante Belmonte “Sam”
-DW: Amalia Cassandra [Stavros] Belmonte “Mia”DD2: Sarah Narcisa Belmonte-Klein “Sarah”
-DW: Anna Melanie Belmonte-Klein “Anna”DD3: Sophie Giacinta [Belmonte] Cannon “Sophie”
-DH: Andrew Harris Cannon “Drew”
-DH’sDD: Scarlett Nicole Cannon “Scarlett”
-DD: Rosemary Justine Cannon “Rose”DS2: Christophe Giovanni Belmonte “Chris”
-DW: Priya Chandra [Sharma] Belmonte “Priya”DS3: Thomas Davide Belmonte “Tom”
-DW: Loretta Olivia [Agnelli] Belmonte “Lori”Jake & Elisa Belmonte: Carrie, Sam, Sarah, Sophie, Chris, & Tom
-Carrie & Mike Archer: Tess
-Sam & Mia Belmonte
-Sarah & Anna Belmonte-Klein
-Sophie & Drew Cannon: Scarlett, & Rose
-Chris & Priya Belmonte
-Tom & Lori Belmonte
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DW: Ignatia Beatrix Franco
DH: Léopold Alain MoreauDD1: Clémence Viola Moreau-Boulos
~ DW: Arwa Hanan Moreau-Boulos
~ DS: Ibrahim Alain Moreau-BoulosDS1: Pascal Gianni Moreau
~ DW: Aglaia Phoebe Moreau [Katsaros]DD2 (twin): Magalie Fiorenza von Grimmelshausen [Moreau]
~ DH: Matthias Alfred von GrimmelshausenDD3 (twin): Myriam Ornella Moreau-Beckham
~ DH: James Murray Beckham
~ SDD: Saffron Elizabeth Beckham
~ DS: Benjamin Hyacinthe Beckham DS2: Ludovic Elia Moreau
~ DW: Nilufar Priya BhattacharyaDS3: Alphonse Nicola Fava-Moreau
~ DH: Giovanni Fedele Fava-Moreau
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DH: Victor Clemens Soriano
DW: Sylvie Danielle (Laurent) SorianoDD1: Clara Serena (Soriano) Müller
- DH: Stephan Jonathan MüllerDS1: Bruno Sandro Soriano
- DW: Koralia Daphne (Katsaros) Soriano
-- DD1: Artemisia Clara Soriano
-- DS1: Alexius Giulio SorianoDD2: Estelle Iris Soriano-Wolf (twin of Myriam)
- DW: Sophia Katrin Soriano-WolfDD3: Myriam Erica (Soriano) Kardos (twin of Estelle)
- DH: John Murray Kardos
-- DH's DD: Ruby Elizabeth KardosDS2: Jerome Gabriele Soriano
- DW: Nazia Chandra (Das) SorianoDS3: Félix Tobia Soriano-Aita
- DH: Lorenzo Raffaele Soriano-AitaVictor & Sylvie: Clara, Bruno, Estelle & Myriam, Jerome, Félix
- Clara & Stephan
- Bruno & Koralia: Artemisia, Alexius
- Estelle & Sophia
- Myriam & John: Ruby
- Jerome & Nazia
- Félix & Lorenzo
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H: Magnus Fidelis Vico
W: Silvie Christiane [Morel] VicoD1: Chantal Liviana [Vico] De Bruin
H: Eddy Quentin De BruinS1: Xavier Gian Vico
W: Koralia Helene [Spiros] Vico
-DD: Alexandra Chantal VicoD2: Virginie Rosella [Vico] Tolkien (twin)
H: Marc Hermann Tolkien
-DD: Marie Iris Tolkien D3: Veronique Iris [Vico] Gehring (twin)
H: Robert Murray Gehring
-StepDD: Jade Elizabeth GehringS2: Cedric Raoul Vico
W: Shreya Farhana [Ahmed] VicoS3: Mathias Durante VicoMagnus & Silvie || Chantal, Xavier, Ginie, Vera, Cedric and Mat
...Eddy & Chantal
...Xavier & Koralia || Alexandra
...Marc & Ginie || Marie
...Robert & Vera || Jade
...Cedric & Shreya
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DH: Victor Amadeus Belmonte Dubois
