Belphoebe's Themed Congratulations Game (1 of 7)
LN: Bronte Radcliffe Edgeworth Austen Gaskell Braddon Grand (19th century female authors)
Alexis Alice/Alyce April Betsy Betty Blythe Bonnie Callie Candy Celeste Cecilia Cindy Colette Connie Corinne Dahlia Deirdre Dorothy Eloise Emma Florence Ginny Gretchen Gwendolyn Hattie Harriet Ida Imogen Juliette Kitty Lana Lenore Lotty Matilda Margot Mary Nellie Octavia Odette Olive Penelope Polly Quinn Renata Rowena Selma Sylvia Temperance Winifred
Alfred Amos Ashley Augustine Basil Claude Dorian Edgar Elliot Ernest/Earnest Floyd Foster Garth Grant Hank Hugh Ivan Jacob Jeremiah Jeremy Leonard Luther Logan Miles Nathaniel Noah Oliver Otis Oswald Phineas Penn Quentin Ralph Rufus Saul Sebastian Sterling Virgil Wyatt
Theme: Vintage

Alexis Alice/Alyce April Betsy Betty Blythe Bonnie Callie Candy Celeste Cecilia Cindy Colette Connie Corinne Dahlia Deirdre Dorothy Eloise Emma Florence Ginny Gretchen Gwendolyn Hattie Harriet Ida Imogen Juliette Kitty Lana Lenore Lotty Matilda Margot Mary Nellie Octavia Odette Olive Penelope Polly Quinn Renata Rowena Selma Sylvia Temperance Winifred
Alfred Amos Ashley Augustine Basil Claude Dorian Edgar Elliot Ernest/Earnest Floyd Foster Garth Grant Hank Hugh Ivan Jacob Jeremiah Jeremy Leonard Luther Logan Miles Nathaniel Noah Oliver Otis Oswald Phineas Penn Quentin Ralph Rufus Saul Sebastian Sterling Virgil Wyatt
Theme: Vintage

This message was edited 9/6/2018, 2:41 AM
The Bronte Family!
H: Sebastian Sterling Bronte, "Bastian"
W: Sylvia Lenore (Gaskell) Bronte
D1: Dorothy Colette Bronte, "Dot"
D2: Margot Florence Bronte, "Go"
D3: Odette Eloise Bronte
S1: Wyatt Earnest Bronte
S2: Elliot Miles Bronte
D4: Penelope Olive Bronte, "Penn"
H: Sebastian Sterling Bronte, "Bastian"
W: Sylvia Lenore (Gaskell) Bronte
D1: Dorothy Colette Bronte, "Dot"
D2: Margot Florence Bronte, "Go"
D3: Odette Eloise Bronte
S1: Wyatt Earnest Bronte
S2: Elliot Miles Bronte
D4: Penelope Olive Bronte, "Penn"
LN: Bronte
DH Phineas Penn ♥ DW Octavia Rowena
DD1/DD2/DD3: Matilda Harriet and Florence Blythe and Margot Winifred
DS1: Rufus Miles
DS2: Augustine Virgil ‘Gus’
DD4: Imogen Olive
DH Phineas Penn ♥ DW Octavia Rowena
DD1/DD2/DD3: Matilda Harriet and Florence Blythe and Margot Winifred
DS1: Rufus Miles
DS2: Augustine Virgil ‘Gus’
DD4: Imogen Olive
DH: Oliver Noah Braddon
DW: Dahlia Blythe Braddon
DD1/DD2/DD3: Emma Lenore Braddon, Alice Imogen Braddon and Margot Eloise Braddon
DS1: Jacob Elliott Braddon
DS2: Nathaniel Quentin Braddon
DD4: Colette Mary Braddon
DW: Dahlia Blythe Braddon
DD1/DD2/DD3: Emma Lenore Braddon, Alice Imogen Braddon and Margot Eloise Braddon
DS1: Jacob Elliott Braddon
DS2: Nathaniel Quentin Braddon
DD4: Colette Mary Braddon
LN: Bronte Radcliffe Edgeworth Austen Gaskell Braddon Grand (19th century female authors)
H: Jeremy Amos Gaskell
W: Olive Eloise {Edgeworth} Gaskell
D1/D2/D3: Penelope Margot Gaskell & Matilda Odette Gaskell & Alice Mary Gaskell
S1: Quentin Wyatt Gaskell
S2: Sebastian Penn Gaskell
D4: Octavia Bonnie Lenore Gaskell
"Jem (38) and Liv (40) with: Nelly & Mattie & Ali (15), Quin (4), Seb (3) and Octavia (nb)."
