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Re: KUY Trivia Congrats [Round 9]
in reply to a message by Ariel
H: Geoffrey Maxwell Attenborough
W: Jessica Elle [Good] AttenboroughD1: Hero Marianne [Attenborough] Gaiman
H: Levi York Gaiman
-DD: Vienna Margot Gaiman
-DD: Kadie Evelyn GaimanS1: Vaughn Maxwell Attenborough
W: Aubrey Philippa [Ewing] Attenborough
-DS: Samuel Josef Attenborough
-DS: Benjamin Martin Attenborough
-DD: Marie Catherine AttenboroughS2: Desmond Nathaniel AttenboroughD2: Carolina Shea [Attenborough] Calhoun
H: Michael Derek Calhoun
-DD: Violetta Meredith Calhoun
-DS: Wilford Franz Calhoun
S3: Micah Washington AttenboroughAnswer: Valerie
** Rhett, Judah, Elliot, Calvin **
*** Gillian, Emilia, Piper ***
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