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The Perkins Family!
The Perkins FamilyH [69]: Jesse Kenneth Perkins
W [66]: Stephanie Lauren (Schmidt) Perkins, "Stevie"S [39]: Aaron Jonathan Perkins
D [37]: Amber Samantha (Perkins) McGrath
________________________________________________________S: Aaron
W [37]: Bridget Alejandra (Maldonado Pena) PerkinsS1 [13]: Theodore Armando Perkins Maldonado, "Teo"
S2 / D1 [10]: Darren Rafael Perkins Maldonado / Daisy Raquel Perkins Maldonado
D2 [6]: Heidi Meredith Perkins Maldonado
________________________________________________________D: Amber
ex-H: Cameron Mitchell Wolfe
ex-Fiancé: Dominic Maxwell ShawH [36]: Donovan Kendall McGrathS / D [1]: Geoffrey Morgan McGrath / Gabriella Misty McGrath, "Bree"***Please rate my personal name
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