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in reply to a message by Ariel
Even though I got landmined a few times lolTeacher: Mr. Nicholas James Ogden
Asst. Teacher: Mrs. Evelyn Jessica HowellStudents:
Andrew Carter Cole
Sergio Isidro Colon
Corinna Micaiah Flack
Lilian Calista Flores
Valeria Claribel Gomez
Emma Lieselot Hartmann
Floella Rexanne Henderson
Bridger Anselm Henry
Paxton Messiah Ingram
Anwar Tyrel Jackson
Devin Tate Jacobs
Olivia-Kate Johnston
Shonda Monique Joyner
Wallace Roderick Kelly
Eden Layla Martin
Noah Sebastian Miller
Nadia Ambra Morello
Hanna Matilda Nystrom
Joaquin Matheo Perez
Olivia Jane Potts
Trinity Mazarine Snow
Bianca Celestina Torino
Brady Lance Tuttle
Ethan Michael Wells
Rumina Querella Williams~~~~~
Please rate my PNLs!
Top girls: Amelia, Lydia, Heather
Top boys: Jason, Alexander, Julian
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