Re: Azifa's Year Game
in reply to a message by Azifa
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(Air Force)(20)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(20)
Ari and Rachel met in high school and never dated, but spent a lot of time together in their group of friends. After graduation, Ari went into the military, dreaming of flying planes. Rachel started working at her father's non-profit company to provide support to homeless shelters and programs for the people in them. When Ari returned to town on leave, he asked Rachel out on a date, and she agreed! Seventeen months later, they were married in a quiet ceremony with friends and family. Rachel moved to live with Ari at Volkel Air Base, where he is currently stationed.
Year 1: birth; boy; UVW, AB
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(Air Force)(21)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(21)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(0)
Ari and Rachel celebrated their first anniversary by telling their friends and familiy that they were expecting a baby! Their son, Willem, was born two days shy of his due date, on January 12th. They took him home a few days later and began an adventure as parents.
Year 2: Family Event; Someone gets injured or sick permanently
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(unemployed)(22)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(22)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(1)
Ari was involved in a training accident this year which cost him his right leg below the knee. After multiple surgeries and recovery time, he was able to get a prosthetic, which he is still learning how to use. Because of his injury, he is no longer able to be in the Air Force. He does receive disability benefits through them, but he is currently unemployed and trying to decide what to do with himself. For now, he spends lots of time with Rachel and Willem.
Year 3: birth; girl, GH, JK
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(unemployed)(23)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(23)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(2)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(0)
Ari and Rachel welcomed their second child this year, just before Willem's third birthday. Ari still hasn't found work, but is looking into a university program to study accounting or business. Willem loves his little sister and talks about her to anyone who will listen.
Year 4: birth; boy JK, QR
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(student)(24)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(24)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(3)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(1)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(0)
Ari and Rachel were definitely not expecting to have a third child so soon after Hetty; however, they welcomed Karel into the family on September 29th, when Hetty was ten months old. Willem was ecstatic to have both a little sister and a little brother now!
Year 5: birth; miscarry
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(student)(25)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(25)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(4)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(2)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(1)
Even though Ari and Rachel weren't planning any more children for a few years, they still mourned when Rachel had a miscarriage this year. The pregnancy wasn't far enough along to even tell the kids.
Ari has been working hard on his business degree and hopes to finish it by next year. Rachel works part-time at her father's charity, but does so from home. Willem started preschool this year, leaving Hetty very distraught. Karel is a sweet baby, who loves to laugh.
Year 6: Family event; someone gets injured/sick temporarily
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(student)(26)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(26)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(5)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(3)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(2)
The biggest family news from this year is that Karel spent about a week in the hospital with pneumonia. Willem and Hetty were both very concerned, but Karel recovered with no lasting ill effects.
Year 7: Family Event; fight between members
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(27)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(27)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(6)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(4)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(3)
Ari finally graduated with his business degree this year...and took a job in Groningen, far north of their current home. Rachel didn't want to pack up the family and move, especially since Hetty was starting school; however, Ari was insistent. They spent six months arguing--four of those months from long distance, as Ari moved to Groningen to work. Finally, Rachel relented, and the whole family moved north.
Year 8: birth; girl, QR, QR
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(28)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(28)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(7)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(5)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(4)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(0)
Ari and Rachel welcomed their fourth child, a little girl named Bekka, born just after Willem's seventh birthday. Hetty was so excited to have a sister! Rachel has adjusted to living further from her family, and Ari has forgiven her for being so stubborn about moving. Willem has made lots of new friends and is one of the friendliest kids Rachel knows. Hetty is not nearly as outgoing as her older brother, but has a few close friends. Karel just started school this year and is so excited to get on the bus with Hetty, even if it is only for a half-day.
Year 9: birth; miscarriage
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(29)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(29)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(8)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(6)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(5)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(1)
Rachel had a second miscarriage this year. She wasn't exactly sure how she and Ari would support a fifth child, but was game to try. This time, the older kids did know about the baby, and were devastated when Rachel miscarried.
Year 10:
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(30)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(30)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(9)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(7)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(6)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(2)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(1)
Thirtieth birthdays and a tenth wedding anniversary were a lot to celebrate this year! Willem also got a great present for his ninth birthday--a hamster! It didn't matter so much to him that the hamster was a castoff from a neighbor, but he loves it, and calls it Rik.
