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Re: Fantasy KUY Congrats - Round 5
in reply to a message by Kaesy
SO1: Leda Eluned (56)
SO2: Regulus Morin (59)-DD1: Hesperia Accorsa (29)
-SO: Aulus Trystan (33)
--DS1: Jasper Kosmas (6)
--DD1: Signy Galiena (2)-DS1: Artos Clarin (26)
-SO: Elissa Sapphira (28)
--DS1: Lucan Alexandros (1)-DS2: Amant Maxim (22, twin to Bastiaen)
-SO: Ari Roben (24)-DS3: Bastiaen Livy (22, twin to Amant)
-SO: Caelia Amabel (22)-DD2: Rossa Eirene (19)
-DD3: Lucrece Mira (18)Leda & Regulus: Hesperia, Artos, Amant & Bastiaen, Rossa, Lucrece
- Hesperia & Aulus: Jasper, Signy
- Artos & Elissa: Lucan
- Amant & Ari
- Bastiaen & CaeliaRaven, CityI hope you have a lovely day :)
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