Re: Azifa's Year Game
in reply to a message by Azifa
I got carried away. Lol, this was so fun I didn't know when to stop!
Émeline Hannah Borde had visited the island of Martinique from her native Toulouse many times throughout her childhood to visit her aunt and uncle. Over the years she fell in love with the culture and beauty of the island and became determined to live there.
Émeline has always been whimsical, prone to daydreaming, and thoroughly idealistic. Friends and family consider her lovably kooky and naive. Her idealism (and a bit of her parents help) got her degree in art history and a job as a journalist for a popular fashion/decor blog by age 21.
Due to Émeline’s fanciful personality she had been encouraged at a young age to express her creativity, she did best so by writing. At age 25 Émeline’s book was published by a major company. Now economically comfortable and taxed with writing sequels, she quits her journalism job. At age 26 the sequel is published with major applause.
Now having enough money and stability, Émeline is more motivated than ever to move to her dream island Martinique. She packs her bags and flies away.
At age 27 Émeline is mostly acclimated to her new home and is learning the spoken Creole. She has been spending a lot of time with her aunt (Alizée) and uncle (Lou). Alizée is a Martinique native and has been having fun showing her around the island. Alizée insists in a motherly way that Émeline is a lonely being in such a new place and decides to arrange a little party to introduce her to new friends. At the party Émeline meets Théo Valère Borde.
Théo is a colleague of Uncle Lou at a big construction company, he works as a project manager. Théo is a native to Martinique and likes to boast that he has never set foot off the island. Always adventurous and studious as a child, he spent much of his time outdoors learning about animals and plants from his Papy. Théo’s father was a construction worker and Théo grew up wanting to be just like his father. As Théo grew older he realized he wouldn’t be able to be a construction worker due to his scoliosis. He became gloomier as he aged, teenage years were the hardest, but he was still determined to do as well as he could in school to make his parents proud.
Much to his surprise, his hard work paid off and he was able to get a scholarship and attend college. Boosted by the unexpected win, Théo was encouraged to get a degree in project management. Théo was very quiet and focused in college, never once going to a party and therefore did not make many friends. After college he was quickly hired and slowly became friends with colleagues. His friends often tease him about being shy and serious.
Théo was of course somewhat reluctant to go to this party Lou invited him to but his loneliness spurred him to go. He was coerced by Alizée to chat with Émeline and was immediately taken aback by how easy it was to talk to her. He was also intrigued by how artless and lively she was. They exchanged numbers and the rest is history!
Émeline has long straight flaxen hair she keeps in a braid, pale blue eyes, and warm tanned skin.
Théo has pitch black hair that is quite wavy but you wouldn’t know it because he sports a buzz cut, equally pitch black eyes with an peculiar violet hue, and freckled brown skin.
DH (28): Théo Valère Borde
DW (28): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
A girl is born! Violette has straight black hair, dark greenish eyes and dark bronze-y skin. She was born in September, a Virgo.
DH (29): Théo Valère Borde
DW (29): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (0): Violette Catiche Borde
A boy is born! Josué has a wavy poof of hair of blonde hair, dark eyes like his father, and medium brown skin. He was born in January, an Aquarius.
DH (30): Théo Valère Borde
DW (30): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (1): Violette Catiche Borde
DS (0): Josué Rodrigue Borde
A boy is born! He has straight black hair, strange dark violet eyes, and brown skin. He was born in July, a Leo.
DH (31): Théo Valère Borde
DW (31): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (2): Violette Catiche Borde
DS (1): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (0): Sacha Étienne Borde
No babies this year! Théo has had some hours cut at work but it’s all good because Émeline has released the fourth sequel.
DH (32): Théo Valère Borde
DW (32): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (3): Violette Catiche Borde
DS (2): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (1): Sacha Étienne Borde
A turn of events, Théo has gotten a pay raise. The family is very comfortable now. Violette insists on being called Letty and is very much a girly girl.
DH (33): Théo Valère Borde
DW (33): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (4): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (3): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (2): Sacha Étienne Borde
Théo’s pay keeps rising due to a building boom. The family is very grateful for their good luck. Letty is enjoying pre-K and is making lots of friends even though she threw quite a fit the first day.
DH (34): Théo Valère Borde
DW (34): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (5): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (4): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (3): Sacha Étienne Borde
Josué began pre-k and was having a very good up until he caught the flu. His fever skyrocketed and Théo and Émeline were horrified. Thankfully Josué is just fine now and back in school, but his parents are still frazzled.
