by Violetta (guest)
4/14/2006, 11:31 AM
LN: Bentley
DH- Which of the following do you like most/hate least?
Philip- Philip Parker
DW- Which of the following do you like most/ hate least?
Fionola- Frances Amelia
First Child's Gender- Do you like pineapple juice?
Yes: Girl
First Child's Name- Which have you read (if you read more than one, pick the one you liked best)?
Jane Eyre: Eleanor Jane "Ella"
Second child's Gender- How long is the longest book you read?
300 pages or more-boy
Second child's name-How old are you?
14-18: Matthias Ian "Matt"
Twins gender: What is your favorite primary color?
Blue: DD/DS
Twins Names: What is your favorite secondary color?
Green: Georgia Natalie "Georgie" / Nathaniel George
Fifth Child's Gender: How long have you been on BtN?
Less than a year: DS
Fifth Child's name: What color is your hair?
Brown: Charles Andrew
Triplets Gender: How many children do you have?
None: DD/DD/DD
Triplets Names: Which is your favorite last name?
Connely: Josephine Mary / Dahlia Rose / Adelaide Bridget
Cat's name: What continent do you live in?
N America: Cynthia
LN: Bentley
DH: Philip Parker
DW: Frances Amelia
DD: Eleanor Jane, "Ella"
DS: Matthias Ian "Matt"
DD/DS: Georgia Natalie, "Georgie" / Nathaniel George
DS: Charles Andrew
DD/DD/DD: Josephine Mary / Dahlia Rose / Adelaide Bridget