H: Jeremy Amos Gaskell
W: Olive Eloise {Edgeworth} Gaskell
D1/D2/D3: Penelope Margot Gaskell & Matilda Odette Gaskell & Alice Mary Gaskell
S1: Quentin Wyatt Gaskell
S2: Sebastian Penn Gaskell
D4: Octavia Bonnie Lenore Gaskell
"Jem (38) and Liv (40) with: Nelly & Mattie & Ali (15), Quin (4), Seb (3) and Octavia (nb)."
DH Basil Ralph Edgeworth ♥ DW Cecilia Deirdre Austen
DD1/DD2/DD3: Temperance Lana / Matilda Juliette / Kitty Alice
DS1: Floyd Oliver
DS2: Virgil Foster
DD4: Alexis Sylvia
DD1/DD2/DD3: Temperance Lana / Matilda Juliette / Kitty Alice
DS1: Floyd Oliver
DS2: Virgil Foster
DD4: Alexis Sylvia
Edgar Wyatt Radcliffe ♥ Corinne Mary (Grand) Radcliffe
DD1/DD2/DD3: Margot Celeste Radcliffe / Sylvia Odette Radcliffe / Lenore Gwendolyn Radcliffe
DS1: Hugh Sebastian Radcliffe
DS2: Dorian Sterling Radcliffe
DD4: Alice Rowena Radcliffe
DD1/DD2/DD3: Margot Celeste Radcliffe / Sylvia Odette Radcliffe / Lenore Gwendolyn Radcliffe
DS1: Hugh Sebastian Radcliffe
DS2: Dorian Sterling Radcliffe
DD4: Alice Rowena Radcliffe
Oswald Rufus Gaskell ♥ Harriet Matilda Edgeworth
DD1/DD2/DD3: Winifred Blythe Gaskell / Rowena Dorothy Gaskell / Florence Penelope Gaskell
DS1: Virgil Dorian Gaskell
DS2: Leonard Augustine Gaskell
DD4: Odette Sylvia Gaskell
DD1/DD2/DD3: Winifred Blythe Gaskell / Rowena Dorothy Gaskell / Florence Penelope Gaskell
DS1: Virgil Dorian Gaskell
DS2: Leonard Augustine Gaskell
DD4: Odette Sylvia Gaskell
LN: Bronte
Jacob Nathaniel "Jake" ♥ Gwendolyn Mary "Gwen"
DD1/DD2/DD3: Alice Penelope / Cecilia Lenore / Eloise Margot
DS1: Miles Elliot
DS2: Sebastian Grant
DD4: Emma Gretchen
Jacob Nathaniel "Jake" ♥ Gwendolyn Mary "Gwen"
DD1/DD2/DD3: Alice Penelope / Cecilia Lenore / Eloise Margot
DS1: Miles Elliot
DS2: Sebastian Grant
DD4: Emma Gretchen
Claude Miles Austen ♥ Juliette Dahlia Austen (nee Bronte)
DD1/DD2/DD3: Octavia April Austen “Tavie”/ Matilda Eloise Austen “Tilde”/ Winifred Imogen Austen “Nifie”
DS1: Jeremiah Hank Austen “Miah”
DS2: Sebastian Amos Austen “Stian”
DD4: Temperance Emma Austen “Erance”
Claude & Juliette Austen: Tavie, Tilde, Nifie, Miah, Stian, & Erance
DD1/DD2/DD3: Octavia April Austen “Tavie”/ Matilda Eloise Austen “Tilde”/ Winifred Imogen Austen “Nifie”
DS1: Jeremiah Hank Austen “Miah”
DS2: Sebastian Amos Austen “Stian”
DD4: Temperance Emma Austen “Erance”
Claude & Juliette Austen: Tavie, Tilde, Nifie, Miah, Stian, & Erance
DH: Jeremy Grant Radcliffe
DW: Gretchen Alice Bronte Radcliffe
DD/DD/DD: Eloise Sylvia Radcliffe / Juliette Emma Radcliffe / Matilda Gwendolyn Radcliffe
