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Royalty CAF
Everyone will have 2 middle name's enjoy! Feel free to put the 'LN Royal Family' in the subject if you like LN: Larson, Burton, Hanover, Cook, Da Ville, Meyer, Coleman, Brentwood, Bronson, Stenham, KensingtonKing: (80) Crawford, Gabriel, Isaac, Ashby, Cecil, Peregrine, Arlington, Curtis, IV
Queen: (74) Sophia, Florence, Chantal, Elizabeth, Adelia, Isadora, Adelia, Blaire, Isabella, Anne (MLN: Farrington, Dixon, Down)Prince: (56) Father's Name V
Princess: (52) Ophelia, Claudia, Frances, Marcella / Mother's Middle Names
Prince: (46) Quincy, Andreas, Callum, Nicholas, Davis, Lucas, Ralph, Jacob
Prince: (42) Liam, Henry, Montgomery, Robert, Orson, Thomas, Oliver, Albert
Princess: (39) Meredith, Cassandra, Daphne, Seraphina, Eloise, Calliope, Daisy, Delilah-------------------Prince: (56)
DW: (49) Lila, Diane, Claire, Rose, Jeanette, Priscila, Meredith, Claire (MLN: Rothchester, Lovell, Wilde)-DD: (23) Mother's Second Middle Name / Beatrice, Lilith, Arrabella, Daphena, Francine
-DH: (24) Jackson, Geoffrey, Felix, Cosmo, Lewis, Jack, Andre, Isadore (LN: Hagan, Paxton, Farewell)
--DS: (2) Father's Name II
--DD: (2 mo) Nora, Eleanor, Natalie, Penelope, Viven, Persephone, Jemma, Evelyn-DS: (20) Father's Name VI
-DW: (22) Audrey, Jane, Amelda, Chanel, Theodora, Josephina, Harriet, Rachel (MLN: Decker, Lytton, Bexley)
-DS: (nb) Father's Name VII-DD: (16) Evie, Tiffany, Fiona, Martha, Katherine, Jane, Annabelle, Blaire, Katrise
-DS: (13) Alexander, Xavier, Cornelius, Dixon, Maxwell, Hugo, Phillip, Jasper
-DS: (10) Hunter, Benjamin, Lawson, Rupert, Sebastian, Theodore, Harold, Barnaby-------------------Princess: (52)
DH: (54) Kenneth, Michael, Matthias, Callum, Edmund, Joseph, Hugh, Jacob (LN: Lynch, Garbert-Smith, Harrison)-DD: (30) Addison, Blanche, Justine, Arabelle, Evangeline, Vanessa, Ella, Layla
-DH: (31) Oscar, Harry, Adam, Chandler, Victor, Elliot, Charles, James (LN: Rothschild, Raven, Fitzgerald)
--DS: (9) Lucius, Nicholas, Zachary, Logan, Clark, Emerson, Humphery, Giles
--DD: (4) Lauren, Johanna, Louise, Lorelei, Georgeana, Kasey, Helena, Theodora
--DS: (2) Tristan, Isaac, Gideon, Brody, Leighton, Pierre, Otto, August-DS: (26) Daniel, Leonardo, Luca, Carter, Augustus, Carver, Nathaniel, Richard
-Dfiancee: (25) Adelia, Emeline, Adelea, Colleen, Muriel, Rosalie, Lucile, Mara (LN: Coombes, Damon, Crowles)-DD: (22) McKayla, Sophia, Hannah, Cathleen, Charlene, Nicolette, Vivienne, Harriet
-DD: (18) Elizabeth, Kate, Cheye, Olive, Emma, Elise, Veronica, Valerie-------------------Prince: (46)
DexW: (45) Jane, Esmeralda, Ellis, Freya, Camilla, Louisa, Fleur, Imogen (LN: Holloway, Shellford, Griffin)-DS: (23) George, Charlie, Roscoe, Lewis, Royce, Allan, Lawson, Felix
-DW: (21) Rosalind, Verity, Peri, Ellie, Vivian, Pearle, Lilith, Margaret (MLN: Godfrey, Exeter, Blakesley)
--DD: (exp) Great Grandmother's Full Name-DD: (19) Annelisse, Evelyn, Olympia, Eme, Ariana, Prudence, Felicity, Georgia
-DS: (16) Kent, Joel, Heath, Spencer, Oscar, Davis, Burgess, Rory-------------------Prince: (42)
DW: (39) Valerie, Diana, Isabelle, Clarice, Lora, Ruby, Gemma, Selena (MLN: Sinnet, Pennington, DeWitt)-DD: (16) Luciana, Phillipa, Lucille, Martha, Harper, Devina, Annette, Lisette
-DD: (13) Colleen, Clarissa, Vanessa, Breeann, Jane, Adelaide, Cordelia, Anne
-DS: (4) Father's Second Middle Name / Father's First Name / Grandfather's Name-------------------Princess: (39)
DH: (43) Johnathan, Franklin, Winston, Gabe, Phillip, Arthur, Bishop, Bartholomew (LN: Atwood, Filler, Farewell)-DS: (8) Father's Full Name II
-DS: (3) Wallace, William, Marcus, Preston, Spence, Johnathan, Claus, Marion
-DD: (nb) Matilda, Stephanie, Brittany, Amy, Eglantine, Charlene, Saskia, Ivene-------------------
“If we are born to die and we all die to live, then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?”
― Ronnie Radke"I am whatever I wish to be."