DH: Toussaint Francis Belmonte DuboisDD1: Clotilde Crocifissa Belmonte Dubois Hadj
- DH: Abdelkader Dorian Hadj
DS1: Fabien Renzo Belmonte Dubois Antoniou
- DH: Apollon Dionysos Antoniou- DS1: Atticus Gianmarco Antoniou
DD2 (twin): Angélique Giacinta Belmonte Dubois
- DW: Beatrix Katja (Klein) Belmonte Dubois
DD3 (twin): Aurélie Rosalba Belmonte Dubois
- DW: Heather Andromache Loveless
- DW'S DS: Timothy Prince Taylor
DS2: Sébastien Achille Belmonte Dubois
- DH: Laxmi Ankit Das
DS3: Boniface Fiore Belmonte Dubois
- DW: Fiammetta Irene Abbatelli- DD: Victoria Amadea AbbatelliVictor and Toussaint with Clotilde, Fabien, Angélique, Aurélie, Sébastien, and Boniface
Clotilde and Abdelkader
Fabien and Apollon with Atticus
Angélique and Beatrix
Aurélie and Heather with Timothy
Sébastien and Laxmi
Boniface and Fiammetta with Victoria
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DH: Magnus Leo Villa
DW: Elisabeth Mireille Petit Villa "Elise"DD: Clara Marina Villa
DS: Xavier Dante Villa
DD/DD: Alexandra Lilia Villa "Sasha" / Angelique Rosella Villa "Angele"
DS: Fabien Manuel Villa
DS: Lucas Oscar Villa "Luc"--
DD: Clara Marina Villa Young
DH: William Axel Young "Liam"DD: Elodie Livia Young--
DS: Xavier Dante Villa
DW: Anastasia Helena Spyros Villa "Stasia"--
DD: Alexandra Lilia Villa Wirner "Sasha"
DH: Sebastian Paul Wirner "Bastian"--
DD: Angelique Rosella Villa Beck "Angie"
DH: Charles Murray Beck "Charlie"DSD: Scarlett Elizabeth Beck
DD: Annabelle Vivien Beck--
DS: Fabien Manuel Villa
DW: Kali Priya Gupta Villa--
DS: Lucas Oscar Villa "Luc"
DW: Nicoletta Zoe Martelli Villa "Nic"
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DH: Amadeus Victor Belmonte
DW: Sylvie Josette {Durand} BelmonteDD: Colette Serena {Belmonte} Hawthorne
— DH: William Blaise HawthorneDS: Bruno Dante Belmonte
— DW: Stefania Penelope {Papageorgiou} Belmonte
— DD: Anastasia Colette Belmonte DD: Sabrina Rosalinda {Belmonte} Schwangau [twin]
— DH: Torsten Otto SchwangauDD: Sophie Veronica {Belmonte} Metz [twin]
— DH: William Harris Metz
— DHsDD: Scarlett Elizabeth MetzDS: Julien Giovanni Belmonte
— DH: Madhu Sumeet Narang
— ADD: Théa Lilavati Narang BelmonteDS: Thomas Enzo Belmonte
— DW: Giulietta Mafalda {Martinelli} Belmonte
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The Belmonte Family!The Belmonte FamilyH: Victor Gereon Belmonte Crespo
W: Catherine Bernadette (Roux) Belmonte, "Cate"D1: Chrystelle Serena Belmonte Roux, "Chryssie"
S1: Anthony Dante Belmonte Roux, "Tony"
D2 / D3: Magali Amaranta (Belmonte Roux) Dreschner, "Maggie" / Myriam Rosalia Belmote Roux, "Myrie"
S2: Ludovic Alvise Belmonte Roux, "Ludo"
S3: Maxence Ermes Belmonte Roux, "Max"
___________________________________________D1: Chryssie
H: Ali Dimitri Quliyev (Əli Dimitri oğlu Quliyev)
___________________________________________S1: Tony
W: Venetia Helle (Stavros) Belmonte, "Ven"