DS: Logan Nathaniel Radcliffe
DS: Sebastian Oliver Radcliffe
DD: Cecilia Blythe Radcliffe
Jeremy and Gretchen Radcliffe: Ellie, Jette, Mattie, Logan, Seb, Celia
DW: Gretchen Alice Bronte Radcliffe
DD/DD/DD: Eloise Sylvia Radcliffe / Juliette Emma Radcliffe / Matilda Gwendolyn Radcliffe
DS: Logan Nathaniel Radcliffe
DS: Sebastian Oliver Radcliffe
DD: Cecilia Blythe Radcliffe
Jeremy and Gretchen Radcliffe: Ellie, Jette, Mattie, Logan, Seb, Celia
Luther Earnest ♥ Quinn Sylvia
Kitty Lenore & Nellie Gretchen & Polly Octavia
Earnest Alfred
Quentin Claude
Bonnie Ida
Luther & Quinn // Kitty & Nellie & Polly, Earnest, Quentin, and Bonnie
DH Dorian Amos Radcliffe♥ DW Alice Renata [Grand] Radcliffe
DD1/DD2/DD3: Rowena Colette Radcliffe/Lenore Cecilia Radcliffe/Octavia Celeste Radcliffe
DS1: Basil Edgar Radcliffe
DS2: Quentin Miles Radcliffe
DD4: Sylvia Margot Radcliffe
DD1/DD2/DD3: Rowena Colette Radcliffe/Lenore Cecilia Radcliffe/Octavia Celeste Radcliffe
DS1: Basil Edgar Radcliffe
DS2: Quentin Miles Radcliffe
DD4: Sylvia Margot Radcliffe
DH: Jeremiah Miles Grand
DW: Gwendolyn Lenore [Austen] Grand
DD1/DD2/DD3: Matilda Alice Grand / Colette Quinn Grand / Eloise Harriet Grand
DS1: Jacob Foster Grand
DS2: Elliot Hugh Grand
DD4: Polly Alexis Grand
Jerry & Gwen || Tilly, Colette, Elle, Jake, Elliot and Polly
DW: Gwendolyn Lenore [Austen] Grand
DD1/DD2/DD3: Matilda Alice Grand / Colette Quinn Grand / Eloise Harriet Grand
DS1: Jacob Foster Grand
DS2: Elliot Hugh Grand
DD4: Polly Alexis Grand
Jerry & Gwen || Tilly, Colette, Elle, Jake, Elliot and Polly
This message was edited 9/6/2018, 10:12 AM
DH: Basil Augustine Radcliffe
DW: Alice Octavia Radcliffe {nee Gaskel}
DD1/DD2/DD3: Penelope Olive Radcliffe, Matilda Gwendolyn Radcliffe, and Imogen Florence Radcliffe
DS1: Elliot Miles Radcliffe
DS2: Oliver Jeremy Radcliffe
DD4: Winifred Lenore Radcliffe
Basil & Alice have Penelope, Matilda, Imogen, Elliot, Oliver, and Winifred
DW: Alice Octavia Radcliffe {nee Gaskel}
DD1/DD2/DD3: Penelope Olive Radcliffe, Matilda Gwendolyn Radcliffe, and Imogen Florence Radcliffe
DS1: Elliot Miles Radcliffe
DS2: Oliver Jeremy Radcliffe
DD4: Winifred Lenore Radcliffe
Basil & Alice have Penelope, Matilda, Imogen, Elliot, Oliver, and Winifred
DH: Elliot Sterling Edgeworth
DW: Cecelia Margot {Bronte} Edgeworth
DD: Colette Octavia Edgeworth [triplet]
DD: Juliette Blythe Edgeworth [triplet]
DD: Odette Penelope Edgeworth [triplet]
DS: Phineas Dorian Edgeworth
