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Re: Generation CAF #251
DH [dec] Severino David Pedrosa
DW [dec] Eugenia Cruz {Peña} PedrosaDS [95] Gabriel David Pedrosa
DD [dec] Inés Cruz {Pedrosa} Meggyes
DD [dec] Sofia Celestina {Pedrosa} Renshaw*DS [95] Gabriel David Pedrosa
DW [dec] Felicity Joan {Scully} PedrosaDD [74] Eileen Joan {Pedrosa} Prescott
— DH [dec] Kenneth William Prescott
— DS [55] Alexander William Prescott
—- DW [49] Miriam Ann {Kutcher} Prescott
—- DD [28] Kate Alice Prescott
—- DD [15] Sophie Anna Prescott
— DD [51] Emily Margaret {Prescott} Waterman
—- DH [59] Emmett James Waterman
—- DS [19] Zachary James Waterman
—- DD [18] Kristen Margaret Waterman
—— Df [18] Álvaro Natalio Flores-Amador
—— DS [nb] Eduardo Axel Flores-WatermanDS [dec] Desmond David Pedrosa
— DW [73] Kathleen Marie {Myles} Pedrosa
— DD [50] Julie Elizabeth {Pedrosa} Koning
—- DH [55] Jacob Eugene Koning
—- DD [28] Meredith Darcy Koning
—— SO [32] Luigi Raffaele Sanna
—— DS [nb] Julian Alberto Sanna
— DS [26] Colby David Pedrosa
—- DW [29] Janine Bridgette Candace {Niles} Pedrosa
—- DS [8] Taylor Caden Ross Pedrosa
—- DS [6] Riley Camden Pedrosa
—- DS [6] Blake Nolan Pedrosa
— DD [47] Susanna Claire {Pedrosa} Tzur
—- DH [47] Ron Tzur
— DD [46] Maya Josephine {Pedrosa / Foltz / Bambach} Biel
—- exDH [46] Johann Boris Foltz
—- exDH [46] Maximilian Thomas Ralph Bambach
—- exDH [46] Łucjan Biel
—- DS [24] Louis David Foltz
—— DW [23] Tracy Paige {Erlander} Foltz
—— DS [1] Gabriel Richard Logan Foltz
—— DS [exp] Mason David Trevor Foltz
—- DD [11] Esme Rosabel Biel
—- DD [9] Sylvia Paulina BielDD [62] Adele Louise {Pedrosa} Henriques
— DH [62] David Reinaldo Henriques
— DD [35] Raquel Louise Henriques
— DS [28] Thiago Reinaldo Henriques
—- Df [25] Christoph Robert Ferrand
— DS [27] Troy Reinaldo Henriques*DD [dec] Inés Cruz {Pedrosa} Meggyes
DH [dec] Móric MeggyesDD [70] Adrianne Terézia {Meggyes} Vonnegut
— DH [72] Jacob Russell Vonnegut
— DD [47] Helena Katherine Vonnegut
—- DS [51] Ramesh RajDS [58] Charles Móric Meggyes
— DW [56] Elissa Diane {Padden} Meggyes
— DS [33] Nicholas Móric Meggyes
—- DW [35] Agata {Jerić} Meggyes
— DS [30] Derek Gerard Meggyes
— DD [25] Heidi Diane Meggyes*DD [dec] Sofia Celestina {Pedrosa} Renshaw
DH [dec] Taliesin Benedict RenshawDS [54] Andrew Victor Renshaw
— DW [dec] Noëlle Margaux {Durant} Renshaw
— DD [27] Jacinthe Marianne Blanche {Renshaw} Luther
—- DH [28] Everett Adrian Luther
— DS [23] Graham Severino Michel LutherDD [47] Jeanette Roberta Renshaw
I would rather have a few small speed bumps slow me down,
causing me to spill my coffee on my dress,
than ever hand someone else the keys to my life.
Track Sixteen
Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately
Alicia Cook
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