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The Barr Family (3)
DH (56): Reginald Winston Barr "Reggie"
DW (55): Skyler Corrine (Perkins) BarrDD (24): Autumn Liliana (Barr) Lyons
-DH (25): Gregory Isaiah Lyons
--DS (1): August Cayden LyonsDD (23): Lorelei Ariella (Barr) McKnight
-DH (23): Lawson Deangelo McKnight
--DD (nb): Ireland Annika McKnightADD (16): Dalia Gracelyn Barr Reggie & Skyler; Autumn, Lorelei, & Dalia
Autumn & Gregory; August
Lorelei & Lawson; Ireland
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world" -Gandhi

This message was edited 8/10/2020, 3:52 PM

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