DH (35): Théo Valère Borde
DW (35): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (6): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (5): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (4): Sacha Étienne Borde
Théo makes the somewhat difficult decision to quit his job in order to spend more time with his family. He stays friends with his colleague and is assured that if he ever wants to come back, he’s invited. Émeline writes her fifth sequel.
DH (36): Théo Valère Borde
DW (36): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (7): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (6): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (5): Sacha Étienne Borde
Letty gets very annoyed with Sacha, what with Sacha being the youngest and the fact that he is a loquacious little thing. Letty is proving to have a bit of a type A personality. Josué tries his best to be a peacekeeper among them.
DH (37): Théo Valère Borde
DW (37): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (8): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (7): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (6): Sacha Étienne Borde
Émeline rolls out a sixth sequel and the family moves to a new house closer to Théo’s family.
DH (38): Théo Valère Borde
DW (38): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (9): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (8): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (7): Sacha Étienne Borde
Letty is so excited to turn 10. She insists on having a princess themed party and her parents gladly comply. The party is dreamlike up until Sacha decides to dance on the tables and take all of the attention away from the birthday girl. Letty is fuming and slaps Sacha on the cheek. The party immediately ends. Josué is terribly upset he couldn’t keep the peace.
DH (39): Théo Valère Borde
DW (39): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (10): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (9): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (8): Sacha Étienne Borde
Émeline releases the final sequel and gets a major boost from her publishing company. There are talks of making movies! The family spends much of their time with family. Letty has become particularly good friends with Auntie Alizée and has promised her to try to not be so mean to Sacha.
DH (40): Théo Valère Borde
DW (40): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (11): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (10): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (9): Sacha Étienne Borde
Émeline ignored a cold for too long and got a bad case of bronchitis. Her lungs are weaker than they used to be.
DH (41): Théo Valère Borde
DW (41): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (12): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (11): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (10): Sacha Étienne Borde
Josué wants one thing more than anything for his birthday: a rat! Actually two… err three, because they are very social. Josué researches as much as he can and makes an imploring speech to his parents. Thinking it odd, but sweet, they both give in quite easily. Sacha is intrigued by the little newcomers, Letty is petrified but reluctantly begins to love them.
DH (42): Théo Valère Borde
DW (42): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (13): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (12): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (11): Sacha Étienne Borde
DMrats (0): Rousse, Tic & Filou
Rousse the Rat becomes sick and the family waits for the worst as rats are quite fragile. Letty hides her tears. Thankfully he pulls through.
DH (43): Théo Valère Borde
DW (43): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (14): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (13): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (12): Sacha Étienne Borde
DMrats (1): Rousse, Tic & Filou
Émeline’s first book has officially been made into a movie, she gets a cut from the sales and is out and about doing signings and read-alouds around the world more often than usual. She is not at home when Rousse the Rat gives the ghost. He is given a solemn burial with tropical flowers in the garden.
DH (44): Théo Valère Borde
DW (44): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (15): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (14): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (13): Sacha Étienne Borde
DMrats (2): Tic & Filou
Tic and Filou pass away comfortably and are buried next to Rousse. Everyone appreciates rats much more than they ever thought they would.
After much deliberation amongst the entire family, a decision is made to adopt two children. All the paperwork finished the two sisters arrive from their native Vanuatu. Elenoa is a December baby, a Sagittarius, while Ohana is a February baby, an Aquarius. Elenoa has the characteristic Ni-Vanuatu curly blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and dark olive skin. Ohana has wavy hair with a lovely dark orange-y color, eyes just like her sister, and light freckled skin.
DH (45): Théo Valère Borde
DW (45): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (16): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (15): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (14): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (6): Elenoa Joena Borde
ADD (1): Ohana Amoe Borde
Elenoa likes to go by Ella. She is understandably shy, but thanks to her new siblings is beginning to come out of her shell. She has become especially good friends with Sacha, as he has made it his mission to show his new sister around his favorite spots in the island and teach her the Creole. Ella likes going to school and is making friends surprisingly easily. Ohana is a cutie and Letty fawns over her, dressing her up and dancing around.
Even though he’s otherwise happy, Josué has become increasingly scrappy and got in a fight with a friend. Unfortunately they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and both got arrested. They have since apologized to one another and have both been ordered to take a course on the repercussions of assault. Théo worries that Josué is developing some bad habits but Josué assures his father that it was a one time mistake.
