Re: CAF 5
in reply to a message by arieleden
DH - Flynn Maximilian Reilly Sr. [91]
DW - Eve Natalia {Kerr} Reilly [89]
DS1 - Flynn Maximilian Reilly Jr. [68]
-Ex-DW - Rebecca Gabriella Conrad [68]
-Ex-DW - Julia Bethany Peck [66]
-DW - Freya Charlotte {Winters} Reilly [61]
-DD - Aurora Seren {Reilly} Howe [51]
--DH - Ezra Nathaniel Howe [54]
--DD - Luna Savannah [18]
-DD - Lyla Ariana Reilly [49]
--Ex-DH - Alfred Patrick Donovan [50]
--DD - Isobel Alexandra Donovan [25]
---Dfiance- Joel Aiden Bridges [27]
--DS - Jasper Dominic Donovan [23]
---DW - Niamh Orla {Kent} Donovan [23]
---DD - Eloise Lydia [3]
---DD - Sarah Beatrice [nb]
--DD - Darcy Victoria [19]
-DS - Maximilian Flynn Reilly [46]
--DW - Mila Heidi {Carr} Reilly [43]
--DD - Violet Maria [17]
--DS - Felix Connor Reilly [15]
---Dgf - Summer Rose Pennington [15]
---DS - Seth Ellis [Expecting]
--DS - Roman Callum [12]
-DD - Annabelle Harriet Reilly [45]
--DW - Hannah Abigail Frost [41]
--AS - Jackson Frederick [7]
--DD - Emilia Jasmine [2]
-DD - Elizabeth Willow {Reilly} Meadows [43]
--DH - Ryan Elliot Meadows [41]
--DS - Blake Gabriel [16]
--DS - Jude Stanley [14]
--DD - Layla Imogen [11]
--DD - Sienna Evelyn [7]
-DD - Grace Isabelle {Reilly} Duffy [39]
--DH - Hugo Reuben Duffy [38]
--DD - Poppy Isabella [8]
--DS - Jayden Elijah [5]
-DS - Adam Zachary Reilly [37]
--Ex-DFiancee - Jessica Emily Monroe [37]
--DW - Nicole Aoife {Sloan} Reilly [32]
--DS - Sebastian Arthur [18]
--DS - Benjamin Lucas [16]
--DD - Liliana Nicole [6 months]
-DS - Isaac Alexander Reilly [34]
--DW - Lauren Madeleine {Gillespie} Reilly [32]
--DS - Henry Joshua [7]
--DS - Oscar William [5]
--DS - Jason George [2]
DD1 - Esther Annabel {Reilly} Fitzpatrick [67]
-DH - Tristan Oakley Fitzpatrick [69]
-DS - Grayson Eric Fitzpatrick [47]
--DW - Ada Lucia {Rasmussen} Fitzpatrick [45]
--DD - Alyssa April {Fitzpatrick} Holloway [23]
---DH - Peter Wilfred Holloway [28]
---DD/DD - Ella-Rose Tabitha & Beatrix Amira [5 months]
--DS - Jensen Elias [21]
--DS - Marcus Leighton [18]
--DD - Nadia Georgina [16]
--DS - Xavier Brandon [13]
-DD - Hazel Jennifer {Fitzpatrick} Boone [45]
--Ex-DH - Chase Christian Gould [46]
--DH - Francis Dominik Boone [42]
--DD - Yasmin Alana [21]
--DS - Marcel Rohan [19]
--DD - Lila Josephine [15]
--DS - Adrian Martin [13]
--DD - Talia Anastasia [10]
--DS - Rufus Victor [3]
-DS - Rafael Leonard Fitzpatrick [42]
--DW - Cara Eliana {Hardin} Fitzpatrick [38]
--DS - Kieran Malachi [12]
--DD - Faye Arianna [11]
--DD - Fleur Primrose [8]
--DS - Julian Travis [6]
-DD - Antonia Melody Fitzpatrick [40]
--Dbf - Idris Nicolas Anthony [41]
-DS - Asher Sean Paul Fitzpatrick [37]
--DW - Margot Vanessa Haas [32]
--DD - Diana Evangeline [3]
--DD - Audrey Helena [Expecting]
DS2 - Levi Spencer Reilly Sr. [65]
-DW - Miriam Samantha {McFarland} Reilly [65]
-DS - Levi Spencer Reilly Jr. [46]
--DW - Philippa Aurelia {Irwin} Reilly [39]
--DD - Tallulah Valentina [14]