― OnisionCheck out my Names:

This message was edited 5/9/2018, 2:46 PM

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The Stenham LineageLN: StenhamKing: (80) Peregrine Arlington Isaac Stenham IV
Queen: (74) Florence Isadora Elizabeth Stenham, née DownPrince: (56) Peregrine Arlington Isaac Stenham V
Princess: (52) Ophelia Isadora Elizabeth Lynch, née Stenham
Prince: (46) Nicholas Callum Andreas Stenham
Prince: (42) Albert Montgomery Henry Stenham
Princess: (39) Cassandra Daisy Seraphina Filler, née Stenham-------------------Prince: (56) Peregrine Arlington Isaac Stenham V
DW: (49) Claire Diane Rose Stenham, née Rothchester-DD: (23) Rose Beatrice Francine Stenham
-DH: (24) Felix Cosmo Isadore Farewell I
--DS: (2) Felix Cosmo Isadore Farewell II
--DD: (2 mo) Jemma Penelope Nora Farewell-DS: (20) Peregrine Arlington Isaac Stenham VI

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King: Cecil Isaac Peregrine Kensington, IV (80)
Queen: Elizabeth Florence Adelia (Down) Kensington (74) Prince: Cecil Isaac Peregrine Kensington, V (56) Father's Name V
Princess: Ophelia Florence Adelia (Kensington) Garbert-Smith (52)
Prince: Nicholas Ralph Callum Kensington (46)
Prince: Thomas Albert Montgomery Kensington (42)
Princess: Seraphina Calliope Eloise (Kensington) Farewell (39) -------------------Prince: Cecil Isaac Peregrine Kensington, V (56)
DW: Priscila Diane Meredith (Wilde) Kensington (49) -DD: Meredith Daphena Beatrice (Kensington) Hagan (23)
-DH: Felix Geoffrey Cosmo Hagan (24)
--DS: Felix Geoffrey Cosmo Hagan, II (2)
--DD: Eleanor Persephone Vivien Hagan (2 mo) -DS: Cecil Isaac Peregrine Kensington, VI (20)

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King Gabriel Arlington Ashby Kensington IV (80)
Queen Chantal Isadora Sophia [Dixon] Kensington (74)Prince Gabriel Arlington Ashby Kensington V (56)
-DW - Lila Priscilla Rose [Lovell] Kensington (49)
-DD - Rose Lilith Francine [Kensington] Farewell (23)
--DH - Felix Geoffrey Isadore Farewell (24)
--DS - Felix Geoffrey Isadore II (2)
--DD - Natalie Persephone Evelyn (2 months)
-DS - Gabriel Arlington Ashby Kensington VI (20)
--DW - Rachel Jane Theodora [Decker] Kensington (22)
--DS - Gabriel Arlington Ashby VII (nb)
-DD - Fiona Annabelle Tiffany (16)
-DS - Hugo Alexander Phillip (13)
-DS - Harold Benjamin Rupert (10)Princess Ophelia Isadora Sophia [Kensington] Harrison (52)
-DH - Jacob Kenneth Edmund Harrison (54)
-DD - Layla Addison Evangeline [Harrison] Rothschild (30)
--DH - Oscar Charles Victor Rothschild (31)
--DS - Lucius Zachary Nicholas (9)
--DD - Helena Louise Johanna (4)
--DS - Gideon Tristan August (2)
-DS - Carver Augustus Nathaniel Harrison (26)
--Dfiancee - Rosalie Emmeline Mara Damon (25)
-DD - Sophia Hannah Vivienne (22)
-DD - Valerie Olive Elizabeth (18)Prince Nicholas Andreas Callum Kensington (46)
-Ex-DW - Louisa Jane Imogen Holloway (45)
-DS - Roscoe Allan George Kensington (23)
--DW - Margaret Verity Vivian [Godfrey] Kensington (21)
--DD - Chantal Isadora Sophia (Expecting)
-DD - Evelyn Felicity Ariana (19)
-DS - Heath Spencer Joel (16)Prince Orson Montgomery Albert Kensington (42)
-DW - Isabelle Selena Clarice [DeWitt] Kensington (39)
-DD - Philippa Annette Luciana (16)
-DD - Adelaide Cordelia Vanessa (13)
-DS - Albert Montgomery Gabriel (4)Princess Delilah Cassandra Eloise [Kensington] Atwood (39)
-DH - Jonathan Bartholomew Arthur Atwood (43)
-DS - Jonathan Bartholomew Arthur (8)
-DS - William Marion Preston (3)
-DD - Matilda Saskia Eglantine (nb)Ashby and Chantal Kensington - Gabe, Lia, Nico, Orson, and Lila Kensington.-Gabe and Lila Kensington - Rose, Arlo, Fiona, Hugo, and Harry Kensington.
--Rose and Felix Farewell - Geoff, and Natalie Farewell.
--Arlo and Rachel Kensington - Tony Kensington.-Lia and Jake Harrison - Layla, Carver, Sophia, and Valerie Harrison.
--Layla and Oscar Rothschild - Lucius, Helena, and Gideon Rothschild.
--Carver Harrison and Rosa Damon.-Nico and Louisa Kensington - Roscoe, Evie, and Heath Kensington.
--Roscoe and Meg Kensington - Chantal Kensington.-Orson and Belle Kensington - Pippa, Addy, and Bert Kensington.
-Lila and Jon Atwood - Jack, Liam, and Tilda Atwood.
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King [80] Peregrine Gabriel Ashby Da Ville, IV
Queen [74] Isadora Chantal Elizabeth {Farrington} Da VillePrince [56] Peregrine Gabriel Ashby Da Ville, V
Princess [52] Ophelia Chantal Elizabeth {Da Ville} Garbert-Smith
Prince [46] Nicholas Callum Jacob Da Ville
Prince [42] Oliver Montgomery Orson Da Ville
Princess [39] Daphne Cassandra Eloise {Da Ville} Farewell*Prince [56] Peregrine Gabriel Ashby Da Ville, V
DW [49] Claire Jeanette Meredith {Wilde} Da VilleDD [23] Meredith Beatrice Francine {Da Ville} Paxton
- DH [24] Lewis Andre Geoffrey Paxton
- DS [2] Lewis Andre Geoffrey Paxton, II
- DD [2m] Evelyn Penelope Eleanor PaxtonDS [20] Peregrine Gabriel Ashby Da Ville, VI
- DW [22] Theodora Harriet Chanel {Decker} Da Ville
- DS [nb] Peregrine Gabriel Ashby Da Ville, VIIDD [16] Jane Katherine Annabelle Da Ville
DS [13] Hugo Alexander Maxwell Da Ville
DS [10] Sebastian Rupert Barnaby Da Ville*Princess [52] Ophelia Chantal Elizabeth {Da Ville} Garbert-Smith
DH [54] Edmund Joseph Kenneth Garbert-SmithDD [30] Evangeline Justine Blanche {Garbert-Smith} Fitzgerald
