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Re: 1990 US Top 600 KUY Dice/Namebank Congrats 5/10
DH: (dec) Alexander Benjamin Robinson
DW: (64) Elizabeth Anna RobinsonDS: (39) Thomas Jonathan Robinson (twin to Sarah)
-DW: (37) April Brooke Robinson
-DD: (13) Lydia Abby Robinson
-DD: (10) Sasha Bailey Robinson
-DS: (8) Noah Jessie Robinson
-DD/DD: (5) Ariana Daisy Robinson and Amelia Heidi RobinsonDD: (39) Sarah Rachel Reid (twin to Thomas)
-DH: (43) Xavier Marco Reid
-DD: (11) Jade Arielle Reid
-DS: (4) Elijah Marshall Reid
-DD: (nb) Jessie Summer ReidDfiancé: (60) Micah Rafael Cameron*

First generation:

Alec and Lizzie have Thomas and Sarah.
Lizzie and Micah.Second generation:
Thomas and April have Lydia, Sasha, Noah, Ariana and Amelia.
Sarah and Xavier have Jade, Elijah and Jessie.
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