--DS - Rafferty Solomon [12]
--DD - Annabella Verity [7]
-DS - Damian Hector Reilly [44]
--DW - Rosalie Anais {Hernandez} Reilly [45]
--DD - Dorothy Kaitlyn Reilly [22]
---Dbf - Bodhi Douglas Gilmore [24]
--DD - Erica Sapphire Reilly [22]
---Dbf - Enzo Philip Levine [26]
---DS - Wyatt Bentley [2]
---DD - Alina Harmony [Expecting]
--DS - Archer Tomas [17]
--DD - Casey Skyler [14]
--DD - Iona Stephanie [11]
-DD - Lilia Ellen {Reilly} Beasley [42]
--DH - Simon Benedict Beasley [42]
--DS - Luka Timothy [13]
--DS - Niall Stefan [9]
-DD - Stella Paisley {Reilly} Harding [42]
--Ex-Dbf - Axel Lachlan Farley [42]
--DH - Noel Ashley Harding [41]
--DD - Wren Emmeline Farley [24]
---Dgf - Joanna Natasha Cantrell [27]
--DD - River Jade [13]
--DS - Ronan Henley [11]
--DD - Quinn Serena [8]
--DS - Heath Brayden [3]
-DD - Brooklyn Daniella Reilly [38]
--Dbf - Diego Bruno Pace [40]
-DD - Daria Everly Reilly [36]
--Dfiance - Hamish Cillian O'Neal [35]
-DS - Magnus Deacon Reilly [33]
--DW - Jenna Ruth {Shea} Reilly [31]
--DD - Kara Danielle [5]
--DD - Leia Camilla [3]
--DS - Maxim Antonio [nb]
DS3 - Rupert Anthony Reilly [62]
-DW - Angelina Karina {Flowers} Reilly [61]
-DS - Dean Marco Reilly [33]
--DW - Bianca Salma {Riggs} Reilly [33]
--DD - Tamara Margaret [4]
--DD - Renee Brianna [1]
DS4 - Aidan Nicholas Reilly [62]
-DW - Nova Astrid {Whitney} Reilly [58]
-DS - Zane Edison Reilly [36]
--DW - Sabrina Hermione {Osborne} Reilly [34]
--DS - Lucian Jakob [9]
--DD - Veronica Saoirse [7]
--DS - Edwin Mitchell [4]
--DS - Dante Abraham [2]
-DD - Elin Octavia [34]
-DD - Rhea Angela Reilly [31]
--Dbf - Orson Cassius Duke [35]
--DS - Colby Maddox [Expecting]
-DD - Juno Kendall [27]
DS5 - Milo Christopher Reilly [59]
-Ex-DW - Adele Greta Snider [60]
-DW - Tessa Sylvia {Winter} Reilly [47]
-DS - Andre Ian Reilly [38]
--DW - Saskia Kelsey {Costa} Reilly [35]
--DD - Alma Carmen [9]
--DS/DD - Jonas Clayton & Roxanne Maeve [8]
--DS - Devon Emil [4]
-DD - Noa Karolina {Reilly} Vogel [37]
--DH - Lee Shane Vogel [37]
--DS - Byron Kingsley [7]
--DD - Cecily Saffron [3]
-DD - Thalia Roisin Reilly [34]
--Dfiance - Dalton Atticus McClain [33]
-DWsDD - Caroline Antonina Winter [25]
--Dfiance - Israel Lennox Faulkner [28]
--DD - Winter Morgan [8 months]
-DS - Rico Kasper [16]
-DD - Sky Deborah [12]
DD2 - Autumn Hope {Reilly} Lange [56]
-DH - Keaton Orlando Lange [54]
-DD - Andrea Leona Lange [31]
--Ex-Dbf - Nolan Judah Maloney [32]
--DS - Warren Leland [10]
--DD - Chiara Amalie [8]
-DD - Heather Keziah {Lange} Guthrie [30]
--DH - Nathanael Emerson Guthrie [34]
--DD - Avery Selena [5]
--DD - Soraya Sinead [2]
--DS - Orion Addison [Expecting]
-DD - Xanthe Evelina Lange [28]
--Dgf - Marta Helen Mercer [28]
-DS - Brogan Harper Lange [25]
--Dgf - Shelby Mathilda Knox [23]
--DD - Lavinia Allegra [nb]
-DS - Antony Winston [23]
Flynn and Eve Reilly - Max, Esther, Levi, Rupert & Aidan, Milo, and Autumn Reilly.
