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Re: Generation CAF #16
DH [80] Jason Taylor Reed
DW [79] Eleanor Madeline [Sharp] ReedDS1 [60] Arthur Walter Reed
DS2 [56] Sydney Christopher Reed
DD1 [52] Elizabeth Thelma [Reed]
DD2 [51] Margo Jane [Reed]
DS3 [49] Thomas James Reed
DD3 [45] Agnes Louise [Reed]**
DS1 [60] Arthur Walter Reed
DW [60] Mabel Constance [Hayward] Reed DS [38] Gabriel Adrian Reed
- Dgf [35] Joanna Beatrix Conner
- DGFD [4] Violet Natasha Conner
- DGFS [2] Bryson Thaddeus Conner
- DGFS [exp] Miles Kurtis Conner
Gabe and Joanna w/ Violet | Bryson | exp Miles DS [38] Simon Dennis Reed
- DW [33] Jenna Noelle [Hailey] Reed
- DD [2] Freya Norah Reed
Simon and Jenna w/ Freya DD [34] Christina Genevieve Reed
- Dbf [34] Samuel Nicholas Colbert
Christina w/ boyfriend SamDS [31] Seth Roland Reed
- DW [28] Victoria Demetria [Pope] Reed
- DD [11m] Cecelia Rebecca Reed
Seth and Victoria w/ Cece Arthur and Mabel w/ Gabe | Simon | Christina | Seth**
DS2 [56] Sydney Christopher Reed
DW [52] Nora Alison [Hawkins] ReedDD [26] Laura Elise Reed
- DS [5] Zane Leyton Reed
Laura w/ son ZaneDS [25] Blair Leo Reed
- Dgf [20] Diana Claire Dexter
Blair w/ girlfriend Diana DS [21] Henry Ashley ReedSydney and Nora w/ Laura | Blair | Henry**
DD1 [52] Elizabeth Thelma [Reed] Marlowe
DH [53] Lawrence Millard MarloweDS [26] Michael William Marlowe
- Dfiancee [23] Olivia Brooke Newman
- DFD [4] Louisa Jade Newman
Mikey and Olivia w/ Louisa DS [21] Noah Devin MarloweBetty and Lawrence w/ Mikey | Noah**
DD2 [51] Margo Jane [Reed] Tobin
ExH [51] Harrison Derek Cooke DS [26] Edward Israel Cooke DS [23] Zachary Jasper Cooke
- Dgf [20] Lindsey Elaine Moores
Zach w/ girlfriend LindseyDS [22] Mason Laurence Cooke
DD [17] Isabella Kaelyn Cooke Margo and Harrison w/ Ted | Zach | Mason | BellaDH [54] Joel Murray TobinDS [22] Ryan Emmett Tobin
DD [17] Ella Mary Tobin
DS [15] Percy John TobinMargo and Joel w/ Ryan | Ella | Percy**
DS3 [49] Thomas James Reed
DW [46] Alexis Nicole [Keen] ReedDD [20] Lucy Daniella ReedThomas and Alexis w/ Lucy**
DD3 [45] Agnes Louise [Reed] Putnam
DH [43] Lewis Matthew PutnamDS [17] Sullivan Maurice Putnam
DS [12] Hugo Evan Putnam
DD [9] Ophelia Remington Putnam
DD [7] Antonia Brooklynn PutnamAgnes and Lewis w/ Sullivan | Hugo | Ophelia | Antonia- - -
Nava. Poppy. Mabel. Adeline
Alexander. Jesse. Hugo. Freddie
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