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Re: [July 5] ~ Name the family!
DH: Gianluca Marcellus Vitali
DW: Esther Immaculada {Bosch} VitaliDD: Gemma Bosch {Vitali} Patel
DD: Nadia Ines {Vitali} Levine
DS: Xavier Gianluca Vitali
DS: Marcellus Ramon Vitali*DD: Gemma Bosch {Vitali} Patel
DH: Alexander Amandeep PatelDS: Anish Gianluca Patel
DD: Noor Adelaide Patel
DD: Lila Esther Patel
DD: Mira Gemma Patel
DS: Rohan Marcellus Patel*DD: Nadia Ines {Vitali} Levine
DH: Abraham Yakov LevineDS: Ezra Gianluca Levine
DS: Oscar Abraham Levine
DD: Nessa Elisabeth Levine*DS: Xavier Gianluca Vitali
DW: Catarina Juliette {Rocha} VitaliDS: Jude Xavier Vitali
DD: Liv Juliette Vitali*DS: Marcellus Ramon Vitali
DH: Benjamin Frederick CrawfordDD: Matilda Zoe Vitali-Crawford
DS: Jackson Benjamin Vitali-Crawford
DD: Sophie Immaculada Vitali-Crawford
I would rather have a few small speed bumps slow me down,
causing me to spill my coffee on my dress,
than ever hand someone else the keys to my life.
Track Sixteen
Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately
Alicia Cook
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