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Another Nikki's Congrats Sign Up
This congrats is going to be a normal one. I will give you list to pick from. Everyone will have the same lists. The names were randomly chosen from the top 1000 of the years that the parents and children were born. So if you want to play just sign up. During this congrats if you miss a round you just dont get a child for that round so if you think you might miss some still sign up if you want to play! If you want more than one middle name just pick them all of the middle name list. For the whole game this will be the nn rule: The nn can be anything you want as long as it is a nn for the first name. You cant use the middle name as a nn. AND NO SPELLING CHANGES PLEASE!Username:
D?: (1950)
D?: (1954)DH First Names: Austin Darwin Ellis Everett Gregg Ira Noah Oliver Percy Pierre Roman Ron TobyDH Middle Names: Alfred Alonzo Bernard Carter Emerson Harris Isaac Issac Javier Kenton Kit Norman Owen Parker Porter RaleighDW First Names: Adrienne Anna Carla Dorothy Frances Hazel Laurel Lynn Marguerite Polly Teresa TerriDW Middle Names: Avis Beulah Edith Elizabeth Helene Irene Isabelle Lee Natalie Nina Olivia Starla Thea - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts

This message was edited 4/24/2006, 8:21 PM

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Still accepting applications?If so I'd love to play! Sounds cool Nikki!Username: LadyBug18
DH: Gregg Carter (1950)
DW: Anna Elizabeth (1954)
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Ciaran Douglas, Aidan Stone, Simon Andrew & Amy Frances, Julia Mary, Elena Beatrice
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Username: Kathry
DH: Everett Harris ( 1950)
DW: Adrienne Isabelle ( 1954)
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Username: Violetta
DH: Oliver Raleigh (1950)
DW: Marguerite Isabelle "Meg" (1954)
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Username: Alexie
DH: Roman Emerson (1950)
DW: Laurel Olivia (1954)
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DH: (1950) Roman Parker
DW: (1954) Anna NatalieRoman & Anna
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DH: Noah Emerson Isaac (1950)
DW: Laurel Olivia Thea "Lori" (1954)
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Username: Eleanora
DH: Roman Alonzo (1950)
DW: Laurel Lee (1954)

This message was edited 4/24/2006, 11:05 AM

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Username: Nirvanna
DH: Pierre Javier
DW: Anna Isabelle
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Username: JHK
DH: Toby Kenton (1950)
DW: Anna Elizabeth (1954)

This message was edited 4/24/2006, 9:43 AM

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Username: estel
DH: Noah Kenton (1950)
DW: Hazel Elizabeth (1954)
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
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Username: Ceevie
DH: Noah Junior (1950)
DW: Adrienne Nina (1954)Noah and Adrienne
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Junior was a first name choice not a middle name choice. Please choose another middle name for Noah. - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts
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Sorry about that!DH: Noah Raleigh
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Username: keepskuhDH: Noah Parker (1950)
DW: Anna Elizabeth (1954)

This message was edited 4/24/2006, 7:51 AM

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Username: Isa
DH: Noah Emerson (1950)
DW: Terri Elizabeth (1954)
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Username: slgn4
DH: Everett Norman (1950)
DW: Hazel Edith (1954)
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Username: monie
DH: Oliver Bernard (1950)
DW: Marguerite Elizabeth "Maggie" (1954)
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DH: Noah Alfred (1950)
DW: Polly Helene (1954)
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Username: Natla'd
DH: Darwin Javier (1950)
DH: Noah Raleigh (1954)
- MariaPro-Sissy-Names.
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Username: MichelleG
DH: Oliver Bernard (1950)
DW: Dorothy Edith (1954)Check Out for thousands of custom glitterz and layouts
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Username: Actual username is Samantha-Michelle. My other name is Samantha(if you mean either, please choose this one!)
DH: (1950) Oliver Carter
DW: (1954) Carla Isabelle-Olivia
P.S I might miss a few because of school etc.!Sorry!-Samantha-

This message was edited 4/24/2006, 4:47 PM

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Austin was not a middle name choice. It was a first name choice. Please choose another middle name for your - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts
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Username: Sophie
DH: Toby Porter (1950)
DW: Lynn Olivia (1954)S xx--
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
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Username: CalambroneItalia
DH: Roman Alonzo
DW: Carla Irene
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DH: Ellis Isaac (1950)
DW: Carla Elizabeth (1954)
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Username: Diamante04
DH: Roman Carter (1950)
DW: Teresa Natalie *Reese* (1954)
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Faith Monica Reese
Cade Preston, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
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Username: Julia
DH: Noah Isaac (1950)
DW: Anna Olivia (1954)
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Username: Rosethorn08
DH: Roman Kenton "Rome"(1950)
DW: Adrienne Elizabeth (1954)

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain
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Username: JiminyKrickit
DH: Gregg Emerson
DW: Polly Irene
Julia KeelanForget regret...Or life is yours to miss...RENT = Love! :-D
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Username: LexyRose
DH: Roman Isaac
DW: Frances Olivia
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Username: AshJ
DH: Noah Issac (1950)
DW: Anna Elizabeth (1954)
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D?: Noah Carter Owen
D?: Adrienne isabelle Natalie "Andie"
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Username: avalon
DH: Roman Carter (1950)
DW: Adrienne Elizabeth (1954)
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Username: Jenni
DH: Noah Harris
DW: Laurel Avis
Just something I made.

This message was edited 4/23/2006, 6:35 PM

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Username: X Mar
DW: Terri Irene (1950)
DH: Roman Porter (1954)
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Username: AET
DH: Ellis Emerson (1950)
DW: Theresa Beulah "Tessa" (1954)Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts
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Just making sure you know Theresa was not a choice so I am going to go with Teresa unless you tell me you want a different - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts
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Sorry! No Teresa is good, I just didn't pay enough attention to how it was spelt on your list.Thank you Nikki!Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts
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Username: Mithos5`14
DW: (1950) Adrienne Irene
DH: (1954) Roman Parker
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DH: Everett Porter "Rett"(1950)
DW: Teresa Helene (1954)----Betsy-----
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Username: Lissy
DH: (1950) Ron Kit Javier
DW: (1954) Anna Lee
~Lully Lulla~
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DH: Gregg Emerson (1950)
DW: Teresa Isabelle (1954)
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Sounds fun!Shurochka
DH: Roman Javier “Rome” (1950)
DW: Laurel Nina (1954)
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Username: Shayde
DH: Ira Raleigh (1950)
DW: Anna Starla (1954)
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
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Username: Bex
DH: Percy Emerson Owen
DW: Adrienne Isabelle
~~* BEX *~~Surfing is my religion!Image hosting by Photobucket

This message was edited 4/24/2006, 3:33 AM

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Please reread the rules concerning middle - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts
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Sorry, Emerson & Owen are in the middle names. Or do you mean i have to have my first name as a middle name as well.. im confused.~~* BEX *~~Surfing is my religion!Image hosting by Photobucket
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Im talking about the mother's nn. The rule was that nn's had to come from the first name - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts
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Username: Array
LN: Bernard
DH: Ira Kenton (1950)
DW: Dorothy Avis (1954)Array

A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.You might even provide a Heaven for them. We need You for that. Hell we can make for ourselves.
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Username: .miela.DH: Everett Carter (1950)
DW: Hazel Irene (1954)
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DH: Noah Isaac Owen (1950)
DW: Teresa Edith "Tee" (1954)
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
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Username: starlet
DH: Oliver Owen Harris (1950)
DW: Laurel Natalie Elizabeth (1954)
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