Oswald Basil & Billie Esther
in reply to a message by Belphoebe
DH: Benjamin Victor Fonda
DH: Robert Benedict Fonda
DS/DD: Vincent Ralph Fonda/Theresa Edna Fonda
DS: Donald Wayne Fonda
DD: Hedy Carol Fonda
DS: Marvin Neil Fonda
DD: Billie Esther Fonda
DS: Oswald Basil Fonda
DD: Hazel Patsy Fonda
Benjamin and Robert with Vincent, Theresa, Donald, Hedy, Marvin, Billie, Oswald, and Hazel
DH: Robert Benedict Fonda
DS/DD: Vincent Ralph Fonda/Theresa Edna Fonda
DS: Donald Wayne Fonda
DD: Hedy Carol Fonda
DS: Marvin Neil Fonda
DD: Billie Esther Fonda
DS: Oswald Basil Fonda
DD: Hazel Patsy Fonda
Benjamin and Robert with Vincent, Theresa, Donald, Hedy, Marvin, Billie, Oswald, and Hazel