DH (46): Théo Valère Borde
DW (46): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (17): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (16): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (15): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (7): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (2): Ohana Amoe Borde
Émeline’s book series gets another movie, the whole family attends the premier.
Letty has begun college and is studying education and math. She volunteers at a local daycare and works as a tutor.
Josué decided to come clean and tell his parents that he’s bisexual. Émeline and Théo assured Josué that it was nothing to worry about and that they love him unconditionally. Théo had always been somewhat dubious about different sexualities, but as soon as his son confessed to him Théo’s previous judgements went out the window.
DH (47): Théo Valère Borde
DW (47): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (18): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (17): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (16): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (8): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (3): Ohana Amoe Borde
Letty had a few boyfriends throughout school but nothing “special”. However, this year she has met someone very special: Timothé is a 22 year old law enforcement student, he has cropped wavy dark brown hair, violet tinted dark eyes, and light brown skin, he is native to the Antilles.Their romance moved very quickly and Letty became pregnant. Although it was an accident she was ecstatic and so was Timothé. Théo and Émeline were a little shocked but ultimately happy to see Letty so elated. Timothé proposed, and of course Letty accepted.
Kizzie was born in May, a Taurus. She has wavy dark black hair, greenish eyes, and bronze skin.
Josué begins college to study computer technology.
DH (48): Théo Valère Borde
DW (48): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (19): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
-Dfiancé (22): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (0): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
DS (18): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (17): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (9): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (4): Ohana Amoe Borde
Kizzie has been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, the family is taking it in stride knowing that it is manageable.
Ohana begins kindergarten and has proven herself to be an avid finger painter.
Sacha joins his siblings in college but is unsure of his major.
DH (49): Théo Valère Borde
DW (49): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (20): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
-Dfiancé (23): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (1): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
DS (19): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (18): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (10): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (5): Ohana Amoe Borde
Letty and Timothé have married. The ceremony was on the beach, everyone barefoot. Kizzie, Elenoa, and Ohana were all excited to be flower girls.
Timothé begins his job in the police department.
Sacha has developed a serious relationship with fellow student, Coco. She is studying Kinesiology in hopes of becoming a physical therapist. Coco has shoulder-length kinky black hair that she often keeps in twists, gorgeous dark blue eyes, and light brown skin.
DH (50): Théo Valère Borde
DW (50): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (21): Violette “Letty” Catiche Daniau née Borde
-DH (24): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (2): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
DS (20): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (19): Sacha Étienne Borde
-Dgf (20): Colette “Coco” Albertine Desrosiers
ADD (11): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (6): Ohana Amoe Borde
Sacha has decided on his major, Sociology.
Josué met and began dating Aubin, a psychology student. Aubin has a kinky brown fro, blue tinted black eyes, and very dark skin.
Letty and Timothé have had a baby boy. Raphaël has wavy dirty blonde hair, dark violet eyes, and light brown skin. Kizzie would have preferred a sister and is a little ticked off about the crying baby. He was born in September, a Virgo.
DH (51): Théo Valère Borde
DW (51): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (22): Violette “Letty” Catiche Daniau née Borde
-DH (25): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (3): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
-DS (0): Raphaël Joachim Daniau
DS (21): Josué Rodrigue Borde
-Dbf (21): Aubin Sylvain Soucy
DS (20): Sacha Étienne Borde
-Dgf (21): Colette “Coco” Albertine Desrosiers
ADD (12): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (7): Ohana Amoe Borde
An unexpected child is born to Letty and Timothé. Kizzie is very annoyed and spends most days with her Grandma Émeline and playing with her Auntie Ohana. Abel has straight black hair, deep green eyes, and light brown skin. He was born in April, a Taurus.
DH (52): Théo Valère Borde
DW (52): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (23): Violette “Letty” Catiche Daniau née Borde
-DH (26): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (4): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
-DS (1): Raphaël Joachim Daniau
-DS (0): Abel Maurice Daniau
DS (22): Josué Rodrigue Borde
-Dbf (22): Aubin Sylvain Soucy
DS (21): Sacha Étienne Borde
-Dgf (22): Colette “Coco” Albertine Desrosiers
ADD (13): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (8): Ohana Amoe Borde
Émeline Hannah Borde had visited the island of Martinique from her native Toulouse many times throughout her childhood to visit her aunt and uncle. Over the years she fell in love with the culture and beauty of the island and became determined to live there.
