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Re: Fantasy KUY Congrats - Round 5
in reply to a message by Kaesy
SO1: Rosamund Eluned
SO2: Alberic Owain
DS: Yvain Ignatius
--DW: Hecate Angharad
--DS: Altair Brennus (Falcon)
DS: Leander Hartwin
--DW: Ianthe Fionnuala
--DD: Morwenna Iris
DD: Branwen Aenor (twin of Casimir)
--DH: Roben Marcelet
--DD: Galiena Onoria
DS: Casimir Sigmund (twin of Branwen)
--DH: Uther Goldhawk
DD: Raven Gaea
DD: Mira Bellaflor
-Match considered unusual
-Mysterious visitor comes
-The city is attacked (someone is after the visitor --Yvain was injured in the attack and has to walk with a cane)
-Someone meets a mystical being or creature (the visitor is actually a mystical creature)
-Hecate is a childhood friend (also a witch which is why Altair also has a secret name)
-Uther is royalty from a distant land Extra notes:
-Yvain and Hecate are both seen as somewhat odd (lame + witch) but wise.
-Leander and Ianthe are attractive fairly high-maintenance but their "deeper" sides come out eventually after [some plot hook] happens

This message was edited 10/30/2017, 7:56 PM

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