DS: Sebastian Basil Edgeworth
DD: Matilda Gwendolyn Edgeworth
DW: Cecelia Margot {Bronte} Edgeworth
DD: Colette Octavia Edgeworth [triplet]
DD: Juliette Blythe Edgeworth [triplet]
DD: Odette Penelope Edgeworth [triplet]
DS: Phineas Dorian Edgeworth
DS: Sebastian Basil Edgeworth
DD: Matilda Gwendolyn Edgeworth
DH: Noah Alfred Radcliffe
DW: Winifred Lenore (Grand) Radcliffe "Winnie"
DD1/DD2/DD3: Alice Penelope Radcliffe / Gwendolyn Rowena Radcliffe / Matilda Margot Radcliffe
DS1: Oliver Sebastian Radcliffe
DS2: Phineas Elliot Radcliffe
DD4: Imogen Juliette Radcliffe
DW: Winifred Lenore (Grand) Radcliffe "Winnie"
DD1/DD2/DD3: Alice Penelope Radcliffe / Gwendolyn Rowena Radcliffe / Matilda Margot Radcliffe
DS1: Oliver Sebastian Radcliffe
DS2: Phineas Elliot Radcliffe
DD4: Imogen Juliette Radcliffe
DH: Garth Quentin Radcliffe
DW: Margot Alice {Austen} Radcliffe
DD: Juliette Corinne Radcliffe [triplet]
DD: Matilda Colette Radcliffe [triplet]
DD: Penelope Cecilia Radcliffe [triplet]
DS: Elliot Oliver Radcliffe
DS: Grant Sebastian Radcliffe
DD: Deirdre Eloise Radcliffe
DW: Margot Alice {Austen} Radcliffe
DD: Juliette Corinne Radcliffe [triplet]
DD: Matilda Colette Radcliffe [triplet]
DD: Penelope Cecilia Radcliffe [triplet]
DS: Elliot Oliver Radcliffe
DS: Grant Sebastian Radcliffe
DD: Deirdre Eloise Radcliffe
DH: Edgar Leonard Austen
DW: Alice Quinn (Bronte) Austen
DD1: Juliette Corinne Austen
DD2: Matilda Celeste Austen
DD3: Lenore Cecilia Austen
DS1: Nathaniel Noah Austen
DS2: Jacob Saul Austen
DD4: Dahlia Gwendolyn Austen
DW: Alice Quinn (Bronte) Austen
DD1: Juliette Corinne Austen
DD2: Matilda Celeste Austen
DD3: Lenore Cecilia Austen
DS1: Nathaniel Noah Austen
DS2: Jacob Saul Austen
DD4: Dahlia Gwendolyn Austen
DH: Jeremy Earnest Pasternak ♥ DW: Octavia Temperance [Woolworth] Pasternak
DD1: Alice Deirdre Pasternak [Rowena's and Cecelia's triplet]
DD2: Cecelia Dorothy Pasternak [Alice's and Rowena's triplet]
DD3: Rowena Colette Pasternak [Cecelia's and Alice's triplet]
DS1: Sebastian Augustine Pasternak
DS2: Nathaniel Basil Pasternak
DD4: Gwendolyn Corinne Pasternak
DD1: Alice Deirdre Pasternak [Rowena's and Cecelia's triplet]
DD2: Cecelia Dorothy Pasternak [Alice's and Rowena's triplet]
DD3: Rowena Colette Pasternak [Cecelia's and Alice's triplet]
DS1: Sebastian Augustine Pasternak
DS2: Nathaniel Basil Pasternak
DD4: Gwendolyn Corinne Pasternak
Ivan Sebastian ♥ Dahlia Harriet
Matilda Florence, Dorothy Sylvia & Alice Octavia
Leonard Basil
Oliver Claude
Emma Winifred