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Re: [Oct 6] ~ Name the Family: Namebank ~ Part 6/7
DH: Henry Eugene Deforest
DW: Eugenie Gwynne Rosenberg Deforest
DD1: Elisabeth Anna Deforest
DS1: William Felix Deforest
DS2: Oliver Leo Deforest
DD2: Georgia Katherine Deforest
DS3: Nathaniel Jasper Deforest
DD3: Tamsin Noelle DeforestHenry and Genie Deforest: Lissa, Will, Oliver, Gigi, Nate, Tamsin--
DD1: Elisabeth Anna Deforest Blanchard
DH: Warren Augustus BlanchardDS: Macsen Orlando Blanchard
DD: Piper Rhiannon Blanchard
DD: Cleo Avalon Blanchard
DS/DS: Arlo Fergus Blanchard / Hugo Desmond Blanchard
DD: Ophelia Dominique BlanchardLissa and Warren Blanchard: Max, Piper, Cleo, Arlo, Hugo, Ophelia--
DS1: William Felix Deforest
DW: Marya Edita Dvorak DeforestDD: Isidora Melanie Deforest
DS: Samuel Robert Deforest
DD: Rozalie Sabina Deforest
DS: Adam Gabriel DeforestWill and Masha Deforest: Dora, Sam, Roza, Adam--
DS2: Oliver Leo Deforest
DW: Mila Penelope Van Buren DeforestDD/DD: Allegra Giselle Deforest / Melody Gillian Deforest
DS: Emmett Josiah Deforest
DD: Natalia Celeste Deforest
DS: Nicholas Darcy Deforest
DD: Geneva Florence DeforestOliver and Mila Deforest: Ally, Mel, EJ, Tasha, Nick, Evie--
DD2: Georgia Katherine Deforest
DW: Caitlin Veronica Vincent DeforestDS: Jameson Morgan Deforest
DD: Greta Charlotte Deforest
DD: Linnea Sloane Deforest
DS: Alexander Lachlan DeforestGigi and Caitlin Deforest: Jamie, Greta, Linnea, Alex--
DS3: Nathaniel Jasper Deforest
DW: Elizabeth Marie Upton DeforestDD: Emily May Deforest
DD: Hannah Violet Deforest
DS/DS: Joseph Eugene Deforest / Charles Bennet Deforest
DS: Daniel Julian Deforest
DD: Sarah Dorothea Deforest
DS: Benjamin Percival Deforest
DD: Margaret Ella DeforestNate and Ellie Deforest: Emily, Hannah, Joey, Charlie, Danny, Sarah, Ben, MaggieLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie <a href=Angel and Memorial tickers" />
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