Émeline has always been whimsical, prone to daydreaming, and thoroughly idealistic. Friends and family consider her lovably kooky and naive. Her idealism (and a bit of her parents help) got her degree in art history and a job as a journalist for a popular fashion/decor blog by age 21.
Due to Émeline’s fanciful personality she had been encouraged at a young age to express her creativity, she did best so by writing. At age 25 Émeline’s book was published by a major company. Now economically comfortable and taxed with writing sequels, she quits her journalism job. At age 26 the sequel is published with major applause.
Now having enough money and stability, Émeline is more motivated than ever to move to her dream island Martinique. She packs her bags and flies away.
At age 27 Émeline is mostly acclimated to her new home and is learning the spoken Creole. She has been spending a lot of time with her aunt (Alizée) and uncle (Lou). Alizée is a Martinique native and has been having fun showing her around the island. Alizée insists in a motherly way that Émeline is a lonely being in such a new place and decides to arrange a little party to introduce her to new friends. At the party Émeline meets Théo Valère Borde.
Théo is a colleague of Uncle Lou at a big construction company, he works as a project manager. Théo is a native to Martinique and likes to boast that he has never set foot off the island. Always adventurous and studious as a child, he spent much of his time outdoors learning about animals and plants from his Papy. Théo’s father was a construction worker and Théo grew up wanting to be just like his father. As Théo grew older he realized he wouldn’t be able to be a construction worker due to his scoliosis. He became gloomier as he aged, teenage years were the hardest, but he was still determined to do as well as he could in school to make his parents proud.
Much to his surprise, his hard work paid off and he was able to get a scholarship and attend college. Boosted by the unexpected win, Théo was encouraged to get a degree in project management. Théo was very quiet and focused in college, never once going to a party and therefore did not make many friends. After college he was quickly hired and slowly became friends with colleagues. His friends often tease him about being shy and serious.
Théo was of course somewhat reluctant to go to this party Lou invited him to but his loneliness spurred him to go. He was coerced by Alizée to chat with Émeline and was immediately taken aback by how easy it was to talk to her. He was also intrigued by how artless and lively she was. They exchanged numbers and the rest is history!
Émeline has long straight flaxen hair she keeps in a braid, pale blue eyes, and warm tanned skin.
Théo has pitch black hair that is quite wavy but you wouldn’t know it because he sports a buzz cut, equally pitch black eyes with an peculiar violet hue, and freckled brown skin.
DH (28): Théo Valère Borde
DW (28): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
A girl is born! Violette has straight black hair, dark greenish eyes and dark bronze-y skin. She was born in September, a Virgo.
DH (29): Théo Valère Borde
DW (29): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (0): Violette Catiche Borde
A boy is born! Josué has a wavy poof of hair of blonde hair, dark eyes like his father, and medium brown skin. He was born in January, an Aquarius.
DH (30): Théo Valère Borde
DW (30): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (1): Violette Catiche Borde
DS (0): Josué Rodrigue Borde
A boy is born! He has straight black hair, strange dark violet eyes, and brown skin. He was born in July, a Leo.
DH (31): Théo Valère Borde
DW (31): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (2): Violette Catiche Borde
DS (1): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (0): Sacha Étienne Borde
No babies this year! Théo has had some hours cut at work but it’s all good because Émeline has released the fourth sequel.
DH (32): Théo Valère Borde
DW (32): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (3): Violette Catiche Borde
DS (2): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (1): Sacha Étienne Borde
A turn of events, Théo has gotten a pay raise. The family is very comfortable now. Violette insists on being called Letty and is very much a girly girl.
DH (33): Théo Valère Borde
DW (33): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (4): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (3): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (2): Sacha Étienne Borde
Théo’s pay keeps rising due to a building boom. The family is very grateful for their good luck. Letty is enjoying pre-K and is making lots of friends even though she threw quite a fit the first day.
DH (34): Théo Valère Borde
DW (34): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (5): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (4): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (3): Sacha Étienne Borde
Josué began pre-k and was having a very good up until he caught the flu. His fever skyrocketed and Théo and Émeline were horrified. Thankfully Josué is just fine now and back in school, but his parents are still frazzled.