- DH [31] Elliot Victor Charles Fitzgerald
- DS [9] Clark Emerson Lucius Fitzgerald
- DD [4] Helena Johanna Louise Fitzgerald
- DS [2] August Tristan Leighton FitzgeraldDS [26] Nathaniel Richard Carver Garbert-Smith
- Df [25] Mara Colleen Emeline CoombesDD [22] Vivienne Charlene Hannah Garbert-Smith
DD [18] Elizabeth Veronica Kate Garbert-Smith*Prince [46] Nicholas Callum Jacob Da Ville
exW [45] Camilla Esmeralda Fleur HollowayDS [23] George Allan Roscoe Da Ville
- DW [21] Peri Margaret Lilith {Exeter} Da Ville
- DD [exp] Isadora Chantal Elizabeth Da VilleDD [19] Felicity Annelisse Prudence Da Ville
DS [16] Spencer Burgess Kent Da Ville*Prince [42] Oliver Montgomery Orson Da Ville
DW [39] Gemma Diana Valerie {Sinnet} Da VilleDD [16] Phillipa Lisette Martha Da Ville
DD [13] Cordelia Adelaide Breeann Da Ville
DS [4] Orson Oliver Peregrine Da Ville*Princess [39] Daphne Cassandra Eloise {Da Ville} Farewell
DH [43] Arthur Bartholomew Johnathan FarewellDS [8] Arthur Bartholomew Johnathan Farewell, II
DS [3] William Preston Wallace Farewell
DD [nb] Matilda Ivene Saskia Farewell
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Cecil Gabriel Peregrine Larson IV
Elizabeth Anne Sophia Dixon LarsonCecil Gabriel Peregrine Larson V
Ophelia Anne Sophia Larson
Nicholas Quincy Lucas Larson
Henry Oliver Thomas Larson
Eloise Cassandra Delilah LarsonCecil and Lizzie Larson: Cecil, Ophelia, Nick, Hank, Eloise--
Cecil Gabriel Peregrine Larson V
Rose Priscila Meredith Rothchester LarsonMeredith Beatrice Francine Larson Hagan
- Felix Geoffrey Lewis Hagan
-- Felix Geoffrey Lewis Hagan II
-- Eleanor Evelyn Penelope HaganMeredith and Felix Hagan: Felix, EllaCecil Gabriel Peregrine Larson VI
- Theodora Josephina Jane Decker Larson
-- Cecil Gabriel Peregrine Larson VIICecil and Dora Larson: GabrielAnnabelle Katherine Fiona Larson
Xavier Phillip Alexander Larson
Benjamin Sebastian Theodore LarsonCecil and Rosie Larson: Meredith, Cecil, Annabelle, Xavier, Benjamin--
Ophelia Anne Sophia Larson Harrison
Joseph Michael Matthias HarrisonEvangeline Blanche Arabelle Harrison Raven
- Charles Elliot James Raven
-- Zachary Nicholas Emerson Raven
-- Helena Johanna Louise Raven
-- August Isaac Gideon RavenLina and Chuck Raven: Zack, Leni, AugustDaniel Augustus Richard Harrison
- Rosalie Emeline Mara CrowlesDan Harrison and Rosalie CrowlesSophia Vivienne Cathleen Harrison
Elise Olive Veronica HarrisonOphelia and Joseph Harrison: Lina, Dan, Sophia, Elise--
Nicholas Quincy Lucas Larson
Louisa Freya Camilla Shellford XFelix George Allan Larson
- Margaret Rosalind Pearle Godfrey Larson
-- Elizabeth Anne Sophia LarsonFelix and Peggie Larson: LibbieAriana Felicity Georgia Larson
Joel Oscar Heath LarsonNick Larson and Lulu Shellford: Felix, Ariana, Joel--
Henry Oliver Thomas Larson
Isabelle Diana Ruby Pennington LarsonDevina Lisette Luciana Larson
Adelaide Cordelia Jane Larson
Thomas Henry Cecil LarsonHank and Isabelle Larson: Devina, Adelaide, Thomas--
Eloise Cassandra Delilah Larson Filler
Arthur Phillip Franklin FillerArthur Phillip Franklin Filler II
William Marcus Preston Filler
Matilda Brittany Charlene FillerEloise and Arthur Filler: Art, Liam, Mattie
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King: (80) Cecil Peregrine Isaac Hanover, IV
Queen: (74) Sophia Isabella Florence Hanover (nee Farrington) Prince: (56) Cecil Peregrine Isaac V
Princess: (52) Ophelia Isabella Florence
Prince: (46) Quincy Nicholas Callum
Prince: (42) Henry Oliver Thomas
Princess: (39) Eloise Cassandra Meredith -------------------Prince: (56) Cecil Peregrine Isaac Hanover V
DW: (49) Rose Priscilla Claire Hanover (nee Wilde)-DD: (23) Claire Beatrice Francine Paxton (nee Hanover)
-DH: (24) Cosmo Jackson Lewis Paxton
--DS: (2) Cosmo Jackson Lewis Paxton II
--DD: (2 mo) Eleanor Jemma Penelope Paxton

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Kensington Royal FamilyKing: (80) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Kensington, IV
Queen: (74) Adelia Sophia Florence [Farrington] Kensington Prince: (56) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Kensington, V
Princess: (52) Ophelia Sophia Florence Kensington
Prince: (46) Lucas Callum Jacob Kensington
Prince: (42) Liam Oliver Thomas Kensington
Princess: (39) Delilah Eloise Calliope Kensington "Lilah"-------------------Prince: (56) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Kensington, V
DW: (49) Lila Claire Diane [Rothchester] Kensington DD: (23) Diane Lilith Arrabella [Kensington] Paxton
-DH: (24) Jack Isadore Felix Paxton, Sr.
--DS: (2) Jack Isadore Felix Paxton, II
--DD: (2 mo) Eleanor Natalie Persephone Paxton "Ellie"DS: (20) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Kensington VI
-DW: (22) Audrey Josephine Harriet [Bexley] Kensington
-DS: (nb) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Kensington VIIDD: (16) Evie Fiona Katherine Kensington
DS: (13) Hugo Jasper Phillip Kensington
DS: (10) Theodore Lawson Rupert Kensington "Theo"-------------------Princess: (52) Ophelia Sophia Florence [Kensington] Harrison
DH: (54) Hugh Edmund Joseph HarrisonDD: (30) Layla Addison Blanche [Harrison] Rothschild
-DH: (31) Adam Charles Chandler Rothschild
--DS: (9) Logan Zachary Emerson Rothschild
--DD: (4) Lauren Kasey Theodora Rothschild