___________________________________________D2: Maggie
H: Sven Otto Dreschner
___________________________________________D3: Myrie
W: Jennifer Constance Dennell, "Jenny"Step-S: Nathan Laird Harris, "Nate"
D: Marisa Catherine Belmonte Dennell
___________________________________________S2: Ludo
W: Amrita Sneha (Banerjee) Belmonte, "Rita"D: Emma Lilavati Belmonte
___________________________________________S3: Max
W: Fiammetta Carmen (Tumicelli) Belmonte, "Fia"
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DH: Magnus Victor Ventura
DW: Aude Josette (Morel) VenturaDD1: Colette Viola (Ventura) Pouliquen
-DH: Herve Aurélien Pouliquen
-DD: Capucine Lucia PouliquenDS1: Raphaël Enzo Ventura
-DW: Olympia Ione (Michelakakis) VenturaDD2: Laure Iolanda (Ventura) Königsman [twin]
-DH: Oliver Hermann KönigsmanDD3: Magali Rosetta (Ventura) Hackett [twin]
-DH: James Tito Hackett
-SDD: Lavender Victoria HackettDS2: Sylvain Andrea Ventura
-DW: Inaya Sultana (Mohammed) VenturaDS3: Mathis Gianmaria Ventura
-DW: Elisabetta Giovanna (Martelli) Ventura
-DD: Carlotta Giovanna Ventura
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DH: Clemens Domnus Ventura
DW: Gertrude Mireille "Trudi" Lefevre DD1: Cecilia Iris Ventura
DS1: Anthony Enzo Ventura
DD2 (twin): Elisabeth Carmen Ventura
DD3 (twin): Estelle Veronica Ventura
DS2: Sebastien Ettore Ventura
DS3: Mathis Durante Ventura ***
DD1: Cecilia Iris Ventura
DH: Gregory Eugene Watkins DD: Emeline Viola Watkins ***
DS1: Anthony Enzo "Tony" Ventura
DW: Antonia Phyllis "Toni" Katsaros ***
DD2 (twin): Elisabeth Carmen Ventura
DW: Agnes Claudia Weber ***
DD3 (twin): Estelle Veronica Ventura
DH: Charles Loyd Armbruster DH'sDD: Kelly Amanda Armbruster ***
DS2: Sebastien Ettore Ventura
DH: Neelam Sanjit Das DS: Quentin Manu Ventura-Das ***
DS3: Mathis Durante Ventura
DW: Simonetta Rita Roncalli *****
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The Soriano-Moreau FamilyDW: Leonia Isaura Soriano-Moreau
DW: Cecile "CJ" Josiane Soriano-MoreauDD1: Colette Liviana [Soriano-Moreau] Mathers
-DH: Cedric Amaury MathersDS1: Hervé "Barry" Bartolo Soriano-Moreau
-DW: Koralia "Kori" Dione [Metaxas] Soriano-Moreau
-DS: Cosmas Gianmarco Soriano-Moreau DD2(twin): Delphine Amaranta [Soriano-Moreau] Koenigsmann
-DH: Sebastian Helmut KoenigsmannDD3(twin): Gaëlle Rosalinda [Soriano-Moreau] Soreauhouse
-DW: Stephanie Charmian [Dwerryhouse] Soreauhouse
-DWsDS: Jordan Judicaël GarciaDS2: Laurent "Laurie" Ettore Soriano-Moreau
-DW: Inaya Jannatul Ferdous Bandyopadhyay Soriano-Moreau
-DS: Quentin Hari Soriano-MoreauDS3: Mathys Gioele [Soriano-Moreau] Dioli
-DW: Lauretta Clotilde Dioli
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SO1: Ignatia Bibiana Vico
SO2: Bertille Josiane DuboisDD1: Christelle Serena Vico-Dubois
-H: Farid Gwenaël ZamanDS1: Fabien Dante Vico-Dubois
-W: Pelagia Larisa Papoutsis
