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Re: Menagerie Landmine Congrats [6]
in reply to a message by Bitey
DH: Philip Jay Voss
DW: Agnes Leona Voss (Harland)DD: Diana Maria Voss
DS: Oscar Finn Voss
DD: Odedience Divine-Authority Voss aka Obie
DD/DS: Wulfrun Cyneburga Voss / Leofstan Wigstan Voss
DD: Sunburst Lovechild Voss Walking Worm

"One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.” – Marie CurieLove like a dance in fire,
Untainted, rising high.
The power to dwell as one,
Unchained, will not die.
When you have burned,
So deep within? - Eagle Eye, Tarja
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