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Steph's YPF: DH/DW round 2/3
Pick ONE favorite from each pair or group.Baldwin Jabez
Bastien Johan
Baxter JonahBenedict James
Benjamin Joel
Bennett JasperBlake Jericho
Bradley Jeremiah***Valerie Anne
Vera Aurelia
Veronica AnnelieseVictoria Alice
Vienna Ann
Violet AthenaVirginia Anneliese
Vivian Adelina
Vivienne Amelie~~~~~*aka PeachyGirl86*PNLs updated 8/24/18 (still lots of unrated names)"I'd rather die than live without passion." ~Jeon Jungkook (BTS)
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Am I doing something wrong?Seems like the more rounds I post, the fewer people who play. :(
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I wouldnt think anything of it. Honestly with a lot of NTNB or Congrat's games, people end up dropping off. I'm guilty of it. But you posted this on a Friday - at least in the US - and people probably arent as active. There usually is a dip in threads/posts on the weekends. But, regardless, it's not you ;-)
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Baldwin Jabez
Benjamin Joel
Bradley Jeremiah***Veronica Anneliese
Vienna Ann
Violet Athena
Vivienne Amelie
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