-Max and Becca Reilly - Rory, and Lyla Reilly.
--Rory and Ezra Howe - Luna Howe.
--Lyla and Alfie Donovan - Isobel, Jasper, and Darcy Donovan.
---Isobel Donovan and Joel Bridges.
---Jasper and Niamh Donovan - Eloise, and Sarah Donovan.
-Max and Julia Reilly - Flynn, Annie, and Beth Reilly.
--Flynn and Mila Reilly - Violet, Felix, and Roman Reilly.
---Felix Reilly and Summer Rose Pennington - Seth Reilly.
--Annie Reilly and Hannah Frost - Jackson, and Emilia Frost.
--Beth and Ryan Meadows - Blake, Jude, Layla, and Sienna Meadows.
-Max and Freya Reilly - Grace, Adam, and Isaac Reilly.
--Grace and Hugo Duffy - Poppy, and Jayden Duffy.
--Adam Reilly and Jess Monroe - Seb, and Benji Monroe.
--Adam and Nicole Reilly - Lily Reilly.
--Isaac and Lauren Reilly - Henry, Oscar, and Jason Reilly.
-Esther and Tristan Fitzpatrick - Gray, Hazel, Rafael, Toni, and Asher Fitzpatrick.
--Gray and Ada Fitzpatrick - Alyssa, Jensen, Marc, Nadia, and Xavier Fitzpatrick.
---Alyssa and Peter Holloway - Ella-Rose & Beatrix Holloway.
--Hazel and Chase Gould - Yasmin, and Marcel Gould.
--Hazel and Francis Boone - Lila, Adrian, Tali, and Rufus Boone.
--Rafael and Cara Fitzpatrick - Kieran, Faye, Fleur, and Julian Fitzpatrick.
--Toni Fitzpatrick and Idris Anthony.
--Asher and Margot Haas - Diana, and Audrey Haas.
-Levi and Miri Reilly - Spencer, Damian, Lilia & Stella, Brooklyn, Daria, and Magnus Reilly.
--Spencer and Pippa Reilly - Tally, Raf, and Bella Reilly.
--Damian and Rosa Reilly - Dot & Erica, Archer, Casey, and Iona Reilly.
---Dot Reilly and Bodhi Gilmore.
---Erica Reilly and Enzo Levine - Wyatt, and Alina Levine-Reilly.
--Lilia and Simon Beasley - Luka, and Niall Beasley.
--Stella Reilly and Axel Farley - Wren Farley.
---Wren Farley and Jo Cantrell.
--Stella and Noel Harding - River, Ronan, Quinn, and Heath Harding.
--Brooklyn Reilly and Diego Pace.
--Daria Reilly and Hamish O'Neal.
--Magnus and Jenna Reilly - Kara, Leia, and Maxim Reilly.
-Rupert and Angie Reilly - Dean Reilly.
--Dean and Bianca Reilly - Tamara, and Renee Reilly.
-Aidan and Nova Reilly - Zane, Elin, Rhea, and Juno Reilly.
--Zane and Sabrina Reilly - Lucian, Veronica, Edwin, and Dante Reilly.
--Rhea Reilly and Orson Duke - Colby Duke.
-Milo and Adele Reilly - Andre, Noa, and Thalia Reilly.
--Andre and Saskia Reilly - Alma, Jonas & Roxy, and Devon Reilly.
--Noa and Lee Vogel - Byron, and Cecily Vogel.
--Thalia Reilly and Dalton McClain.
-Tessa Winter - Carrie Winter.
--Carrie Winter and Israel Faulkner - Winter Faulkner.
-Milo and Tessa Reilly - Rico, and Sky Reilly.
-Autumn and Keaton Lange - Andrea, Heather, Xanthe, Brogan, and Antony Lange.
--Andrea Lange and Nolan Maloney - Warren, and Chiara Lange.
--Heather and Nate Guthrie - Avery, Soraya, and Orion Guthrie.
--Xanthe Lange and Marta Mercer.
