Re: [Oct 23] ~ Name the family (namebank) ~ Part 5/6
in reply to a message by lepetitviolet
DH: Leander Nicodemus Inglewood
DW: Tirzah Eglantine Imelda Plantagenet
DS1: Hosea Neptune Inglewood
DS2: Taliesin Lancelot Inglewood
DD1: Ariadne Hedwig Desdemona Pembroke Plantagenet
DS3: Alaric Ignatius Inglewood
DD2: Letitia Proserpina Zepherine Plantagenet
DS1: Hosea Neptune Astley Inglewood
DW: Jessamine Marguerite Astley Inglewood
DD: Bluebell Hypatia Guinevere Inglewood
DS: Trevor Erasmus Astley Inglewood
DD: Theodosia Ernestine Antoinette Inglewood
DS: Phoenix Justinian Astley Inglewood
DD/DS: India Gertrude Clotilda Inglewood / Josiah Valerian Astley Inglewood
DS2: Taliesin Lancelot Waring-Inglewood
DH: Axel Woodrow Waring-Inglewood
DD: Marjory Jael Waring-Inglewood
DD: Adelina Happiness Waring-Inglewood
DD: Arianwen Zélie Waring-Inglewood
DS: Nelson Caradoc Waring-Inglewood
DD1: Ariadne Hedwig Desdemona Pembroke Plantagenet
DH: Llewellyn Harold Plantagenet Pembroke
DD: Lotus Enid Mignionette Pembroke Plantagenet
DS: Percival Zebedee Plantagenet Pembroke
DD/DS: Brontë Orinthia Lisabel Pembroke Plantagenet / Caspar Cicero Plantagenet Pembroke
DS: Hamlet Leonidas Plantagenet Pembroke
DS3: Alaric Ignatius Inglewood
DW: Winona Sicilia Vale
DD: Ocean Rolandine Gilberta Vale
DS: Noble Irving Stanislas Inglewood
DS: Nightingale Melchior Aloysius Inglewood
DD: Pleasance Loelia Euphrosyne Vale
DW: Tirzah Eglantine Imelda Plantagenet
DS1: Hosea Neptune Inglewood
DS2: Taliesin Lancelot Inglewood
DD1: Ariadne Hedwig Desdemona Pembroke Plantagenet
DS3: Alaric Ignatius Inglewood
DD2: Letitia Proserpina Zepherine Plantagenet
DS1: Hosea Neptune Astley Inglewood
DW: Jessamine Marguerite Astley Inglewood
DD: Bluebell Hypatia Guinevere Inglewood
DS: Trevor Erasmus Astley Inglewood
DD: Theodosia Ernestine Antoinette Inglewood
DS: Phoenix Justinian Astley Inglewood
DD/DS: India Gertrude Clotilda Inglewood / Josiah Valerian Astley Inglewood
DS2: Taliesin Lancelot Waring-Inglewood
DH: Axel Woodrow Waring-Inglewood
DD: Marjory Jael Waring-Inglewood
DD: Adelina Happiness Waring-Inglewood
DD: Arianwen Zélie Waring-Inglewood
DS: Nelson Caradoc Waring-Inglewood
DD1: Ariadne Hedwig Desdemona Pembroke Plantagenet
DH: Llewellyn Harold Plantagenet Pembroke
DD: Lotus Enid Mignionette Pembroke Plantagenet
DS: Percival Zebedee Plantagenet Pembroke
DD/DS: Brontë Orinthia Lisabel Pembroke Plantagenet / Caspar Cicero Plantagenet Pembroke
DS: Hamlet Leonidas Plantagenet Pembroke
DS3: Alaric Ignatius Inglewood
DW: Winona Sicilia Vale
DD: Ocean Rolandine Gilberta Vale
DS: Noble Irving Stanislas Inglewood
DS: Nightingale Melchior Aloysius Inglewood
DD: Pleasance Loelia Euphrosyne Vale