--S: Zosimus Carlo Vico-DuboisDD2 (twin): Nadège Floriana Vico-Dubois
-H: Torsten Helmut RaskopDD3 (twin): Nathalie Amaranta Vico-Dubois
-H: Robert Aurelio Trapani
--H'sD: Marigold Hannah TrapaniDS2: Sylvain Ercole Vico-Dubois
-W: Amrita Reshmi Sultana
--S: Maxime Agni Vico-DuboisDS3: Boniface Leoluca Vico-Dubois
-W: Fiammetta Alfreda Bulgarelli
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The Costa Family [Round 9]DH: Angelus Urbanus Costa
DW: Delphine Evelyne (Mercier) CostaDD1: Camille Vita (Costa) El-Hashem
DH: Ali Valère El-HashemDS1: Pascal Teo Costa
DW: Efthalia Selene (Demetriou) CostaDD2 (twin): Élodie Scilla Costa
DW: Daria Alexandra FischerDD3 (twin): Emmanuelle Rosetta Costa
DW: Heather Portia Ellisson
DW's DS: William Torin Robinson
ADS: Zachary Sacha Ellisson-CostaDS2: Christophe Nicola Costa
DH: Kiran Rohit Choudhary
ADS: Mattéo Agni Choudhary-CostaDS3: Félix Raffaele Costa
DW: Fiammetta Stella (Martelli) Costa
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DW: Clara Silvia Franco
DH: Arthur Pierre RouxDD1: Coralie Vita (Roux) Baldwin
-DH: William Hugo BaldwinDS1: Xavier Dante Roux
-DW: Thalia Daphne Georgiou Roux
-DD: Theodosia Coralie Roux "Thea"
-DS: Atticus Claudio RouxDD2: Elodie Iris Roux Königsmann
-DH: Torsten Wilhelm KönigsmannDD3: Estelle Viola Roux
-DH: James Murray Fletcher
-DH'sDD: Hazel Victoria FletcherDS2: Olivier Gianluca Sharma-Roux
-DH: Kiran Sumeet Sharma-RouxDS3: Félix Manuel Roux
-DW: Giulietta Nadia Tivoli Roux
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DH: Leo Clemens Farina
DW: Élise Bernadette Farina, née FournierDD1: Christiane Iris Hollier, née Farina
- DH: Jerome Martin HollierDS1: Damien Enzo Farina
- DW: Nektaria Helene Farina, née StefanidisDD2: Laëtitia Ornella Farina (twin)
- DH: Marc Werner Lewerentz
-- DS: Luca Robin LewerentzDD3: Laurence Giacinta Messer, née Farina (twin)
- DH: John Elisha Messer
-- DH's DD: Marigold Emily Messer
-- DS: Jonathan Claude MesserDS2: Alexandre Leone Farina
- DH: Mitra Basant JainDS3: Maxence Nicola Farina
- DW: Giosetta Mafalda Farina, née Nelli
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DW: Verena Beatrix Moreau, nee Costa
DH: Léon Claude MoreauDD1: Colette Gloria Perez, nee Moreau
-DH: Nicolás Hugo PerezDS1: Julien Enzo Moreau
-SO: Andreas Simon FlorosDD2 (twin): Sabrina Lilia Wernher, nee Moreau
-DH: Matthias Otto WernherDD3 (twin): Sylvie Rosella Fletcher, nee Moreau
-DH: Joseph Harris Fletcher
-DH's DD: Hazel Nicole FletcherDS2: Sébastien Luca Moreau
-DW: Kalyani Nazia Gupta Moreau
-DD: Inès Priyanka Moreau DS3: Francis Manuel Moreau
-DW: Marietta Adelaide Moreau, nee Piccoli
-DD: Beatrice Veronica Moreau***
Verena & Léon: Colette, Julien, Sabrina, Sylvie, Sébastien, Francis
-Colette & Nico
-Julien & Andreas
-Sabrina & Matthias
-Sylvie & Joe: Hazel
-Sébastien & Kalyani: Inès
-Francis & Marietta: Beatrice
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