--Brogan Lange and Shelby Knox - Lavinia Lange.
DW - Eve Natalia {Kerr} Reilly [89]
DS1 - Flynn Maximilian Reilly Jr. [68]
-Ex-DW - Rebecca Gabriella Conrad [68]
-Ex-DW - Julia Bethany Peck [66]
-DW - Freya Charlotte {Winters} Reilly [61]
-DD - Aurora Seren {Reilly} Howe [51]
--DH - Ezra Nathaniel Howe [54]
--DD - Luna Savannah [18]
-DD - Lyla Ariana Reilly [49]
--Ex-DH - Alfred Patrick Donovan [50]
--DD - Isobel Alexandra Donovan [25]
---Dfiance- Joel Aiden Bridges [27]
--DS - Jasper Dominic Donovan [23]
---DW - Niamh Orla {Kent} Donovan [23]
---DD - Eloise Lydia [3]
---DD - Sarah Beatrice [nb]
--DD - Darcy Victoria [19]
-DS - Maximilian Flynn Reilly [46]
--DW - Mila Heidi {Carr} Reilly [43]
--DD - Violet Maria [17]
--DS - Felix Connor Reilly [15]
---Dgf - Summer Rose Pennington [15]
---DS - Seth Ellis [Expecting]
--DS - Roman Callum [12]
-DD - Annabelle Harriet Reilly [45]
--DW - Hannah Abigail Frost [41]
--AS - Jackson Frederick [7]
--DD - Emilia Jasmine [2]
-DD - Elizabeth Willow {Reilly} Meadows [43]
--DH - Ryan Elliot Meadows [41]
--DS - Blake Gabriel [16]
--DS - Jude Stanley [14]
--DD - Layla Imogen [11]
--DD - Sienna Evelyn [7]
-DD - Grace Isabelle {Reilly} Duffy [39]
--DH - Hugo Reuben Duffy [38]
--DD - Poppy Isabella [8]
--DS - Jayden Elijah [5]
-DS - Adam Zachary Reilly [37]
--Ex-DFiancee - Jessica Emily Monroe [37]
--DW - Nicole Aoife {Sloan} Reilly [32]
--DS - Sebastian Arthur [18]
--DS - Benjamin Lucas [16]
--DD - Liliana Nicole [6 months]
-DS - Isaac Alexander Reilly [34]
--DW - Lauren Madeleine {Gillespie} Reilly [32]
--DS - Henry Joshua [7]
--DS - Oscar William [5]
--DS - Jason George [2]
DD1 - Esther Annabel {Reilly} Fitzpatrick [67]
-DH - Tristan Oakley Fitzpatrick [69]
-DS - Grayson Eric Fitzpatrick [47]
--DW - Ada Lucia {Rasmussen} Fitzpatrick [45]
--DD - Alyssa April {Fitzpatrick} Holloway [23]
---DH - Peter Wilfred Holloway [28]
---DD/DD - Ella-Rose Tabitha & Beatrix Amira [5 months]
--DS - Jensen Elias [21]
--DS - Marcus Leighton [18]
--DD - Nadia Georgina [16]
--DS - Xavier Brandon [13]
-DD - Hazel Jennifer {Fitzpatrick} Boone [45]
--Ex-DH - Chase Christian Gould [46]
--DH - Francis Dominik Boone [42]
--DD - Yasmin Alana [21]
--DS - Marcel Rohan [19]
--DD - Lila Josephine [15]
--DS - Adrian Martin [13]
--DD - Talia Anastasia [10]
--DS - Rufus Victor [3]
-DS - Rafael Leonard Fitzpatrick [42]
--DW - Cara Eliana {Hardin} Fitzpatrick [38]
--DS - Kieran Malachi [12]
--DD - Faye Arianna [11]
--DD - Fleur Primrose [8]
--DS - Julian Travis [6]
-DD - Antonia Melody Fitzpatrick [40]
--Dbf - Idris Nicolas Anthony [41]
-DS - Asher Sean Paul Fitzpatrick [37]
--DW - Margot Vanessa Haas [32]
--DD - Diana Evangeline [3]
--DD - Audrey Helena [Expecting]
DS2 - Levi Spencer Reilly Sr. [65]
-DW - Miriam Samantha {McFarland} Reilly [65]
-DS - Levi Spencer Reilly Jr. [46]
--DW - Philippa Aurelia {Irwin} Reilly [39]
--DD - Tallulah Valentina [14]