--DS: (2) Leighton August Pierre RothschildDS: (26) Nathaniel Luca Augustus Harrison "Nate"
-Dfiancee: (25) Adelia Mara Rosalie CrowlesDD: (22) Sophia Hannah Vivienne Harrison
DD: (18) Emma Kate Olive Harrison-------------------Prince: (46) Lucas Callum Jacob Kensington
DexW: (45) Freya Imogen Camilla Shellford DS: (23) Charlie Felix Lawson Kensington
-DW: (21) Ellie Rosalind Margaret [Blakesley] Kensington
--DD: (exp) Adelia Sophia Florence Farrington KensingtonDD: (19) Georgia Olympia Ariana Kensington
DS: (16) Spencer Heath Joel Kensington-------------------Prince: (42) Liam Oliver Thomas Kensington
DW: (39) Gemma Ruby Diana [DeWitt] KensingtonDD: (16) Harper Philippa Lisette Kensington
DD: (13) Adelaide Vanessa Jane Kensington
DS: (4) Thomas Liam Gabriel Kensington "TOm"-------------------Princess: (39) Delilah Eloise Calliope [Kensington] Atwood "Lilah"
DH: (43) Phillip Winston Bartholomew Atwood, Sr.-DS: (8) Phillip Winston Bartholomew Atwood II
-DS: (3) Preston Marcus Spence Atwood
-DD: (nb) Matilda Eglantine Saskia Atwood
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LN: KensingtonKing: (80) Isaac Gabriel Peregrine, IV
Queen: (74) Isadora Blaire Elizabeth (MLN: Dixon)Prince: (56) Isaac Gabriel Peregrine, V
Princess: (52) Ophelia Blaire Elizabeth
Prince: (46)Callum Nicholas Jacob
Prince: (42) Liam Henry Oliver
Princess: (39) Seraphina Eloise Meredith-------------------Prince: (56)
DW: (49) Lila Meredith Claire (MLN: Rothchester)-DD: (23) Claire Lilith Arrabella
-DH: (24) Jackson Felix Cosmo (LN: Farewell)
--DS: (2) Jackson Felix Cosmo II
--DD: (2 mo) Nora Evelyn Persephone-DS: (20) Isaac Gabriel Peregrine, VI
-DW: (22) Audrey Theodora Jane (MLN: Decker)
-DS: (nb) Isaac Gabriel Peregrine, VII-DD: (16) Annabelle Katherine Fiona
-DS: (13) Maxwell Phillip Hugo
-DS: (10) Sebastian Theodore Hunter-------------------Princess: (52)
DH: (54) Michael Joseph Edmund (LN: Harrison)-DD: (30) Arabelle Evangeline Vanessa
-DH: (31) James Charles Elliot (LN: Fitzgerald)
--DS: (9) Zachary Nicholas Clark
--DD: (4) Lorelei Helena Johanna
--DS: (2) August Tristan Gideon-DS: (26) Luca Daniel Leonardo
-Dfiancee: (25) Rosalie Mara Colleen (LN: Crowles)-DD: (22) Vivienne Sophia Nicolette
-DD: (18) Valerie Kate Elise-------------------Prince: (46)
DexW: (45) Jane Imogen Fleur (LN: Holloway)-DS: (23) Charlie Allan George
-DW: (21) Lilith Margaret Rosalind (MLN: Exeter)
--DD: (exp) Isadora Blaire Elizabeth-DD: (19) Georgia Felicity Olympia
-DS: (16) Heath Oscar Kent-------------------Prince: (42)
DW: (39) Valerie Gemma Diana (MLN: Pennington)-DD: (16) Luciana Harper Annette
-DD: (13) Colleen Adelaide Anne
-DS: (4) Henry Liam Isaac-------------------Princess: (39)
DH: (43) Johnathan Arthur Winston (LN: Atwood)-DS: (8) Johnathan Arthur Winston II
-DS: (3) William Preston Marcus
-DD: (nb) Stephanie Matilda Saskia
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The Brentwood Royals
Gabriel Ashby Cecil (80) IV ♥ Sophia Florence Isabella "Sophy" (74) Gabriel Ashby Cecil V (56)
Ophelia Florence Isabella (52)
Andreas Ralph Lucas (46)
Montgomery "Oliver" Henry (42)
Calliope Daphne Seraphina (39) Gabriel & Sophy; Gabe, Ophelia, Andreas, Oliver, and Calliope
-------------------Gabriel Ashby Cecil (56) ♥ Lila Claire Rose (49)Claire Arrabella Daphena (23) ♥ Geoffrey Felix Lewis (24)
Geoffrey Felix Lewis "Frey" II (2)
Persephone Vivien Penelope (2 mo) Gabriel "Ashby" Cecil VI (20) ♥ Audrey Jane Harriet Theodora "Aude" (22)
Gabriel Ashby Cecil VI (nb) Father's Name VIIKatherine Annabelle Martha (16)
Hugo Jasper Alexander (13)
Rupert Sebastian Benjamin (10)

Gabe & Lila; Claire, Ashby, Katherine, Hugo, and RupertClaire & Georffrey; Frey and Persephone Ahsby & Aude; Gabriel
-------------------Ophelia Florence Isabella (52) ♥ Matthias Michael Jacob (54) Layla Addison Blanche (30) ♥ Charles Oscar Harry (31)
Lucius Humphrey Giles (9)
Georgeana Lorelei Helena (4)
Gideon Pierre Tristan (2) Luca Leonardo Daniel (26) ♥ Emeline Adelia Mara (25) Sophia Harriet Nicolette "Sophy" (22)
Olive Veronica Elise (18)
Ophelia & Matthias; Layla, Luca, Sophy, and OliveLayla & Charles; Lucius, Georgeana, and GideonLuca & Emeline
-------------------Andreas Ralph Lucas (46) X Freya Louisa Camilla (45) George Lewis Felix (23) ♥ Rosalind Verity Vivian (21)
Sophia Florence Isabella (exp) Felicity Georgia Olympia (19)
Oscar Joel Spencer (16)
Andreas & Freya; George, Felicity, and OscarGeorge & Rosalind; Sophia

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King: (80) Cecil Isaac Peregrine Hanover IV
Queen: (74) Sophia Elizabeth Anne FarringtonPrince: (56) Cecil Isaac Peregrine Hanover V
Princess: (52) Ophelia Elizabeth Anne Hanover
Prince: (46) Andreas Ralph Nicholas Hanover
Prince: (42) Albert Henry Thomas Hanover
Princess: (39) Daphne Cassandra Eloise Hanover-------------------Prince: (56) Cecil Isaac Peregrine Hanover V
DW: (49) Claire Lila Rose Wilde-DD: (23) Rose Lilith Beatrice Wilde
-DH: (24) Felix Cosmo Isadore Hagan
--DS: (2) Felix Cosmo Isadore Hagan II
--DD: (2 mo) Persephone Nora Eleanor Hagan-DS: (20) Cecil Isaac Peregrine Hanover VI
-DW: (22) Theodora Audrey Josephine Lytton
-DS: (nb) Cecil Isaac Peregrine Hanover VII-DD: (16) Annabelle Jane Martha Hanover
-DS: (13) Jasper Xavier Alexander Hanover
