Re: Big Smiles Adoption Center (with a twist)
in reply to a message by Melissa
Your name: Misty Faye
Your spouse's name: Dustin Russell
Any children?:
DD: Lucille Fay (8)
DS: Rusty James (3)
Preferred countries:
C/ Japan, Italy, Romania, Poland
Preferred ages:
D/ 0-18, 4-10
Preferred genders:
A/ All boys, all girls
How many children? 6
D/ Quintuplets or more, single child
B/ Mental disabilities, large pets

Please welcome five-week-old Japanese quintuplets!
Akemi Cho: Means "beautiful butterfly." She has a good appetite.
Miyako Naoko: Means "obedient and beautiful March child." She has a cough, but it's getting better.
Saburo Taro: Means "Third child and firstborn son." He's the tiniest of the bunch.
Yuu Ryuu: Means "gentle dragon." He has Down's Syndrome and needs extra care.
Sora Sakura: Means "sky and cherry blossom." She has beautiful eyes.
Their mother asked that you give Akemi, Miyako, Saburo, Yuu, and Sora an English name to use in school, but that you always let them know of their Japanese heritage.
- Melissa
Arielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!
Akemi Cho: Means "beautiful butterfly." She has a good appetite.
Miyako Naoko: Means "obedient and beautiful March child." She has a cough, but it's getting better.
Saburo Taro: Means "Third child and firstborn son." He's the tiniest of the bunch.
Yuu Ryuu: Means "gentle dragon." He has Down's Syndrome and needs extra care.
Sora Sakura: Means "sky and cherry blossom." She has beautiful eyes.
Their mother asked that you give Akemi, Miyako, Saburo, Yuu, and Sora an English name to use in school, but that you always let them know of their Japanese heritage.
- Melissa
Arielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!
Your name: Misty Faye
Your spouse's name: Dustin Russell
Any children?:
DD: Lucille Fay (8)
DS: Rusty James (3)
DD: Jolene Akemi Cho (0)
DD: Delaney Miyako Naoko (0)
DS: Bailey Saburo Taro (0)
DS: Teddy Yuu Ryuu (0)
DD: Lacey Sora Sakura (0)
We decided to keep their Japanese names as mns and give them other fns. (I didn't put them in as quints, for clarity only)
We all enjoy their presence very much. It was quite a shock for little Rusty to see all the babies. Lucille wants to hold them all the time. Dustin has taken quite a liking to Teddy especially, but loves all of them of course and so do I.

Your spouse's name: Dustin Russell
Any children?:
DD: Lucille Fay (8)
DS: Rusty James (3)
DD: Jolene Akemi Cho (0)
DD: Delaney Miyako Naoko (0)
DS: Bailey Saburo Taro (0)
DS: Teddy Yuu Ryuu (0)
DD: Lacey Sora Sakura (0)
We decided to keep their Japanese names as mns and give them other fns. (I didn't put them in as quints, for clarity only)
We all enjoy their presence very much. It was quite a shock for little Rusty to see all the babies. Lucille wants to hold them all the time. Dustin has taken quite a liking to Teddy especially, but loves all of them of course and so do I.