DH (35): Théo Valère Borde
DW (35): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (6): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (5): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (4): Sacha Étienne Borde
Théo makes the somewhat difficult decision to quit his job in order to spend more time with his family. He stays friends with his colleague and is assured that if he ever wants to come back, he’s invited. Émeline writes her fifth sequel.
DH (36): Théo Valère Borde
DW (36): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (7): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (6): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (5): Sacha Étienne Borde
Letty gets very annoyed with Sacha, what with Sacha being the youngest and the fact that he is a loquacious little thing. Letty is proving to have a bit of a type A personality. Josué tries his best to be a peacekeeper among them.
DH (37): Théo Valère Borde
DW (37): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (8): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (7): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (6): Sacha Étienne Borde
Émeline rolls out a sixth sequel and the family moves to a new house closer to Théo’s family.
DH (38): Théo Valère Borde
DW (38): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (9): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (8): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (7): Sacha Étienne Borde
Letty is so excited to turn 10. She insists on having a princess themed party and her parents gladly comply. The party is dreamlike up until Sacha decides to dance on the tables and take all of the attention away from the birthday girl. Letty is fuming and slaps Sacha on the cheek. The party immediately ends. Josué is terribly upset he couldn’t keep the peace.
DH (39): Théo Valère Borde
DW (39): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (10): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (9): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (8): Sacha Étienne Borde
Émeline releases the final sequel and gets a major boost from her publishing company. There are talks of making movies! The family spends much of their time with family. Letty has become particularly good friends with Auntie Alizée and has promised her to try to not be so mean to Sacha.
DH (40): Théo Valère Borde
DW (40): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (11): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (10): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (9): Sacha Étienne Borde
Émeline ignored a cold for too long and got a bad case of bronchitis. Her lungs are weaker than they used to be.
DH (41): Théo Valère Borde
DW (41): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (12): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (11): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (10): Sacha Étienne Borde
Josué wants one thing more than anything for his birthday: a rat! Actually two… err three, because they are very social. Josué researches as much as he can and makes an imploring speech to his parents. Thinking it odd, but sweet, they both give in quite easily. Sacha is intrigued by the little newcomers, Letty is petrified but reluctantly begins to love them.
DH (42): Théo Valère Borde
DW (42): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (13): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (12): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (11): Sacha Étienne Borde
DMrats (0): Rousse, Tic & Filou
Rousse the Rat becomes sick and the family waits for the worst as rats are quite fragile. Letty hides her tears. Thankfully he pulls through.
DH (43): Théo Valère Borde
DW (43): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (14): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (13): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (12): Sacha Étienne Borde
DMrats (1): Rousse, Tic & Filou
Émeline’s first book has officially been made into a movie, she gets a cut from the sales and is out and about doing signings and read-alouds around the world more often than usual. She is not at home when Rousse the Rat gives the ghost. He is given a solemn burial with tropical flowers in the garden.
DH (44): Théo Valère Borde
DW (44): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (15): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (14): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (13): Sacha Étienne Borde
DMrats (2): Tic & Filou
Tic and Filou pass away comfortably and are buried next to Rousse. Everyone appreciates rats much more than they ever thought they would.
After much deliberation amongst the entire family, a decision is made to adopt two children. All the paperwork finished the two sisters arrive from their native Vanuatu. Elenoa is a December baby, a Sagittarius, while Ohana is a February baby, an Aquarius. Elenoa has the characteristic Ni-Vanuatu curly blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and dark olive skin. Ohana has wavy hair with a lovely dark orange-y color, eyes just like her sister, and light freckled skin.
DH (45): Théo Valère Borde
DW (45): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (16): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (15): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (14): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (6): Elenoa Joena Borde
ADD (1): Ohana Amoe Borde
Elenoa likes to go by Ella. She is understandably shy, but thanks to her new siblings is beginning to come out of her shell. She has become especially good friends with Sacha, as he has made it his mission to show his new sister around his favorite spots in the island and teach her the Creole. Ella likes going to school and is making friends surprisingly easily. Ohana is a cutie and Letty fawns over her, dressing her up and dancing around.
Even though he’s otherwise happy, Josué has become increasingly scrappy and got in a fight with a friend. Unfortunately they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and both got arrested. They have since apologized to one another and have both been ordered to take a course on the repercussions of assault. Théo worries that Josué is developing some bad habits but Josué assures his father that it was a one time mistake.
DH (46): Théo Valère Borde
DW (46): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (17): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (16): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (15): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (7): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (2): Ohana Amoe Borde
Émeline’s book series gets another movie, the whole family attends the premier.