-DS: (10) Sebastian Rupert Theodore Hanover-------------------Princess: (52) Ophelia Elizabeth Anne Hanover
DH: (54) Joseph Edmund Matthias Lynch-DD: (30) Ella Blanche Justine Lynch
-DH: (31) James Charles Oscar Rotschild
--DS: (9) Lucius Logan Nicholas Rotschild
--DD: (4) Theodora Louise Helena Rotschild
--DS: (2) August Otto Gideon Rotschild-DS: (26) Richard Luca Nathaniel Lynch
-Dfiancee: (25) Adelia Muriel Lucile Coombes-DD: (22) Vivienne Sophia Harriet Lynch
-DD: (18) Veronica Olive Elizabeth Lynch-------------------Prince: (46) Andreas Ralph Nicholas Hanover
DexW: (45) Imogen Louisa Freya Griffin-DS: (23) Felix Royce Charlie Hanover
-DW: (21) Margaret Vivian Peri Godfrey
--DD: (exp) Sophia Elizabeth Anne Hanover-DD: (19) Olympia Georgia Felicity Hanover
-DS: (16) Oscar Rory Joel Hanover-------------------Prince: (42) Albert Henry Thomas Hanover
DW: (39) Gemma Isabelle Diana DeWitt-DD: (16) Phillipa Lucille Annette Hanover
-DD: (13) Adelaide Clarissa Anne Hanover
-DS: (4) Thomas Albert Cecil Hanover-------------------Princess: (39) Daphne Cassandra Eloise Hanover
DH: (43) Arthur Phillip Bartholomew Atwood-DS: (8) Arthur Phillip Bartholomew Atwood II
-DS: (3) Marcus Claus Marion Atwood
-DD: (nb) Saskia Matilda Amy Atwood-------------------
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LN: StenhamKing: (80) Isaac Peregrine Ashby Stenham IV
Queen: (74) Elizabeth Isadora Blaire (Farrington) StenhamPrince: (56) Isaac Peregrine Ashby Stenham V "Peregrine"
Princess: (52) Ophelia Isadora Blaire Stenham
Prince: (46) Lucas Callum Andreas Stenham
Prince: (42) Oliver Thomas Henry Stenham
Princess: (39) Cassandra Daphne Eloise Stenham-------------------Prince: (56) Isaac Peregrine Ashby Stenham V "Peregrine"
DW: (49) Claire Meredith Diane (Wilde) Stenham-DD: (23) Diane Arrabella Beatrice (Stenham) Farewell
-DH: (24) Felix Cosmo Isadore Farewell
--DS: (2) Felix Cosmo Isadore Farewell II "Isadore"
--DD: (2 mo) Penelope Jemma Eleanor Farewell -DS: (20) Isaac Peregrine Ashby Stenham VI
-DW: (22) Josephina Audrey Theodora (Decker) Stenham
-DS: (nb) Isaac Peregrine Ashby Stenham VII "Ashby"-DD: (16) Martha Katherine Blaire Stenham
-DS: (13) Alexander, Phillip Hugo Stenham
-DS: (10) Sebastian Benjamin Barnaby Stenham-------------------Princess: (52) Ophelia Isadora Blaire (Stenham) Lynch
DH: (54) Joseph Jacob Matthias Lynch-DD: (30) Evangeline Ella Blanche (Lynch) Fitzgerald
-DH: (31) Oscar Adam Charles Fitzgerald
--DS: (9) Emerson Nicholas Clark Fitzgerald
--DD: (4) Helena Louise Lorelei Fitzgerald "Lana"
--DS: (2) August Tristan Gideon Fitzgerald-DS: (26) Augustus Nathaniel Luca Lynch
-Dfiancee: (25) Rosalie Mara Emeline Crowles-DD: (22) Vivienne Harriet Sophia Lynch
-DD: (18) Veronica Cheye Elise Lynch-------------------Prince: (46) Lucas Callum Andreas Stenham
DexW: (45) Imogen Louisa Fleur (Shellford) Stenham-DS: (23) George Felix Roscoe Stenham
-DW: (21) Margaret Lilith Rosalind (Exeter) Stenham
--DD: (exp) Elizabeth Isadora Blaire Stenham "Beth"-DD: (19) Evelyn Felicity Ariana Stenham
-DS: (16) Joel Spencer Heath Stenham-------------------Prince: (42) Oliver Thomas Henry Stenham
DW: (39) Isabelle Diana Clarice (Sinnet) Stenham-DD: (16) Harper Devina Philippa Stenham
-DD: (13) Adelaide Cordelia Jane Stenham
-DS: (4) Henry Oliver Isaac Stenham -------------------Princess: (39) Cassandra Daphne Eloise (Stenham) Atwood
DH: (43) Franklin Arthur Bartholomew Atwood-DS: (8) Franklin Arthur Bartholomew Atwood II "Arthur"
-DS: (3) William Johnathan Claus Atwood
-DD: (nb) Matilda Saskia Charlene Atwood-------------------
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King Peregrine Arlington Crawford Da Ville, IV, 80
Queen Adelia Blaire Isadora Farrington, 74Prince Peregrine Arlington Crawford Da Ville, V, 56
Princess Marcella Blaire Isadora Da Ville, 52
Prince Quincy Davis Nicholas Da Ville, 46
Prince Montgomery Robert Orson Da Ville, 42
Princess Seraphina Calliope Delilah Da Ville, 39-------------------Prince Peregrine Arlington Crawford Da Ville, V, 56
Lila Meredith Rose Lovell, 49Rose Beatrice Daphena Da Ville, 23
Peregrine Arlington Crawford Da Ville, VI, 20
Katherine Blaire Katrise Da Ville, 16
Hugo Xavier Cornelius Da Ville, 13
Barnaby Harold Benjamin Da Ville, 10---- Rose Beatrice Daphena Da Ville, 23
- Cosmo Felix Isadore Farewell, 24
-- Cosmo Felix Isadore Farewell, II, 2
-- Jemma Persephone Vivien Farewell, 2 mo- Peregrine Arlington Crawford Da Ville, VI, 20
- Amelda Chanel Bexley, 22
-- Peregrine Arlington Crawford Da Ville, VII, nb-------------------Princess Marcella Blaire Isadora Da Ville, 52
Edmund Hugh Garbert-Smith, 54Justine Blanche Arabelle Garbert-Smith, 30
Daniel Richard Augustus Garbert-Smith, 26
Harriet Vivienne Sophia Garbert-Smith, 22
Valerie Olive Elizabeth Garbert-Smith, 18---- Justine Blanche Arabelle Garbert-Smith, 30
- Victor James Rothschild, 31
-- Humphrey Nicholas Rothschild, 9
-- Louise Georgeana Rothschild, 4
-- Otto Pierre Rothschild, 2-Daniel Richard Augustus Garbert-Smith, 26
- Mara Muriel Adelea Coombes, 25-------------------Prince Quincy Davis Nicholas Da Ville, 46
DexW: (45) Jane, Esmeralda, Ellis, Freya, Camilla, Louisa, Fleur, Imogen (LN: Holloway, Shellford, Griffin)-DS: (23) George, Charlie, Roscoe, Lewis, Royce, Allan, Lawson, Felix