--DS - Rafferty Solomon [12]
--DD - Annabella Verity [7]
-DS - Damian Hector Reilly [44]
--DW - Rosalie Anais {Hernandez} Reilly [45]
--DD - Dorothy Kaitlyn Reilly [22]
---Dbf - Bodhi Douglas Gilmore [24]
--DD - Erica Sapphire Reilly [22]
---Dbf - Enzo Philip Levine [26]
---DS - Wyatt Bentley [2]
---DD - Alina Harmony [Expecting]
--DS - Archer Tomas [17]
--DD - Casey Skyler [14]
--DD - Iona Stephanie [11]
-DD - Lilia Ellen {Reilly} Beasley [42]
--DH - Simon Benedict Beasley [42]
--DS - Luka Timothy [13]
--DS - Niall Stefan [9]
-DD - Stella Paisley {Reilly} Harding [42]
--Ex-Dbf - Axel Lachlan Farley [42]
--DH - Noel Ashley Harding [41]
--DD - Wren Emmeline Farley [24]
---Dgf - Joanna Natasha Cantrell [27]
--DD - River Jade [13]
--DS - Ronan Henley [11]
--DD - Quinn Serena [8]
--DS - Heath Brayden [3]
-DD - Brooklyn Daniella Reilly [38]
--Dbf - Diego Bruno Pace [40]
-DD - Daria Everly Reilly [36]
--Dfiance - Hamish Cillian O'Neal [35]
-DS - Magnus Deacon Reilly [33]
--DW - Jenna Ruth {Shea} Reilly [31]
--DD - Kara Danielle [5]
--DD - Leia Camilla [3]
--DS - Maxim Antonio [nb]
DS3 - Rupert Anthony Reilly [62]
-DW - Angelina Karina {Flowers} Reilly [61]
-DS - Dean Marco Reilly [33]
--DW - Bianca Salma {Riggs} Reilly [33]
--DD - Tamara Margaret [4]
--DD - Renee Brianna [1]
DS4 - Aidan Nicholas Reilly [62]
-DW - Nova Astrid {Whitney} Reilly [58]
-DS - Zane Edison Reilly [36]
--DW - Sabrina Hermione {Osborne} Reilly [34]
--DS - Lucian Jakob [9]
--DD - Veronica Saoirse [7]
--DS - Edwin Mitchell [4]
--DS - Dante Abraham [2]
-DD - Elin Octavia [34]
-DD - Rhea Angela Reilly [31]
--Dbf - Orson Cassius Duke [35]
--DS - Colby Maddox [Expecting]
-DD - Juno Kendall [27]
DS5 - Milo Christopher Reilly [59]
-Ex-DW - Adele Greta Snider [60]
-DW - Tessa Sylvia {Winter} Reilly [47]
-DS - Andre Ian Reilly [38]
--DW - Saskia Kelsey {Costa} Reilly [35]
--DD - Alma Carmen [9]
--DS/DD - Jonas Clayton & Roxanne Maeve [8]
--DS - Devon Emil [4]
-DD - Noa Karolina {Reilly} Vogel [37]
--DH - Lee Shane Vogel [37]
--DS - Byron Kingsley [7]
--DD - Cecily Saffron [3]
-DD - Thalia Roisin Reilly [34]
--Dfiance - Dalton Atticus McClain [33]
-DWsDD - Caroline Antonina Winter [25]
--Dfiance - Israel Lennox Faulkner [28]
--DD - Winter Morgan [8 months]
-DS - Rico Kasper [16]
-DD - Sky Deborah [12]
DD2 - Autumn Hope {Reilly} Lange [56]
-DH - Keaton Orlando Lange [54]
-DD - Andrea Leona Lange [31]
--Ex-Dbf - Nolan Judah Maloney [32]
--DS - Warren Leland [10]
--DD - Chiara Amalie [8]
-DD - Heather Keziah {Lange} Guthrie [30]
--DH - Nathanael Emerson Guthrie [34]
--DD - Avery Selena [5]
--DD - Soraya Sinead [2]
--DS - Orion Addison [Expecting]
-DD - Xanthe Evelina Lange [28]
--Dgf - Marta Helen Mercer [28]
-DS - Brogan Harper Lange [25]
--Dgf - Shelby Mathilda Knox [23]
--DD - Lavinia Allegra [nb]
-DS - Antony Winston [23]
Flynn and Eve Reilly - Max, Esther, Levi, Rupert & Aidan, Milo, and Autumn Reilly.
