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Themed CAF #4 - English Royalty - Mine
in reply to a message by Azifa
DH (101): Nathaniel Porter Altman 'Nate'
DW (d, 71): Nicolette Lorelai (Millington) Altman - DD (69): Cecilia Evelyn Altman-Sambridge 'Lia'
- DD (64): Kathlyn Rochelle (Altman) Darlington-WhitNate & Nicolette Altman: Lia Altman-Sambridge & Kathlyn Darlington-Whit *---*---*DD (69): Cecilia Evelyn Altman-Sambridge 'Lia'
DExH (71): Benedict Orson Malone - DS (33): Orson Harley Malone
- SO (29): Fox Alden Hunton
-- ADD (02): Blaire Chantelle Hunton-Malone DW (67): Vivian Clarissa Altman-Sambridge 'Vivi'Lia Atlman-Sambridge & Benedict Malone: Orson Malone
- Orson Malone & Fox Hunton: Blaire Hunton-Malone
Lia & Vivi Altman-Sambridge
*---*---*DD (64): Kathlyn Rochelle (Altman) Darlington-Whit
DH (d, 62): Caspian Emerson Darlington-Whit II - DS (31): Caspian Emerson Darlington-Whit III 'Casp'
- SO (37): Haraya Camille Dennison
-- DS (06): Sanders Abbington Darlington-Whit - DS (20): Isadore Preston Darlington-WhitKathlyn & Caspian Darlington-Whit: Casp & Isadore Darlington-Whit
- Casp Darlington-Whit & Haraya Dennison: Sanders Darlington-Whit
“If we are born to die and we all die to live, then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?”
― Ronnie Radke"I am whatever I wish to be."
― OnisionCheck out my Names:
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