-DW: (21) Rosalind, Verity, Peri, Ellie, Vivian, Pearle, Lilith, Margaret (MLN: Godfrey, Exeter, Blakesley)
--DD: (exp) Great Grandmother's Full Name-DD: (19) Annelisse, Evelyn, Olympia, Eme, Ariana, Prudence, Felicity, Georgia
-DS: (16) Kent, Joel, Heath, Spencer, Oscar, Davis, Burgess, Rory-------------------Prince Montgomery Robert Orson Da Ville, 42

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LN: HanoverKing: (80) Peregrine Cecil Gabriel IV, House of Hanover
Queen: (74) Isadora Florence Elizabeth, House of FarringtonPrince: (56) Peregrine Cecil Gabriel V, House of Hanover, Heir Apparent
Princess: (52) Claudia Florence Elizabeth Lynch
Prince: (46) Andreas Quincy Jacob, House of Hanover
Prince: (42) Henry Robert Montgomery, House of Hanover
Princess: (39) Delilah Eloise Seraphina, Princess of Farewell-------------------Prince: (56) Peregrine Cecil Gabriel V, House of Hanover, Heir Apparent
DW: (49) Claire Priscila Rose, House of Lovell-DD: (23) Priscila Beatrice Francine
-DH: (24) Andre Felix Geoffrey, House of Farewell
--DS: (2) Andre Felix Geoffrey II
--DD: (2 mo) Jemma Eleanor Persephone-DS: (20) Peregrine Cecil Gabriel VI
-DW: (22) Josephina Harriet Amelda Bexley
--DS: (nb) Peregrine Cecil Gabriel VII-DD: (16) Katrise Fiona Annabelle
-DS: (13) Maxwell Hugo Cornelius
-DS: (10) Rupert Theodore Lawson-------------------Princess: (52) Claudia Florence Elizabeth Lynch
DH: (54) Edmund Matthias Joseph Lynch-DD: (30) Evangeline Vanessa Blanche Lynch-Rothschild
-DH: (31) Oscar Charles Victor Rothschild
--DS: (9) Nicholas Logan Clark Rothschild
--DD: (4) Lauren Johanna Louise Rothschild
--DS: (2) Brody August Pierre Rothschild-DS: (26) Augustus Carter Nathaniel Lynch
-Dfiancee: (25) Rosalie Adelea Colleen Crowles-DD: (22) Vivienne Sophia Charlene Lynch
-DD: (18) Olive Elizabeth Veronica Lynch-------------------Prince: (46) Andreas Quincy Jacob, House of Hanover
DexW: (45) Camilla Fleur Esmeralda, House of Shellford-DS: (23) George Allan Felix
-DW: (21) Rosalind Margaret Pearle, House of Exeter
--DD: (exp) Isadora Florence Elizabeth-DD: (19) Evelyn Olympia Prudence
-DS: (16) Davis Joel Spencer-------------------Prince: (42) Henry Robert Montgomery, House of Hanover
DW: (39) Ruby Isabelle Clarice Sinnet-DD: (16) Luciana Harper Devina
-DD: (13) Adelaide Cordelia Jane
-DS: (4) Montgomery Henry Peregrine-------------------Princess: (39) Delilah Eloise Seraphina, Princess of Farewell
DH: (43) Arthur Winston Phillip, Prince of Farewell-DS: (8) Arthur Winston Phillip II
-DS: (3) Claus William Johnathan
-DD: (nb) Saskia Ivene Matilda
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LN: HanoverKing: (80) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Hanover IV
Queen: (74) Isadora Sophia Anne Farrington HanoverPrince: (56) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Hanover V
Princess: (52) Claudia Sophia Anne Hanover
Prince: (46) Jacob Callum Andreas Hanover
Prince: (42) Henry Liam Oliver Hanover
Princess: (39) Eloise Meredith Cassandra Hanover-------------------Prince: (56) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Hanover V
DW: (49) Lila Rose Claire Wilde-DD: (23) Claire Beatrice Francine Hanover
-DH: (24) Jack Felix Andre Farewell
--DS: (2) Jack Felix Andre Farewell II
--DD: (2 mo) Jemma Vivien Natalie Farewell-DS: (20) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Hanover VI
-DW: (22) Jane Audrey Theodora Bexley
-DS: (nb) Gabriel Isaac Ashby Hanover VII-DD: (16) Fiona Jane Katherine Hanover
-DS: (13) Jasper Maxwell Philip Hanover
-DS: (10) Benjamin Theodore Hunter Hanover-------------------Princess: (52) Claudia Sophia Anne Hanover
DH: (54) Joseph Jacob Edmund Harrison-DD: (30) Evangeline Layla Blanche "Evie" Harrison
-DH: (31) Adam James Chandler Rothschild
--DS: (9) Logan Emerson Clark Rothschild
--DD: (4) Helena Theodora Louise Rothschild
--DS: (2) Gideon Isaac Brody Rothschild-DS: (26) Daniel Richard Carter Harrison
-Dfiancee: (25) Emeline Mara Lucil Damon-DD: (22) Harriet Vivienne Nicolette "Hattie" Harrison
-DD: (18) Kate Veronica Elise Harrison-------------------Prince: (46) Jacob Callum Andreas Hanover
DexW: (45) Jane Louisa Fleur Holloway-DS: (23) Felix Lawson Roscoe Hanover
-DW: (21) Rosalind Margaret Verity Blakesley
--DD: (exp) Isadora Sophia Anne Hanover -DD: (19) Georgia Olympia Evelyn Hanover
-DS: (16)Spencer Davis Kent Hanover-------------------Prince: (42) Henry Liam Oliver Hanover
DW: (39) Selena Ruby Isabelle Pennington-DD: (16) Lisette Phillipa Luciana Hanover
-DD: (13) Jane Cordelia Adelaide Hanover
-DS: (4) Liam Henry Gabriel Hanover-------------------Princess: (39) Eloise Meredith Cassandra Hanover
DH: (43) Winston Arthur Bishop Atwood-DS: (8) Winston Arthur Bishop Atwood II
-DS: (3) Wallace Marcu William Atwood
-DD: (nb) Matilda Amy Charlene Atwood-------------------
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The House of BrentwoodKing: (80) Peregrine Gabriel Crawford Brentwood, IV
Queen: (74) Anne Isadora Adelia Farrington BrentwoodPrince: (56) Peregrine Gabriel Crawford Brentwood, V
Princess: (52) Claudia Isadora Adelia Brentwood
Prince: (46) Nicholas Jacob Quincy Brentwood
Prince: (42) Henry Orson Albert Brentwood
Princess: (39) Eloise Seraphina Cassandra Brentwood-------------------Prince: (56) Peregrine Gabriel Crawford Brentwood, V
