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Re: [Oct 6] ~ Name the Family: Namebank ~ Part 6/7
DH: William Bernard Lumley
DW: Tamsin Winifred (Rosenberg) LumleyDD1: Ottilie Georgia Lumley
- DH: Orlando Guthrie Blanchard
-- DS: Desmond Thyme Blanchard
-- DD: Cleo Avalon Blanchard
-- DD: Zelda Rhiannon Blanchard
-- DS/DS: Fergus Galahad Blanchard & Augustus Tolliver Blanchard
-- DD: Ophelia Cosima BlanchardDS1: Felix Jasper Lumley
- DW: Rozálie Dorota (Dvorak) Lumley
-- DD: Edita Isidora Lumley
-- DS: Viktor Feodor Lumley
-- DD: Noemi Ludmila Lumley
-- DS: Martin Benedikt LumleyDS2: Isaac Hugh Lumley
- DW: Galina Titania (LeClair) Lumley
-- DD/DD: Celeste Mabel Lumley & Coppélia Faye Lumley
-- DS: Emmett Rafferty Lumley
-- DD: Twyla Melusine Lumley
-- DS: Phineas Emory Lumley
-- DD: Astoria Mila LumleyDD2: Sabrina Eugenie Lumley
- DW: Caitlin Marion (Vincent) Lumley
-- DS: Alexander Crispin Lumley
-- DD: Ingrid Clementine Lumley
-- DD: Linnea Bonnie Lumley
-- DS: Dexter Evander LumleyDS3: Oliver Jacoby Lumley
- DW: Mary Annabella (Lockwood) Lumley
-- DD: Catherine Elvina Lumley
-- DD: Margaret Octavia Lumley
-- DS/DS: Alfred Stewart Lumley & Henry Douglas Lumley
-- DS: Frederick Cecil Lumley
-- DD: Elizabeth Dorothea Lumley
-- DS: Edwin Zephaniah Lumley
-- DD: Susannah Philadelphia LumleyDD3: Gwynne Elisabeth Lumley
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