Year 11:
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(31)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(31)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(10)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(8)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(7)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(3)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(5)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(2)
Well, Willem got a pet last year and, of course, Hetty and Karel had to have one too. This year, Ari and Rachel got a five year old black lab named Rosie as a family pet. Hetty immediately adopted her as her very own, but is learning to share with the rest of the family too. Rosie is a sweet dog who already knows some commands.
Year 12: Career: promotion
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(32)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(32)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(11)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(9)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(8)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(4)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(6)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(3)
Ari got a promotion this year, making it possible for the family to move to a new, larger home. The kids love the extra room to run and play, and they are quickly making friends with the new neighbors. Bekka went to school this year, following her older siblings.
Year 13: family event; fight or argument
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(33)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(33)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(12)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(10)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(9)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(5)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(7)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(4**)
Rik passed away this year at the ripe old age of 4 years, 3 months. Willem was upset, but recovered quickly, distracted by friends and school. Hetty and Karel, nearly inseparable, had a huge fight this year. Neither one could remember what it was about by the time they got home from school, but they didn't speak to each other for nearly a week. Ari and Rachel were beginning to think that they'd have to take the kids to counseling to get over their hostilities, but they eventually made up.
Year 14: birth; boy;
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(34)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(34)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(13)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(11)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(10)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(6)
DS: Theodoor Werner De Klerk "Theo" (wavy blond hair, green eyes)(b. Dec. 5)(0)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(8)
Ari and Rachel welcomed their fifth child this year! Willem was a little grossed out that his mom could still have babies, but the other three siblings were excited about the new addition. Baby Theo joined the family on December 5th.
Year 15: pet
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(35)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(35)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(14)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(12)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(11)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(7)
DS: Theodoor Werner De Klerk "Theo" (wavy blond hair, green eyes)(b. Dec. 5)(1)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(9)
Cat: Abby (grey tabby)(0)
This year, Bekka pleaded for (and received) a kitten for her birthday. The cat is a sweet little grey tabby she named Abby. Rosie gets along well with the kitten and, in fact, thinks of it as a small puppy.
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(Air Force)(20)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(20)
Ari and Rachel met in high school and never dated, but spent a lot of time together in their group of friends. After graduation, Ari went into the military, dreaming of flying planes. Rachel started working at her father's non-profit company to provide support to homeless shelters and programs for the people in them. When Ari returned to town on leave, he asked Rachel out on a date, and she agreed! Seventeen months later, they were married in a quiet ceremony with friends and family. Rachel moved to live with Ari at Volkel Air Base, where he is currently stationed.
Year 1: birth; boy; UVW, AB
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(Air Force)(21)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(21)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(0)
Ari and Rachel celebrated their first anniversary by telling their friends and familiy that they were expecting a baby! Their son, Willem, was born two days shy of his due date, on January 12th. They took him home a few days later and began an adventure as parents.
Year 2: Family Event; Someone gets injured or sick permanently
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(unemployed)(22)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(22)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(1)
Ari was involved in a training accident this year which cost him his right leg below the knee. After multiple surgeries and recovery time, he was able to get a prosthetic, which he is still learning how to use. Because of his injury, he is no longer able to be in the Air Force. He does receive disability benefits through them, but he is currently unemployed and trying to decide what to do with himself. For now, he spends lots of time with Rachel and Willem.
Year 3: birth; girl, GH, JK
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(unemployed)(23)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(23)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(2)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(0)
Ari and Rachel welcomed their second child this year, just before Willem's third birthday. Ari still hasn't found work, but is looking into a university program to study accounting or business. Willem loves his little sister and talks about her to anyone who will listen.
Year 4: birth; boy JK, QR
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(student)(24)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(24)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(3)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(1)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(0)
Ari and Rachel were definitely not expecting to have a third child so soon after Hetty; however, they welcomed Karel into the family on September 29th, when Hetty was ten months old. Willem was ecstatic to have both a little sister and a little brother now!
Year 5: birth; miscarry
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(student)(25)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(25)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(4)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(2)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(1)
Even though Ari and Rachel weren't planning any more children for a few years, they still mourned when Rachel had a miscarriage this year. The pregnancy wasn't far enough along to even tell the kids.
Ari has been working hard on his business degree and hopes to finish it by next year. Rachel works part-time at her father's charity, but does so from home. Willem started preschool this year, leaving Hetty very distraught. Karel is a sweet baby, who loves to laugh.
Year 6: Family event; someone gets injured/sick temporarily
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(student)(26)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(26)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(5)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(3)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(2)
The biggest family news from this year is that Karel spent about a week in the hospital with pneumonia. Willem and Hetty were both very concerned, but Karel recovered with no lasting ill effects.