DW: (49) Claire Meredith Diane Wilde Brentwood-DD: (23) Diane Beatrice Francine Brentwood Farewell
-DH: (24) Lewis Andre Felix Farewell
--DS: (2) Lewis Andre Felix Farewell II
--DD: (2 mo) Eleanor Jemma Penelope Farewell-DS: (20) Peregrine Gabriel Crawford Brentwood, VI
-DW: (22) Rachel Jane Harriet Lytton Brentwood
-DS: (nb) Peregrine Gabriel Crawford Brentwood, VII-DD: (16) Fiona Katherine Jane Brentwood
-DS: (13) Hugo Alexander Phillip Brentwood
-DS: (10) Theodore Sebastian Rupert Brentwood "Teddy"-------------------Princess:(52) Claudia Isadora Adelia Brentwood Garbert-Smith
DH: (54) Matthias Edmund Joseph Garbert-Smith-DD: (30) Vanessa Justine Arabelle Garbert-Smith Rothschild
-DH: (31) Adam James Elliot Rothschild
--DS: (9) Clark Emerson Nicholas Rothschild
--DD: (4) Helena Lorelei Johanna Rothschild
--DS: (2) August Gideon Pierre Rothschild-DS: (26) Nathaniel Richard Augustus Garbert-Smith
-Dfiancee: (25) Rosalie Emeline Mara Crowles-DD: (22) Vivienne Sophia Charlene Garbert-Smith
-DD: (18) Veronica Emma Elizabeth Garbert-Smith-------------------Prince: (46) Nicholas Jacob Quincy Brentwood
DexW: (45) Imogen Camilla Jane Holloway-DS: (23) Allan George Felix Brentwood
-DW: (21) Margaret Vivian Pearle Blakesley Brentwood
--DD: (exp) Anne Isadora Adelia Brentwood II "Dora"-DD: (19) Felicity Ariana Evelyn Brentwood
-DS: (16) Spencer Joel Burgess Brentwood-------------------Prince: (42) Henry Orson Albert Brentwood
DW: (39) Ruby Isabelle Diana DeWitt Brentwood-DD: (16) Martha Annette Lucille Brentwood
-DD: (13) Anne Cordelia Adelaide Brentwood "Cordelia"
-DS: (4) Orson Henry Peregrine Brentwood-------------------Princess: (39) Eloise Seraphina Cassandra Brentwood Atwood
DH: (43) Winston Phillip Arthur Atwood-DS: (8) Winston Phillip Arthur Atwood II
-DS: (3) Preston Wallace Marion Atwood
-DD: (nb) Matilda Stephanie Eglantine Atwood
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King [80] Gabriel Crawford Peregrine Hanover, IV
Queen [74] Isadora Elizabeth Blaire Farrington HanoverPrince [56] Gabriel Crawford Peregrine Hanover, V
Princess [52] Ophelia Elizabeth Blaire Hanover Lynch
Prince [46] Lucas Quincy Nicholas Hanover
Prince [42] Montgomery Albert Henry Hanover
Princess [39] Daphne Meredith Eloise Hanover Atwood*Prince [56] Gabriel Crawford Peregrine Hanover, V
DW [49] Jeanette Diane Rose Lovell HanoverDD [23] Rose Beatrice Lilith Hanover Hagan
— DH [24] Felix Lewis Jack Hagan, I
— DS [2] Felix Lewis Jack Hagan, II
— DD [2m] Penelope Jemma Eleanor HaganDS [20] Gabriel Crawford Peregrine Hanover, VI
— DW [22] Theodora Audrey Harriet Decker Hanover
— DS [nb] Gabriel Crawford Peregrine Hanover, VIIDD [16] Annabelle Fiona Blaire Hanover
DS [12] Alexander Dixon Xavier Hanover
DS [10] Sebastian Rupert Hunter Hanover*Princess [52] Ophelia Elizabeth Blaire Hanover Lynch
DH [54] Callum Michael Joseph LynchDD [30] Justine Evangeline Vanessa Lynch Raven
— DH [31] Chandler Elliot James Raven
— DS [9] Emerson Zachary Giles Raven
— DD [4] Johanna Louise Lauren Raven
— DS [2] Leighton Otto August RavenDS [26] Nathaniel Richard Daniel Lynch
— Df [25] Colleen Rosalie Mara Damon DD [22] Charlene Hannah Vivienne Lynch
DD [18] Valerie Veronica Kate Lynch*Prince [46] Lucas Quincy Nicholas Hanover
exDW [45] Freya Louisa Jane Holloway HanoverDS [23] Lawson George Felix Hanover
— DW [21] Pearle Rosalind Lilith Blakesley Hanover
— DD [exp] Isadora Elizabeth Blaire HanoverDD [19] Esme Evelyn Georgia Hanover
DS [16] Spencer Joel Heath Hanover*Prince [42] Montgomery Albert Henry Hanover
DW [39] Ruby Isabelle Selena Sinnet HanoverDD [16] Harper Devina Lisette Hanover
DD [13] Adelaide Breeann Clarissa Hanover
DS [4] Henry Montgomery Gabriel Hanover*Princess [39] Daphne Meredith Eloise Hanover Atwood
DH [43] Winston Phillip Arthur Atwood, IDS [8] Winston Phillip Arthur Atwood, II
DS [3] Wallace Marcus Preston Atwood
DD [nb] Matilda Stephanie Ivene Atwood
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King: (80) Gabriel Isaac Cecil Kensington, IV
Queen: (74) Sophia Elizabeth Anne (Dixon) KensingtonPrince: (56) Gabriel Isaac Cecil Kensington, V "Gabe"
Princess: (52) Frances Elizabeth Anne (Kensington) Garbert-Smith "Fran"
Prince: (46) Nicholas Jacob Ralph Kensington "Nick"
Prince: (42) Thomas Henry Oliver Kensington
Princess: (39) Seraphina Eloise Meredith (Kensington) Atwood "Sarah"-------------------Prince: (56) Gabriel Isaac Cecil Kensington, V "Gabe"
DW: (49) Rose Diane Lila (Rothchester) Kensington-DD: (23) Lila Beatrice Francine (Kensington) Hagan
-DH: (24) Geoffrey Andre Lewis Hagan "Geoff"
--DS: (2) Geoffrey Andre Lewis Hagan, II "Lewis"
--DD: (2 mo) Eleanor Natalie Vivien, Hagan "Nora"-DS: (20) Gabriel Isaac Cecil Kensington, VI "Isaac"-DW: (22) Audrey Josephina Rachel (Decker) Kensington
-DS: (nb) Gabriel Isaac Cecil Kensington, VII "Zac"-DD: (16) Jane Fiona Katherine Kensington "Jenna"
-DS: (13) Alexander Phillip Maxwell Kensington "Alex"
-DS: (10) Theodore Benjamin Sebastian Kensington "Teddy"-------------------Princess: (52) Frances Elizabeth Anne (Kensington) Garbert-Smith
DH: (54) Michael Hugh Callum Garbert-Smith-DD: (30) Layla Vanessa Arabelle (Garbert-Smith) Rothschild
-DH: (31) Adam Victor Charles Rothschild
--DS: (9) Clark Nicholas Humphrey Rothschild
--DD: (4) Johanna Helena Louise Rothschild
