Re: CAF 6
in reply to a message by arieleden
DH [76] Brian John Hexwood
DW [72] Carlie Montana {Turpin} Hexwood
DD [47] Madison Zoe {Hexwood} Blewett
DS [45] Christopher Wyatt Hexwood
DD [41] Grace Ashley {Hexwood} Stoneback
DS [38] Donovan Edward Hexwood
DD [47] Madison Zoe {Hexwood} Blewett
DH [55] Cameron Thomas Blewett
DD [24] Kayley Annette Blewett
— Df [26] David Spencer Miller
— DD [exp] Shana Mercedes Miller
DS [21] Jordan Lane Blewett
DS [19] Ashton Jude Blewett
DD [16] Celina Hope Blewett
DS [15] Gavin Peter Blewett
DS [45] Christopher Wyatt Hexwood
DW [42] Alexis Amber {Chase} Hexwood
DS [20] Ethan Michael Hexwood
DD [17] Hannah Taylor Hexwood
DD [15] Sydney Selena Hexwood
DD [41] Grace Ashley {Hexwood} Stoneback
DH [50] Leland Tyler Stoneback
DD [24] Jessica Chanelle {Stoneback} Arington
— DH [29] Jason Trevor Arington
— DS [2] Cai Alan Arington
— DS [nb] Cody Leo Arington
DD [15] Katelyn Emily Stoneback
DS [13] Thomas Floyd Stoneback
DS [38] Donovan Edward Hexwood
DW [34] Amanda Breana {Storey} Hexwood
DS [10] Michael Matthew Hexwood
DS [10] Marcus Dylan Hexwood
DS [9] Pierce Ronald Hexwood
DS [8] Bradley Nicholas Hexwood
DS [7] Blake Landon Hexwood
DD [6] Brooklynn Dianna Hexwood
DS [4] Elijah Chase Hexwood
DS [4] Joshua Joseph Hexwood
I would rather have a few small speed bumps slow me down,
causing me to spill my coffee on my dress,
than ever hand someone else the keys to my life.
Track Sixteen
Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately
Alicia Cook
DW [72] Carlie Montana {Turpin} Hexwood
DD [47] Madison Zoe {Hexwood} Blewett
DS [45] Christopher Wyatt Hexwood
DD [41] Grace Ashley {Hexwood} Stoneback
DS [38] Donovan Edward Hexwood
DD [47] Madison Zoe {Hexwood} Blewett
DH [55] Cameron Thomas Blewett
DD [24] Kayley Annette Blewett
— Df [26] David Spencer Miller
— DD [exp] Shana Mercedes Miller
DS [21] Jordan Lane Blewett
DS [19] Ashton Jude Blewett
DD [16] Celina Hope Blewett
DS [15] Gavin Peter Blewett
DS [45] Christopher Wyatt Hexwood
DW [42] Alexis Amber {Chase} Hexwood
DS [20] Ethan Michael Hexwood
DD [17] Hannah Taylor Hexwood
DD [15] Sydney Selena Hexwood
DD [41] Grace Ashley {Hexwood} Stoneback
DH [50] Leland Tyler Stoneback
DD [24] Jessica Chanelle {Stoneback} Arington
— DH [29] Jason Trevor Arington
— DS [2] Cai Alan Arington
— DS [nb] Cody Leo Arington
DD [15] Katelyn Emily Stoneback
DS [13] Thomas Floyd Stoneback
DS [38] Donovan Edward Hexwood
DW [34] Amanda Breana {Storey} Hexwood
DS [10] Michael Matthew Hexwood
DS [10] Marcus Dylan Hexwood
DS [9] Pierce Ronald Hexwood
DS [8] Bradley Nicholas Hexwood
DS [7] Blake Landon Hexwood
DD [6] Brooklynn Dianna Hexwood
DS [4] Elijah Chase Hexwood
DS [4] Joshua Joseph Hexwood
causing me to spill my coffee on my dress,
than ever hand someone else the keys to my life.
Track Sixteen
Stuff I've Been Feeling Lately
Alicia Cook