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Re: Generation CAF #232
DH [dec] Stephen Thomas Michael Hillam
DW [dec] Katherine Susan {Marshall} HillamDD [dec] Serena Frances {Hillam} Adkins
DD [73] Cecily Elisabeth {Hillam} Máselník*DD [dec] Serena Frances {Hillam} Adkins
DH [77] Clayton Leonidas AdkinsDD [53] Sarah Josephine {Adkins / Harland} O’Shea
— exDH [54] Martin Terrence Harland
— DH [61] Emmanuel Joshua Reed O’Shea
— DD [31] Matilda Leigh {Harland} Kendall
—- DH [27] George Thomas Kendall
—- DS [nb] Nicholas Ethan KendallDD [46] Sophie Angela {Adkins} Disantis
— DH [49] Davide Pietro Distantis
*DD [73] Cecily Elisabeth {Hillam} Máselník
DH [75] Jakub MáselníkDD [53] Cecily Simona {Máselník} Keough
— DH [54] Alexander William Keough
— DD [26] Elena Simona Keough
—- SO [26] Duncan James Ormond
—- DD [2] Kerensa Simone Ormond
— DS [24] Troy William Keough
I would rather have a few small speed bumps slow me down,
causing me to spill my coffee on my dress,
than ever hand someone else the keys to my life.
Track Sixteen
Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately
Alicia Cook
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