--DS: (2) Gideon August Tristan Rothschild-DS: (26) Daniel Augustus Richard Garbert-Smith
-Dfiancee: (25) Mara Rosalie Lucile Damon-DD: (22) Hannah Sophia Vivienne Garbert-Smith
-DD: (18) Veronica Elizabeth Kate Garbert-Smith-------------------Prince: (46) Nicholas Jacob Ralph Kensington
DexW: (45) Camilla Louisa Fleur Holloway-DS: (23) Lewis Allan George Kensington
-DW: (21) Rosalind Margaret Pearle (Blakesley) Kensington
--DD: (exp) Sophia Elizabeth Anne Kensington-DD: (19) Evelyn Olympia Felicity Kensington
-DS: (16) Spencer Joel Heath Kensington-------------------Prince: (42) Thomas Henry Oliver Kensington
DW: (39) Lora Isabelle Diana (DeWitt) Kensington-DD: (16) Luciana Phillipa Harper Kensington
-DD: (13) Adelaide Vanessa Anne Kensington
-DS: (4) Oliver Thomas Gabriel Kensington-------------------Princess: (39) Seraphina Eloise Meredith (Kensington) Atwood
DH: (43) Arthur Franklin Bishop Atwood-DS: (8) Arthur Franklin Bishop Atwood, II
-DS: (3) Johnathan William Marcus Atwood
-DD: (nb) Matilda Stephanie Saskia Atwood

This message was edited 5/9/2018, 7:52 PM

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Da Ville Royal FamilyLN: Larson, Burton, Hanover, Cook, Da Ville, Meyer, Coleman, Brentwood, Bronson, Stenham, KensingtonKing: (80) Cecil Arlington Isaac Da Ville IV
Queen: (74) Florence Isadora Anne (Farrington) Da Ville Prince: (56) Cecil Arlington Isaac Da Ville V
Princess: (52) Ophelia Isadora Anne (Da Ville) Garbert-Smith
Prince: (46) Nicholas Jacob Quincy Da Ville
Prince: (42) Montgomery Osron Thomas Da Ville
Princess: (39) Calliope Daphne Seraphina (Da Ville) Atwood -------------------Prince: (56) Cecil Arlington Isaac Da Ville V
DW: (49) Meredith Clair Diane (WildeO Da Ville -DD: (23) Diane Arrabella Beatrice (Da Ville) Farewell
-DH: (24) Cosmo Andre Jackson Farewell
--DS: (2) Cosmo Andre Jackson Farewell II
--DD: (2 mo) Viven Evelyn Natalie Farewell -DS: (20) Cecil Arlington Isaac Da Ville VI
-DW: (22) Theodora Harriet Jane (Decker) Da Ville
-DS: (nb) Cecil Arlington Isaac Da Ville VII -DD: (16) Katherine Annabelle Tiffany Da Ville
-DS: (13) Cornelius Hugo Phillip Da Ville
-DS: (10) Lawson Sebastian Theodore Da Ville-------------------Princess: (52) Ophelia Isadora Anne (Da Ville) Garbert-Smith
DH: (54) Michael Edmund Hugh Garbert-Smith -DD: (30) Justine Blanche Evangeline (Garber-Smith) Raven
-DH: (31) Chandler Elliot Oscar Raven
--DS: (9) Emerson Lucius Zachary Raven
--DD: (4) Lorelei Kasey Theodora Raven
--DS: (2) August Pierre Gideon Raven -DS: (26) Luca Carver Nathaniel Garbert-Smith
-Dfiancee: (25) Lucile Adelia Muriel Damon -DD: (22) Nicolette Sophia Cathleen Garbert-Smith
-DD: (18) Valerie Cheye Emma Garbert-Smith-------------------Prince: (46) Nicholas Jacob Quincy Da Ville
DexW: (45) Esmeralda Louisa Imogen (Holloway) Da Ville -DS: (23) Roscoe Charlie Felix Da Ville
-DW: (21) Verity Lilith Pearle (Godfrey) Da Ville
--DD: (exp) Florence Isadora Anne Da Ville -DD: (19) Olympie Felicity Airana Da Ville
-DS: (16) Davis Spencer Burgess Da Ville-------------------

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King: (80) Cecil Peregrine Ashby Hanover IV
Queen: (74) Florence Adelia Sophia Farrington Prince: (56) Cecil Peregrine Ashby Hanover V
Princess: (52) Marcella Adelia Sophia Hanover
Prince: (46) Andreas Callum Quincy Hanover
Prince: (42) Orson Oliver Montgomery Hanover
Princess: (39) Seraphina Daphne Eloise Hanover -------------------Prince: (56) Cecil Peregrine Ashby Hanover V
DW: (49) Rosa Lila Jeanette Lovell -DD: (23) Jeanette Beatrice Lilith Hanover
-DH: (24) Cosmo Isadore Felix Hagan
--DS: (2) Cosmo Isadore Felix Hagan
--DD: (2 mo) Persephone Vivien Eleanor Hagan -DS: (20) Cecil Peregrine Ashby Hanover VI
-DW: (22) Theodora Harriet Jane Lytton
-DS: (nb) Cecil Peregrine Ashby Hanover VII-DD: (16) Martha Katherine Fiona Hanover
-DS: (13) Hugo Jasper Cornelius Hanover
-DS: (10) Barnaby Rupert Harold Hanover -------------------Princess: (52) Marcella Adelia Sophia Hanover
DH: (54) Matthias Edmund Hugh Garbert-Smith -DD: (30) Evangeline Arabelle Blanche Garbert-Smith
-DH: (31) Oscar Elliot James Rothschild
--DS: (9) Humphrey Lucius Emerson Rothschild
--DD: (4) Helena Johanna Lorelei Rothschild
--DS: (2) Tristan Isaac Otto Rothschild -DS: (26) Augustus Leonardo Richard Garbert-Smith
-Dfiancee: (25) Lucile Muriel Emeline Damon -DD: (22) Vivienne Sophia Harriet Garbert-Smith
-DD: (18) Veronica Olive Elizabeth Garbert-Smith -------------------Prince: (46) Andreas Callum Quincy Hanover
DexW: (45) Jane Imogen Louisa Holloway -DS: (23) Roscoe Allan Felix Hanover
-DW: (21) Verity Margaret Rosalind Blakesley
--DD: (exp) Florence Adelia Sophie Hanover -DD: (19) Olympia Evelyn Georgia Hanover
-DS: (16) Burgess Rory Oscar Hanover -------------------Prince: (42) Orson Oliver Montgomery Hanover
DW: (39) Clarice Isabelle Diana DeWitt -DD: (16) Luciana Philippa Martha Hanover
-DD: (13) Cordelia Adelaide Clarissa Hanover
-DS: (4) Montgomery Orson Cecil Hanover -------------------Princess: (39) Seraphina Daphne Eloise Hanover
DH: (43) Bartholomew Winston Arthur Atwood -DS: (8) Bartholomew Winston Arthur "Bart" Atwood II
-DS: (3) Wallace Marion William Atwood
-DD: (nb) Eglantine Matilda Saskia Atwood
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