Year 7: Family Event; fight between members
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(27)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(27)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(6)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(4)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(3)
Ari finally graduated with his business degree this year...and took a job in Groningen, far north of their current home. Rachel didn't want to pack up the family and move, especially since Hetty was starting school; however, Ari was insistent. They spent six months arguing--four of those months from long distance, as Ari moved to Groningen to work. Finally, Rachel relented, and the whole family moved north.
Year 8: birth; girl, QR, QR
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(28)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(28)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(7)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(5)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(4)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(0)
Ari and Rachel welcomed their fourth child, a little girl named Bekka, born just after Willem's seventh birthday. Hetty was so excited to have a sister! Rachel has adjusted to living further from her family, and Ari has forgiven her for being so stubborn about moving. Willem has made lots of new friends and is one of the friendliest kids Rachel knows. Hetty is not nearly as outgoing as her older brother, but has a few close friends. Karel just started school this year and is so excited to get on the bus with Hetty, even if it is only for a half-day.
Year 9: birth; miscarriage
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(29)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(29)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(8)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(6)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(5)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(1)
Rachel had a second miscarriage this year. She wasn't exactly sure how she and Ari would support a fifth child, but was game to try. This time, the older kids did know about the baby, and were devastated when Rachel miscarried.
Year 10:
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(30)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(30)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(9)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(7)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(6)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(2)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(1)
Thirtieth birthdays and a tenth wedding anniversary were a lot to celebrate this year! Willem also got a great present for his ninth birthday--a hamster! It didn't matter so much to him that the hamster was a castoff from a neighbor, but he loves it, and calls it Rik.
Year 11:
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(31)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(31)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(10)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(8)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(7)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(3)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(5)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(2)
Well, Willem got a pet last year and, of course, Hetty and Karel had to have one too. This year, Ari and Rachel got a five year old black lab named Rosie as a family pet. Hetty immediately adopted her as her very own, but is learning to share with the rest of the family too. Rosie is a sweet dog who already knows some commands.
Year 12: Career: promotion
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(32)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(32)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(11)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(9)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(8)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(4)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(6)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(3)
Ari got a promotion this year, making it possible for the family to move to a new, larger home. The kids love the extra room to run and play, and they are quickly making friends with the new neighbors. Bekka went to school this year, following her older siblings.
Year 13: family event; fight or argument
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(33)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(33)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(12)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(10)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(9)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(5)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(7)
Hamster: Rik (small black male)(4**)
Rik passed away this year at the ripe old age of 4 years, 3 months. Willem was upset, but recovered quickly, distracted by friends and school. Hetty and Karel, nearly inseparable, had a huge fight this year. Neither one could remember what it was about by the time they got home from school, but they didn't speak to each other for nearly a week. Ari and Rachel were beginning to think that they'd have to take the kids to counseling to get over their hostilities, but they eventually made up.
Year 14: birth; boy;
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(34)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(34)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(13)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(11)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(10)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(6)
DS: Theodoor Werner De Klerk "Theo" (wavy blond hair, green eyes)(b. Dec. 5)(0)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(8)
Ari and Rachel welcomed their fifth child this year! Willem was a little grossed out that his mom could still have babies, but the other three siblings were excited about the new addition. Baby Theo joined the family on December 5th.
Year 15: pet
Location: The Netherlands
DH: Aris Rogier De Klerk "Ari" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(businessman)(35)
DW: Rachel Marijke (Addens) De Klerk (wavy blond hair, brown eyes)(charity)(35)
DS: Willem Andries De Klerk (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b.Jan 12)(14)
DD: Henrietta Jasmijn De Klerk "Hetty" (wavy light red hair, green eyes)(b. Nov. 24)(12)
DS: Karel Rogier De Klerk (curly blond hair, brown eyes)(b.Sept. 29)(11)
DD: Rebekka Rosanne De Klerk "Bekka" (curly blond hair, green eyes)(b. Feb. 1)(7)
DS: Theodoor Werner De Klerk "Theo" (wavy blond hair, green eyes)(b. Dec. 5)(1)
Dog: Rosie (black lab)(9)
Cat: Abby (grey tabby)(0)
This year, Bekka pleaded for (and received) a kitten for her birthday. The cat is a sweet little grey tabby she named Abby. Rosie gets along well with the kitten and, in fact, thinks of it as a small puppy.