-Max and Becca Reilly - Rory, and Lyla Reilly.
--Rory and Ezra Howe - Luna Howe.
--Lyla and Alfie Donovan - Isobel, Jasper, and Darcy Donovan.
---Isobel Donovan and Joel Bridges.
---Jasper and Niamh Donovan - Eloise, and Sarah Donovan.
-Max and Julia Reilly - Flynn, Annie, and Beth Reilly.
--Flynn and Mila Reilly - Violet, Felix, and Roman Reilly.
---Felix Reilly and Summer Rose Pennington - Seth Reilly.
--Annie Reilly and Hannah Frost - Jackson, and Emilia Frost.
--Beth and Ryan Meadows - Blake, Jude, Layla, and Sienna Meadows.
-Max and Freya Reilly - Grace, Adam, and Isaac Reilly.
--Grace and Hugo Duffy - Poppy, and Jayden Duffy.
--Adam Reilly and Jess Monroe - Seb, and Benji Monroe.
--Adam and Nicole Reilly - Lily Reilly.
--Isaac and Lauren Reilly - Henry, Oscar, and Jason Reilly.
-Esther and Tristan Fitzpatrick - Gray, Hazel, Rafael, Toni, and Asher Fitzpatrick.
--Gray and Ada Fitzpatrick - Alyssa, Jensen, Marc, Nadia, and Xavier Fitzpatrick.
---Alyssa and Peter Holloway - Ella-Rose & Beatrix Holloway.
--Hazel and Chase Gould - Yasmin, and Marcel Gould.
--Hazel and Francis Boone - Lila, Adrian, Tali, and Rufus Boone.
--Rafael and Cara Fitzpatrick - Kieran, Faye, Fleur, and Julian Fitzpatrick.
--Toni Fitzpatrick and Idris Anthony.
--Asher and Margot Haas - Diana, and Audrey Haas.
-Levi and Miri Reilly - Spencer, Damian, Lilia & Stella, Brooklyn, Daria, and Magnus Reilly.
--Spencer and Pippa Reilly - Tally, Raf, and Bella Reilly.
--Damian and Rosa Reilly - Dot & Erica, Archer, Casey, and Iona Reilly.
---Dot Reilly and Bodhi Gilmore.
---Erica Reilly and Enzo Levine - Wyatt, and Alina Levine-Reilly.
--Lilia and Simon Beasley - Luka, and Niall Beasley.
--Stella Reilly and Axel Farley - Wren Farley.
---Wren Farley and Jo Cantrell.
--Stella and Noel Harding - River, Ronan, Quinn, and Heath Harding.
--Brooklyn Reilly and Diego Pace.
--Daria Reilly and Hamish O'Neal.
--Magnus and Jenna Reilly - Kara, Leia, and Maxim Reilly.
-Rupert and Angie Reilly - Dean Reilly.
--Dean and Bianca Reilly - Tamara, and Renee Reilly.
-Aidan and Nova Reilly - Zane, Elin, Rhea, and Juno Reilly.
--Zane and Sabrina Reilly - Lucian, Veronica, Edwin, and Dante Reilly.
--Rhea Reilly and Orson Duke - Colby Duke.
-Milo and Adele Reilly - Andre, Noa, and Thalia Reilly.
--Andre and Saskia Reilly - Alma, Jonas & Roxy, and Devon Reilly.
--Noa and Lee Vogel - Byron, and Cecily Vogel.
--Thalia Reilly and Dalton McClain.
-Tessa Winter - Carrie Winter.
--Carrie Winter and Israel Faulkner - Winter Faulkner.
-Milo and Tessa Reilly - Rico, and Sky Reilly.
-Autumn and Keaton Lange - Andrea, Heather, Xanthe, Brogan, and Antony Lange.
--Andrea Lange and Nolan Maloney - Warren, and Chiara Lange.
--Heather and Nate Guthrie - Avery, Soraya, and Orion Guthrie.
--Xanthe Lange and Marta Mercer.
--Brogan Lange and Shelby Knox - Lavinia Lange.