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Re: Initials Generation CAF: 4 Sons
LN: Spence
DH: Oscar Raymond Spence
DW: Rosanna Yazhu [Huang] SpenceDS1 (deceased): Henry Oscar Spence
DS2: Andrew Adam Spence
DS3: Leonard Timothy Spence
DS4: Oliver Hugh SpenceOz & Rosie || Hank, Drew, Leo and Oliver***DS1 (deceased): Henry Oscar Spence
-DW (deceased): Margaret Elaine [Tench] Spence Hank & Peggy***DS2: Andrew Adam Spence
-DW: Naomi Marie [Lafoon] Spence
—DD: Isabella Noelle Spence
—DD: Macey Elizabeth Spence
—DS: Aidan Sawyer Spence
—DD: Liana Ivy Spence
—DS: Samson Adam Spence Drew & Naomi || Bella, Macey, Aidan, Liana and Samson***DS3: Leonard Timothy Spence
-DW: Elina Helene [Janderman] Spence
—DD: Tessa Elisabeth Spence
—DD: Hadley Caroline Spence
—DD: Emma Hazel Spence
—DS: Ridley Alexander Spence
—DD: Genevieve Ivory Spence
—DD: Olive Natalia SpenceLeo & Elina || Tess, Hadley, Emma, Ridley, Evie and Liv***
DS4: Oliver Hugh Spence
-DW: Abigail Anne [Sellars] Spence
—DD: Tierney Louise Spence
—DS: Henry Oscar SpenceOliver & Gail || Tierney and Henry
"Mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling." - Inception
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