Letty has begun college and is studying education and math. She volunteers at a local daycare and works as a tutor.
Josué decided to come clean and tell his parents that he’s bisexual. Émeline and Théo assured Josué that it was nothing to worry about and that they love him unconditionally. Théo had always been somewhat dubious about different sexualities, but as soon as his son confessed to him Théo’s previous judgements went out the window.
DH (47): Théo Valère Borde
DW (47): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (18): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
DS (17): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (16): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (8): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (3): Ohana Amoe Borde
Letty had a few boyfriends throughout school but nothing “special”. However, this year she has met someone very special: Timothé is a 22 year old law enforcement student, he has cropped wavy dark brown hair, violet tinted dark eyes, and light brown skin, he is native to the Antilles.Their romance moved very quickly and Letty became pregnant. Although it was an accident she was ecstatic and so was Timothé. Théo and Émeline were a little shocked but ultimately happy to see Letty so elated. Timothé proposed, and of course Letty accepted.
Kizzie was born in May, a Taurus. She has wavy dark black hair, greenish eyes, and bronze skin.
Josué begins college to study computer technology.
DH (48): Théo Valère Borde
DW (48): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (19): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
-Dfiancé (22): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (0): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
DS (18): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (17): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (9): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (4): Ohana Amoe Borde
Kizzie has been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, the family is taking it in stride knowing that it is manageable.
Ohana begins kindergarten and has proven herself to be an avid finger painter.
Sacha joins his siblings in college but is unsure of his major.
DH (49): Théo Valère Borde
DW (49): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (20): Violette “Letty” Catiche Borde
-Dfiancé (23): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (1): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
DS (19): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (18): Sacha Étienne Borde
ADD (10): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (5): Ohana Amoe Borde
Letty and Timothé have married. The ceremony was on the beach, everyone barefoot. Kizzie, Elenoa, and Ohana were all excited to be flower girls.
Timothé begins his job in the police department.
Sacha has developed a serious relationship with fellow student, Coco. She is studying Kinesiology in hopes of becoming a physical therapist. Coco has shoulder-length kinky black hair that she often keeps in twists, gorgeous dark blue eyes, and light brown skin.
DH (50): Théo Valère Borde
DW (50): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (21): Violette “Letty” Catiche Daniau née Borde
-DH (24): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (2): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
DS (20): Josué Rodrigue Borde
DS (19): Sacha Étienne Borde
-Dgf (20): Colette “Coco” Albertine Desrosiers
ADD (11): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (6): Ohana Amoe Borde
Sacha has decided on his major, Sociology.
Josué met and began dating Aubin, a psychology student. Aubin has a kinky brown fro, blue tinted black eyes, and very dark skin.
Letty and Timothé have had a baby boy. Raphaël has wavy dirty blonde hair, dark violet eyes, and light brown skin. Kizzie would have preferred a sister and is a little ticked off about the crying baby. He was born in September, a Virgo.
DH (51): Théo Valère Borde
DW (51): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (22): Violette “Letty” Catiche Daniau née Borde
-DH (25): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (3): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
-DS (0): Raphaël Joachim Daniau
DS (21): Josué Rodrigue Borde
-Dbf (21): Aubin Sylvain Soucy
DS (20): Sacha Étienne Borde
-Dgf (21): Colette “Coco” Albertine Desrosiers
ADD (12): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (7): Ohana Amoe Borde
An unexpected child is born to Letty and Timothé. Kizzie is very annoyed and spends most days with her Grandma Émeline and playing with her Auntie Ohana. Abel has straight black hair, deep green eyes, and light brown skin. He was born in April, a Taurus.
DH (52): Théo Valère Borde
DW (52): Émeline Hannah Borde née Bonnaire
DD (23): Violette “Letty” Catiche Daniau née Borde
-DH (26): Timothé Ernest Daniau
-DD (4): Keziah “Kizzie” Éloïse Daniau
-DS (1): Raphaël Joachim Daniau
-DS (0): Abel Maurice Daniau
DS (22): Josué Rodrigue Borde
-Dbf (22): Aubin Sylvain Soucy
DS (21): Sacha Étienne Borde
-Dgf (22): Colette “Coco” Albertine Desrosiers
ADD (13): Elenoa “Ella” Joena Borde
ADD (8): Ohana Amoe Borde
This message was edited 11/22/2018, 12:15 PM